Ticking Away Part 2

He placed the basket of parts onto the counter of the store, "How much is it all?"

"Let me see, 4, 5, 6, 22, 36 and here you go, 42 thousand please," He handed over a 50,000 zepal bill, "Here you go, eight thousand for you, have a good evening."

"Thank you, you too," The store keeper was a bot, in the store there were two armored guards with assault rifles, those stores were protected. In the past, before President Julian's measure to protect bots more, they weren't and several had been set ablaze. That was 4 years ago, when President Julian had began her second and final term. He looked around at the downtown of Gallbatonia's city. Gallbatonia was a small country, but with a very rich economy, having a large reserve in oil, which was sold to many different countries. The streetlights lit his path under the shop signs that slowly began turning off one by one. It was late at night, the time were the dystopia began in the city, downtown was dangerous after all the stores closed, with gang fights and assault being common. He kept his hand in his coat pocket with his hand on his gun, he never went out at night without it, knowing the city he had grown up in. That night, nothing happened.

He unlocked the door to his apartment and walked in. Alex was sitting on the couch in the living room, watching the 24h news channel, "I'm home," He said turning to close the door and then looking back at her as she walked towards him, "Your arm still jammed?"

"Not completely, I was able to make it work a little, but it needs changing."

"Well, I found the pieces," He said handing her the bag, "I think I have everything."

"Yes, you did, thank you, I'll go fix my arm," She was a bot, her body was nearly completely metallic, the only parts that weren't were her brain and heart after an accident that nearly killed her, but instead of killing, it left her completely paralyzed and her parents were fortunate enough to be able to save her and give her a bot body. Her figure was defined by the metal plates that were made specifically for her body and, if they were the color of skin, would probably look more human than anything, "How was work, Will?"

"It was fine, it was fine," He walked into the kitchen and then placed a second bag on the counter, "I bought some food, you hungry?"

"Oh, you did? I was going to cook."

"But your arm means that you couldn't, so I decided that I would get something for us," He said placing the box of food on the counter, "How was work for you?"

"Fine, there is nothing much for me to do, but I did receive a new threat letter."

"Really? Can I see it?"

"Yeah," She said coming out of their room, testing her left arm with an open letter in her right hand, "It's right here, come and get it," She said with a sly smile on her face, "You know you want it, come and get it."

"Alex, I am not doing that today."

"Aw, why not?"

"Today, well, wasn't the best for me, the case we are working on, is hard for me."

"Oh, what is it about?" She said placing her hand on his back, "Tell me."

"I am not supposed to."

"But you can because I am not random person to you, right?"

"Yeah, true, well, remember the bombings, five years ago?"

"What about them?"

"Well, I fear something similar could be being planned."

"Oh, but you'll get them this time, I believe in you."

"Yeah, well, whatever."

"What do you think about the candidates for the presidential?"

"Gonna vote left once more."

"I guess that would make sense."

"I can't stand people who think that bots shouldn't be part society."

"But you used to think that?"

"Hmm?" He looked up at her, confused, "What did you say?"

"You never told me about being a member of the Natural Liberation party."

"Oh god," He sighed, "Yeah, I never did, I am sorry."

"I found it randomly, while looking at your Facebook account."

"That thing, I haven't been on it in ages, I forgot to get rid of it."

"Did you want to hide it?"

"Not what I meant, but I hate that past, and after my accident, well, I can't really think that way," He sighed, "I am sorry."

"It is fine," She smiled as he removed his glove and took off his sleeve, "What did you get? I am really sorry I couldn't cook tonight, I just couldn't, I couldn't lift things with my left arm, like, not even my own arm."

"I got something you like, and well, I don't care that you didn't the important thing for me is that you are okay, are you sure nothing else is broken or damaged?"

"I don't think so, but I have to change my leg's screws soon, and you got them for me, so I don't need anything else."

"Let's eat, then I can go to bed, I am exhausted."

"Okay, I'll go to bed as well then," She smiled and kissed his cheek. They sat down at the table, "Thank you for the food."

He woke up the next morning and, as was usual, before Alex did. He sat up on the side of the bed and sighed, "Another day with too many calls, too many reports to read and not enough rest."

"You are up already?" Alex yawned as she woke up, "Why are you up so early every morning?"

"Because I don't get weekends like you do, so I have to work."

"What day is it?"

"Saturday, but I need to be at work in an hour, you can sleep more if you want," He got up and headed to the dressing room, "Did you sleep well at least?"

"Yeah, I slept fine," She sighed and rolled onto her back, "I wish you would spend more time with me, like, here, at home."

"I know, I would like that as well, but I have to work to keep you and this state safe," He smiled as he pulled on a shirt and combed his hair slightly, "I'll call you when I leave work, you don't need to feel like you need to wait for me to eat, I don't know when I'll be back," He left the room and walked into the living room. She got up and joined him, still wearing her loose top that revealed a lot of her metal body and a small pair of shorts, "You don't have to get up for me, you know."

"But I want to," She said before yawning. He shrugged and placed his mug in the coffee machine and waited for his coffee to be made, "Did you sleep well?"

"I did, how about you, Alex?"

"I am still tired, I don't know why, well, today I'm going to change the parts in my legs that need maintenance, thank you for the pieces that you bought yesterday."

"Of course, it's only normal for me to do that for you, Alex," She hugged him and then kissed his cheek. William looked at his watch, "Well, I have to get going soon, have a good day, Alex," He finished his coffee and put it in the dishwasher before heading to the door, pulling his glove on and grabbing his coat, "Love you."

"Love you too, Will, have a good day at work!" She blew him a kiss as he left and closed the door.