Chapter 10

They all light leaped to a secure location before heading towards the meeting place. They didn't want to be followed and the group was pretty large. It consists of Clara, Galor, Emmett, Avery, Philip, Maddox, Katryn, Annabelle and Eva. Galor stood behind Clara as it was the best way to protect her. Sachell wasn't joining because there was enough protect from her guard and overprotective friends and sibling.

"Alright it isn't much farther ahead. Let me remind you, especially you Galor, once we have passed this point technically you are now criminals, " Eva looked at everyone and everyone nodded.

"I am not letting my charge get out of my sight even if it means committing treason. This world has already done her wrong and she's been here so little, " Galor looked at Clara and set one of his big hands on her shoulder. He was entering before her and she was to keep a hand on his wrist. So that's what she did and the entered the meeting place.

There must have been over a hundred of people there. "Hello Clara and her friends and family, I am Sylvie. I am now the temporary leader here, " she smiled as she shook Clara's hand. Sylvie basically ignored the others beside quickly mentioning them.

"Hello Sylvie. I didn't realize there would be this many people here. There must be almost every ability in this room, " Clara looked at everyone and she noticed everyone was staring at her. She somewhat hid behind Galor, he was big enough to block everyone.

"Yes well there is more than what's here. Some people can't always slip away from their roles in life, " Sylvie smiles and looks at everyone. "Don't stare at Clara. We have to discuss when Clara will take the leadership and who will help while she does her destiny and such."

"You know my destiny too? Why am I the only one who doesn't know?" Clara was quite angry at this point. No one was telling her what her destiny was.

"Only I know in this whole group. You'll be told on your fifteenth birthday. That's what I was told anyways, " Sylvie smiles and goes and sits at the table which faces everyone. There was a second seat and lots open at the front table. Clara went to sit that the table that faced Sylvie and shook her head. "You sit up here Clara. You can have someone sit next to you and we will get a chair up here."

"Uh I wouldn't mind Emmett sitting up there with me, " Clara stood up and Emmett did as well. "I can still talk to both of you easier anyways, " she sent to Avery and Philip and they both nodded.

They headed up and Galor was standing behind them. He had his hand on his weapon just incase. Eva brought another chair and they sat down together. Clara created a channel to everyone in her group including Galor. That was quite weird for her. "We can talk here. I am keeping control because they can't get into the conversation without me knowing."

"You aren't as strong Clara. Save your strength, " Maddox communicated. "Philip and Avery can hold one strong too. "

"I know when someone tries to intercept though. Don't worry Maddox I know my limits even with the ring, " Clara smiled and looked over at Sylvie. "So I would like to know this group and what this world is all about before I take over being leader. I turn fourteen soon so maybe fifteen is too early to start?" Clara was speaking and her voice carried easy which surprised her.

"Well I wouldn't want to keep this group from you. We can all help you adjust into the position and we will create a panel to help you make decisions. In the end your word is final though, " as Sylvie spoke lots of heads nodded in agreement. So when she was fifteen she learned her true destiny and had to instruct a group against the council. It was just a little over a year away. She turned fourteen in two months.

"What if I am not how you guys think I will be? That can happen, " Clara felt so weird having a conversation with one person but over a hundred are listening. Someone was amplifying their voices because she tried to whisper but that didn't work. "I don't know how I feel about this, " she sent to everyone and she felt Galor stand a little closer and Emmett set his hand on hers.

"Well the group will become whatever you please but you are what is to change this world Clara. If you like it or not you have two destinies to fulfill or maybe even more, " Sylvie smiled and looked out at everyone. "This is not the only thing we have to talk about. We have many new people wishing to join and Eva has thought they would be good. All are affected by what happened to Clara."

"Shouldn't we hold up our end of the deal and get Clara to surpass the power of the ring before we talk about them joining, " someone spoke up. Whoever was amplifying everyone's voice was strong.

"Whose amplifying the voices?" Emmett asked their small group and looked around. Annabelle was holding someone's hand off to the side. "It's the one whose holding Annabelle's hand. She is enhancing him, smart."

"Okay well that solves one question. I wish I was at my full ability power. Maybe I could open up everyone's outer thoughts, " Clara was still smiling and trying to keep up with both conversations.

"Do you have any other abilities that need help or just the three? " Sylvie asked and nodded at someone in the crowd.

"No I only have three Sylvie. Thank you so much for helping me, " Clara smiled. She was good at lying but an empath was being enhanced and she sensed that too late.

