The Steel Sultan Part 1

The doors were kicked open, "Hit the fucking floor! Now!" Four armed men entered the bank, wearing masks, "What did I fucking say?!" The civilians panicked and did as they said as one of the men began zip tying their hands behind their backs, "Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt, understood?" He didn't expect an answer, "J, get a teller, G, go with and fill the damn bags," He locked the doors and the other man chained it shut as the two of the men grabbed a teller and went into the back room, "We aren't here for you or your lives, we are here for the government's money, nothing else," He heard an alarm go off, "Fuck sake, X, get that fucking teller and open a hole from his mouth to the back of his head."

"You got it, A," He pulled out a large pistol and hopped onto the desks, "Which one of you fuckers did it? Huh? Tell me or I'll just kill all of you," They didn't answer, "Sure thing," 5 shot boomed in the room and blood spatters were seen on the back wall, behind the desks.

"Let this remind you all, we don't like messing around, now, get up! All of you! And move to the back, if you don't, you fucking die, move!" He kept his gun aimed at the door as the civilians moved to the back room with X, "Come at me, pigs."

He saw a man walk up to the door and then try the door, "Don't come in, Pig! I'll blast you to hell!" The man tried the door and A aimed at the door with his rifle before the man let go of the door and turned around before leaving, "Fucking faulty bots, stupid programming," A few seconds later, the wall of the bank shattered and an enhanced slammed into him. The man grabbed him and lifted him from the floor as electricity jumped around him, "What, argh, the hell?" The man swung his fist at the man and turned the metal figure's head to the side before it turned back to him and electricity focused around the man's arm and flowed into the man and then the man began straining and then passed out as he let go of him as the three others came out to see him standing next to the passed out man. They aimed their guns at him nearly instantly.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"I am Victor Gale, why?"

"What type of pig are you?"

"If you are talking about cops, I am not one of them," Bolts of electricity jumped around him, "But they will be coming soon," The bolts focused to one of Victor's hands. He began laughing as the three men looked at each other confused, "And you'll be taken in without any resistance," He slammed his metal fist into the floor and bolts jumped to their bodies and they fell unconscious to the floor, dropping their guns and their several bags of loot. He walked towards the bodies as his electricity died down and then began dragging the bodies to the middle of the room, propping them up with each other and tying their hands and ankles to the person next to them. He turned his head and saw police sirens, "Have fun, whoever you are," He walked out of the hole he had blasted in through as the cops began looking into the doors, leaving as if he had never been there.

Victor was an enhanced man, living in the city-state of Gallbatonia, a rich country that had natural people, enhanced, and bots. In the past there had been tensions between those groups, but as time went on, those problems had disappeared, but now, there was a different problem. He lived in a part of the city nicknamed the "Outer Ring", a part of the city that was so crime infested, the police never went in for regular checks and only went when there is an emergency call or alarm signal. He wasn't part of the police force, but acted using a prototype he had made while working as a government engineer to make justice and to protect the unfortunate in the Outer Ring.

Victor pushed the door to a shitty, one room apartment. There was a portable stove that was his permanent stove that sat next to rusty fridge and a bed that was simply a mattress on the floor and an old, clunky TV sitting in front of his bed. His wall was covered with newspaper pages talking about the Steel Sultan and the Vigilante of the Outer Ring. He opened his fridge and grabbed a can of beer before turning on the TV and cracking open his can. He was about to sit down when someone banged on his door, "Who is it?"

"Please, sir, help me, they are coming," He opened the door and a girl looked up at him, "Please sir," He moved out of the way and let her in, before closing the door, "Thank you, sir."

"Victor's the name."

"Thank you, Victor," She said before her eyes fell on his newspaper wall, he gestured for her to sit, "On your bed?"

"Do I have a chair for you?"

"No, thank you."

"Who is they?"

"The DR3, they killed my parents, and I got away."

"What was a drug gang doing with you family?"

"I don't know, but I don't want to stay here forever, I will leave in a bit."



"You are not safe."

"And what can you do about the things that happen outside of your home?"

"I don't know, I want to try."

"You can't, Mr. Victor," She sighed, "I am a dead woman walking, DR3 isn't going to let up on me."

"If you want to go, go, but I must ask you first."

"What is it?"

"Do you have a phone?"


"To call me if you need help, whenever you need help."

"That would be the same as calling the cops."

"If that is what you think, my number is 734 12 43 67, if you need it."

"Can you repeat that?"

"734, 12, 43, 67."

"Thank you, for the thought."

"Of course, just remember to call when you need help."

"I probably will," She said as he check outside, "Is anyone there?"

"No, well, at whatever time, on whatever day, I'll be available, just call."

"Thank you, Victor, I will try to remember that."