unfortunate plan involved

Lily Jones wasn't going to make more mistakes then she had already have today, She set her clock a hour early enter his own room personal without him knowing, yes. of course he's sleeping she thought anyone who was up at this time before work even starts at 7.00 clock were nuts, But the way he had said that was reason he didn't trust her being on time and that'll would be where she prove she one step further to putting in his own face she no laughing matter and she'll have every thing , a first class degree maid would've had ready for their morning breakfasts when they wake up now, yes sir you bet you're sorry ass , Thankfully Lily had studied what's the best dishes to convert into luscious tasting without making disturbing. dishes. No one would've attempted to eat if they were grossed,Richard was trying to get better sleep before day would came but someone else had came in involved with cooking as he could tell by the tips of his taste buds that'll, He wasn't really expecting to find this early in morning so soon, It's not expecting for a maid to come unintentionally hilarious he thought, What hell is she trying to prove here wrong timing seriously decided he would teach her what happens when you consider you need to show without knocking specifically , This girl was inferring and had no. right seriously what'd if he had fell asleep in his underwear not that he wouldn't mind teasing her up close and personal alone ,And not to mention her dark reddish brown hair. her tough ass attempted to the way she's not fat in least ť sensitive to always appreciated; her good looks ,Oh he could on a ridiculous amount of more time he spent with this girl he was going to break her bad. attempted to put her in the bedroom is how he letting his imaginary run wild, He decided it's not healthy to think of his maiden this way,Mean while Lily was thinking about her hard work paying off with the breakfasts lay out before her one dish was. pancakes, fruit, butter, another dish was cheesy eggs yogurt and maple syrup on the. side with toasted bread from the oven and last thing was the muffins, Lily had said before he was staring down at the kings sizedbreakfasts which look for more than person he would probably get fat eating like this everyday ,Ok he really expecting her to show off after what he had said but this got to >= he did not ask for these dishes theoretically those are fattening foods she yr make him eat, This not what his reason was why he want a maiden in first place, Time to explain before this got outta handed big time, Lily Jones what's all this I never noticed yourself being a maid that does as she please don't get this wrong way, But you don't know the first thing appreciating mine hours of sleep either by the way,Sir I feel it was important to involved my boss breakfasts now, why are you're not going to try out what I make ,Lily Jones wasn't I who had specifically said 8,00 noticed instead you're stoked like a bad out of hell here because of what I had said, And would you like me to point out only a child would've done that not adult in the least especially since you lied about you're age compared to these girls who unintentionally will do as their told by our guests ,Lily was getting sick of him putting her down like this ,Hey you're can't expecting me who just got here to know you guy's rules,besides just try what I made please pretty please, Before you decide to have normal. guests breakfasts, Sir Richard Branson this is mine way saying thanks for letting me off the hook and this is mine way of say sorry all right , No ill will toward you I promise and I you would agreed this smells delicious ,FINE Lily Jones since you stick up for yourself very way I'll test you're food even though this. is not mine style but way you're going to get me to try it is. you feeding me attempted I. Will want you to show me as mine maid You're not a child other why's you can forget it me seeing you as a woman ,What's wrong cats got. you're tongue that's what thought your bluffing about being adult ,You're know what if that's what it takes to your sorry ass to try minefood then bring it on asshole ,Lily Jones are you sure up for the challenge do you know what I justified ,ya this will be easy you're about to be proved wrong after all am you're maid and don't for that, Richard thought she was funny how she try to win the this argument but he surely going to show her a whole new world of what's it meant to be adult Lily thought it was feeding him but she was dead wrong before she had a chance to show him he ended up poping food after she had fed him a couple of bites into her mouth instead which while she was saving the food she work so hard to make darn good she must been hungry from this morning without thinking to eat anything oh well ,ah she had not played attention to Richard Branson emptying the sticky syrupy down her neck , maid this foods not free if you want some you have to be willing to pay me back for make all this foods without asking , which will it be fired or punish for disobedience Richard huh what? Lily you're hear me correct or was I wrong to believe you're not older then you're age what realize this have no roof over you're head if you quit today and see that to mine self -confidence only gets a person far to a point, so am asking now which one choose wisely for you sake ,FINE I can't afford to use this job period ,Lily Jones wasn't what I asked pick one or. I'll pick for you the only chance you have clock ticking Sir oh Richard Branson you win happy punishment , Good learn next time to do you're job right as mine maid understood ,Lily agreed to find out punishment. is Richard Branson getting carried away eating pancakes with the syrupy down her. neck this sucked the testing her limitations we're going out the door just being this closeto him as his worker was wrong for a maiden ok Lily Jones this was a warning you're free to go to sleep after you're done taking a bath no am FINE, Sir sweet of you but I'll go to room for now ,Tomorrow I have a important meeting now so I won't be here so do your normal routine for a maiden ,Ok sir goodnight see you when you get back.