"Don't lie Clara. You have a fourth ability and that's what the council is scared of, " Sylvie was no longer smiling big.

"It's a small one that is fine how it is. I don't need help with it so it's okay. I just need my main abilities to be back up to full ability, " Clara smiled and looked at the empath being enhanced. He nodded, and she had fooled him easily. Emmett told her only empaths can't lie, their heart missed a few beats. It's anywhere from two to five missed.

"Oh alright. Let's get started then. We will use our two best enhancers for you," Sylvie stood and offered Clara a hand and she took it. Don't want to make anything look bad but she can't control her unknown ability with one enhancer how would she manage with two.

"Maybe let's try one first. Too much could overwhelm my inflicting and it would hit everyone but my friends and family, " Clara had a serious look. Not a lie, she can control it somewhat thanks to Brento and that first lesson but it wouldn't be good if she knocked out so many.

"I guess that does make sense. Annabelle come enhance Clara, " Sylvie stepped aside.

If Clara was to be enhanced her communication channel needed to be closed off from her. "Maddox I don't exactly know what your ability is or if anyone can keep my unknown ability invisible that would be really helpful, " then she closed it off from herself. It was still open but her mind wasn't connected so she wouldn't hear anything. "Alright let's give this a try. What ability are we gonna do first?"

"I want you to connect as many people into a telepathic communication link. The highest anyone has done is thirteen and enhanced I believe forty. I want you to try at least twenty for now, " Sylvie was challenging Clara to show her true abilities power. She was down for the challenge but would only do so much.

She cut the communication link with her friends and family and opened a much larger one. She was enhanced and it was about thirty before she stopped. Being enhanced gave her a clarity she had never felt. It was almost scary at the sense of clarity and the power she felt. One of hers had suppressed her fourth ability well. If she hadn't know about it, it would seem as though there was only three abilities. "I think I have thirty in it but I didn't put you in it."

"I can feel that you didn't. Whoever is in it please stand up, " Sylvie began to count and smiled greatly as she counted to thirty. She turned back to Clara and smiled. "Let's see what two can do. Mason grab her other hand and go for it. Not all at once though, Annabelle you ease back too."

Mason grabbed her hand and she opened the channel easily to another five at first and then she felt more clarity and the more she felt the she let in until it was to an even sixty-five. That was reasonable. Two times the power would open more. "I think there is over sixty. I lost track sorry."

"Don't apologize. It is over sixty Clara. They were standing as they got pulled in. Now let go of their hands and hold it. Anyone falls out of the connection sit, " both hands were let go and she held everyone in but slowly she let only a few go. Maybe ten or eleven but not more. "Impressive. That ring doesn't suppress you as much as you think."

"I guess it doesn't but it leaves the protection on my mind basically gone. Is there a technopath who can work around that but not make it noticed?" Clara was asking Sylvie but someone stood up and walked over.

"I can help, " the man smiled and looked at Clara's hand. "My name is Simon. I can do it right now but you will have to give me at least ten minutes."

"Okay I can wait ten minutes while you figure it out," Clara was kinda shocked she kept looking at Simon before making eye contact with Emmett.

"Clara you might want to severe the link with all these people, " Sylvie whispered and Clara automatically did. "You weren't using the full extent of your ability if you could forget with a ring that is dragging your abilities. "

"Uh I guess I wasn't. Thank you for showing the ring wasn't really doing anything but destroying my cells, " Clara smiled but remade eye contact with Emmett. "Was that you that suppressed my fourth ability?" She created a small link to quickly ask.

"No one could. I think someone was listening in and you didn't know, " Emmett's eyes were scanning the crowd to see if anyone was giving themselves away.

"Damn this thing is messing with abilities. Well she knows I wasn't using all of the ability and so that sucks, " and once she said that she heard something. Like someone was in on the line. It was the smallest hint but Simon was working on the ring which meant her mind was working better. "I felt that whoever you are. I think I figured out who you are too. It wasn't too hard."

Clara looked over and made eye contact with a man and automatically he looked away but he made a telepathic link with her. "I am sorry for listening in. I saw the panic in your friends eyes as they didn't know how to suppress the ability. I have a minor ability that can change the affects of an enhancer and I managed to locate that one different ability."

"Well I'm going to have to see what to do with you, " was all Clara said before cutting the connections and looking at Emmett.

Clara didn't know who the man was but he disappeared before Clara could find him after the meeting. She didn't say anything to anyone else but Emmett who also kept it quiet. "Time to head home. Can Emmett stay the night?" Clara really needed to talk to Emmett about what was going on and let Galor know.

