The Steel Sultan Part 4

He pushed open the door to his apartment and saw a note that had been slipped under his door. He knelt down to pick it up and saw a few deep red splotches on it, "What is this?" He touched the red and saw it was blood. He opened the letter and saw a message that had been quickly scribbled on it, "Victor, if this even gets to you, I was never able to call you, but I need your help," He paused, "Who the fuck put it here?"

"I did," He looked up and saw a man standing in his apartment, "I am an insider for the government, inside the DR3."

"And I am Victor Gale."

"Interesting wall you got there."

"Steel Sultan."

"Yeah, why do you have all of this?" He said as Victor closed the door behind him, "Has he saved you?"

"In a way."

"Ah, well, I wanted to ask you why you think you can help Mary."

"And what does that do to you?"

"I am trying to take down the DR3, if you are that confident, you would help me greatly."

"And you aren't lying because?" The man held out a id, with his information on it, "Okay, but what do I get in return?"

"I called my superiors, they say that the deal will be made later on."

"No way, I am not agreeing to a mystery deal."

"I will make sure you get your counter part."

"Get out of my apartment."

"I know where Mary is."

"And I know how to get that information without you. "

"Of course you do."

"I am not a total idiot," Victor said as the agent passed him, "I know how you function, I was a government worker before, you can't make a decision on anything and then when it blows up in your face, nothing ever happened."

"You are wrong."

"Get out."

"I can help you and you can help me."

"I said, get, out."

"You are making a mistake."

"How far are you going to push it? I am not helping you, I can help myself."

"But how long does she have?"

"You should know."

"Only a few days left."

"Just enough for me," Victor said, grabbing a beer from his fridge, "Now, out."

"Sure, just call this number if you change your mind, ask to talk to commander Haily," He tossed Victor a small business card, "Good night, Mr. Gale," Victor didn't respond and turned on his tv.

"A mysterious figure swept through two DR3 strong points in the Outer Ring today, no one is quite sure what is doing this but the police were able to arrest 36 low level thugs and 2 high ranked DR3 members," He laughed as the report continued talking.

He walked into the Talyhato Corner. He looked around and saw how it hadn't changed at all nearly, on with new decorations and new furniture. A large man walked up to him, "Sir, you must be new."


"What are you looking for?"

"The boss of this place."

"For what purpose?"

"To have a chat."

"I will ask him if he is expecting anyone, one second, I am sure if he has time he will," The man said as Victor walked over to the bar where a bot bartender served him.

"What shall it be?" She asked.


"How strong?"

"Not crazy but not soft."

"Perfect, how does a Hillonto glass sound?"

"Good enough, how much is it?"

"Free, drinks are free," She placed the glass on the bar and he picked it up, "Enhanced."

"Very enhanced," He said, pulling his collar down slightly, "As many are."

"That is true, I have never seen someone like you."

"Glad to be your first."

"Sorry, that was rude."

"This is still the Out, rude is not a problem."

"I agree," She said as he finished his drink and the man returned, "I believe that you will get an answer quickly."

"The boss will see you, do you have a name that I shall present you with?"

"Victor, Victor Gale."

"Come along then, but you won't have all the time in the world, my boss is a busy man," The man said leading him to the back rooms of the club, passing the changing rooms that the girls used then pushed open a door and revealed a tattooed man with a girl sitting on his lap behind a desk as she tapped his cigar in an ashtray, "Victor Gale, Boss."

"Take a seat, my friend, what can I do for you?"

"I wanted to talk, privately."

"Dear, you heard him," He said as she lay the cigar on the ashtray, she kissed his cheek and left the room and the large man left as well and stood behind the door, "Tell me, Victor, what can I do for you?"

"I remember when you took over this club."

"You are an old customer?"

"You can say that."

"Any favorites?"

"No, not really."

"I have mine, not going to lie to you," He smiled as he took his cigar again, "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"I am looking for a girl."

"A girl?"

"Yeah, a girl."

"Does that girl have a face or name?"

"She does."

"I can help you if you tell me," He chuckled as he puffed on his cigar once more as Victor saw that his arms were both enhanced, hidden by the gloves and long sleeve.

"Her name is Mary."

"Mary, Mary, I don't like I can tell you if she is here, I have two."

"Gold, Mary Gold."

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Just looking for a girl," Victor said calmly in response to his aggressive tone, "Why?"

"Felix, get this fucker out of here," He shouted and the big man entered the room and closed the door once more, "No Mary Gold here, and if you want to play around, not in my fucking club."

"You can't force me out."

"And why not?" He said as Felix went to grab Victor. A burst of electricity hit him and he fell unconscious to the floor, "Who the fuck are you?" He looked terrified before drawing a gun with a suppressor on it. The gun was aimed at Victor's head as it shook in the man's hand.

"Shoot if you must, but it will bring you nothing."

"Fuck you."

"You are a pawn of the DR3, I can cut you a deal."


"The last time I was here, I got rid of the Oprios, if you want, you give me the location of the girl, and I take down the DR3 and stand in your defense."

"You are willing to do that?"

"Of course I am."

"Why? What does that girl mean to you?"

"I promise to help her, yet never had the chance to, you don't need the DR3."

"If gangs attack me?"

"You'll give me a call."

"Who are you? Is Victor your real name?"

"I am a man willing to help you."

"Fine, I'll take it, I'll give you the info if I can cut ties with the DR3 and you are willing to protect me."

"Deal," He held out his hand and the man tossed his gun aside. Victor shook it as Felix began standing up, "I only know that she passed through here after she was kidnapped, Felix."

"Y-Yes sir."

"Mary Gold, where was she heading?"

"To the boss."

"The DR3 scum."


"Thanks to this man we are free, brother, let's get this man the information he needs."

"Of course," Felix reached for one of the many paper folders that they kept, "Here, Mary Gold."

"1st, 2nd?"

"A selling place for girls, the DR3 uses it, but I doubt that she was sold, they wanted to draw out the Steel Sultan."

"Yes, they are pretty bent on killing him."

"I wonder if he reacted."

"Probably not, we were not told anything."

"Well, I'll be going then, thank you."

"You need to give me the number."

"734 12 43 67."

"Thanks mate, hope you find her," He said as Victor left the room, "Felix, make sure to get the paperwork that we had for the DR3 and make sure to note the men that come here that are DR3."

"Yes sir, does that mean that we won't pay their protection?"

"We have that guy's protection."

"And that we don't have to traffic the girls?"

"Nope, that stops, we are a legit business now," He put his arms in the air, "Finally."

"Good job, boss."