"Yeah sure. He is always welcomed, " Maddox smiled and looked at Avery. "So are you. You seem like a good guy."

"Thanks Maddox," Clara smiled and both Emmett and Clara headed upstairs. Galor obviously not far behind.

"What happened with the man? Who even was he?" Emmett just started asking questions and Galor looked somewhat shocked.

"I don't know. I don't even know how he got it passed. This damn ring broke me somehow but I think Simon fixed that, " Clara looked at the ring on her finger and back at Emmett.

"What are you guys talking about? " Galor didn't speak loud as to help keep the concern lower.

"Some man listened in and he was the one who suppressed my fourth ability. I don't know him though, " Clara looked at Galor and looked very concerned.

"Someone got passed your mind block?" Galor was pacing around. "That ring is doing more harm than good Clara."

"Yes I know Galor. Maybe now that it is fixed it won't happen again. I caught him and that's what matters, " Clara sighed and flopped onto her bed. "He can't get into it anymore and I think he knows that. I could track him."

"That's breaking a law Clara, " Emmett smiled quickly. "I guess we are committing treason and him listening in to our communication link was breaking that law way more than you are."

"She doesn't need anymore trouble Emmett. Don't encourage it, " Galor snarled and stopped pacing.

"We all already have treason hanging over our heads Galor! what difference is it going to make if I get charged with reading someone's mind too?" Clara yelled before quickly covering her mouth and sighing.

"Maybe you can get off on treason. Technically they want you to lead so you could play dumb, " Galor opened the door quickly and Sachell nodded that it was all clear.

"And what? Let all my family and my friends get killed. Do you think I want that to happen and be alive?" Clara was getting really mad she just wanted to hit something. She let out an aggressive yell and accidentally inflicted Emmett and Galor. They were both down. She check and so was Sachell. "Well that wasn't supposed to happen."

She ran down stairs and got Philip. "You got mad and that aggressive scream was letting your anger and you inflicted?"

"Yup. It's good though. I can fully inflict.. it's just not good that my two guards and my best friend are unconscious, " Clara sighed and they worked on waking them up. Emmett groaned and held his head. Galor and Sachell were out of it too but they seemed fine.

"That hurt like crazy. I didn't know inflicting hurt so bad or maybe it's just yours, " Emmett groaned and he got himself into Clara's bed and just laid there.

"Let's not make Clara mad again because that would no be fun, " Philip smiled and he left the room. Thankfully he never asked what had gotten her so mad or maybe he knew but didn't ask. Either way she was going through with the plan.

"We are tracking him okay?" Clara sits down next to Emmett and concentrates. She focuses and found his thoughts. He wasn't very far from their house. Clara saw what he saw. "I don't know who he is. I am going to reach out to him. "

"Clara that's a bad idea," Emmett started but it was too late.

"Just stay quiet. Keep your mind entirely quiet and I will keep you in the connection, " Clara smiled and focused back on the man. "Hello there."

"You found me. I guess I am not surprised, you are very talented and a quick learner, " the man was moving around. Clara could see him, she was really concentrated. "I glad to speak to you again."

"You aren't upset that I found you so soon? You don't live that far," Clara found it strange that he didn't seem concerned. He must have known she was watching what was going on through his mind.

"No not at all. I have been waiting actually. You don't need to worry about upsetting me at all. I am simply here to help you get settled into the group without those that are corrupt doing so," the mystery man gave a small chuckle and Emmett looked concerned but Clara shook her head.

"What do you mean? Are Sylvie and Annabelle corrupt?"

"Well Eva is a little too but not as bad. Understand this, I helped you because I don't want you to be like them. They can't know about that ability or else you are in some serious danger, " the man was passing around but kept his head down. He knew how far in she was but did he know about Emmett and just didn't care. "I want you to make the change what it's supposed to be not just trying to get into power. I was the one who found out how strong and different you are to everyone. "

"Then why aren't you the leader?" Clara kept pushing Emmett's mind quiet. His thoughts were filled with questions and if she wasn't careful the man would hear them.

"Because it is corrupt. I told them about you and they created a plan, " the man sounds like he's saying the truth.

"I can't trust you and I don't trust them. I will become the change leader. If they try the enhancing again I need you to block that ability every time and we will see how much I can trust you," Clara quickly cut the link before hearing his response. She didn't know who to trust anymore.