Not a Criminal, Just a Collector Part 1

He sat on a rooftop with a loaded gun tucked in his belt and had a visor flipped down that amplified his vision. He removed his visor and a slot in his robotic arm opened and he put it back in, "Time to collect," He said as he pulled his gun from his belt and check the magazine. He was an enhanced man, with metal bones and a fully metal left arm and left side of his chest. He was the Collector, a sort of contract killer but instead of killing a target, he would collect it, whether it be live or inanimate. He slide down the railings of the stairs before sliding down the ladder and cracking his neck and walking onto the street. He lived in the Outer Ring of Gallbatonia, years after the fall of the Oprios and the DR3, the two main gangs that had ruled the Out. He crossed the street. He was a large man, taller than most and probably heavier than most. His face bore several scares, one that had blinded his right eye, meaning that his right eye, like his left arm was enhanced. He pushed open the door to the store he had been watching, "Hello boys, I would like to speak to the boss here."

"What about?"

"Message from EV."

"Oh shit, Boss! I think we got a collector on our hands."

"Who hired him?" A completely robotic man entered the room, "Who sent you?"

"Egor Valdez, EV."

"Fuck that man, fuck outta my store," He didn't move, instead glared at the man, "I said, fucking, leave!"

"I don't think you want to do that," One of the three men that were in the room closed the door by pressing a button and he sighed, "I am the Collector, Ian Moone."

"Ian Moone? Never heard of him," The boss snapped his fingers and a man lunged at him before his left, metal arm swatted him down, sending him crashing through a table, "Get him," Another man jumped at him but was caught in the air and tossed aside, slamming into the wall.

"My name isn't Ian Moone, that is just "I am no one" with the letters arranged in different ways, but I am still hired by EV, I believe you owe him something."

"Fuck him," He spat at the floor, "EV can suck my dick."

"I don't like wasting my time, but for a paycheck," He tackled the man and pulled his legs forwards and made him slam on his back onto the floor before holding him down with his robotic hand, "You owe him something, tell me, do you remember?"

"3,000,000 zepals."

"And where are they?"

"I don't have exactly 3,000,000."

"How much do you have then."


"Where is it?"

"Safe, there," He pointed at a safe under the counter of the store. The door was ripped off and chucked onto the floor, "What the hell?"

"Black market gear my friend," He said showing him his arm, "Very useful," He unfolded a bag and pulled the stacks of bills into it, "Now, I need something that is worth 20,000 zepals, you got something like that, any illegal things?" He pulled out his phone and dialed a number, "EV, yes, this is the Collector, yeah, guy's only got 2,980,000, what do you want extra? Oh, well, fine with me then, will do, I will deliver the goods in 45 minutes," He got up and zipped the bag before drawing his gun, "He told me to make you spend 20,000 on something, hand on the counter," He gestured it with his gun, "Come on, I don't have all day," The man but it on the counter and he fired a round into the man's robotic hand, cutting off one of his fingers. He pulled it back in pain, "Have a good day."

"Fuck you, my finger, ahhh, you fuck, fuck you."

He pushed the button and left store, "Remember to not borrow without expecting to pay things back, it'll save you some pain, and in this case, a finger," He placed the gun in a pocket of his long jacket and began walking away. The people who knew his name were close friends to him, or in some cases, people who fired him a lot and were much more powerful than he was like Egor Valdez, Antonio Noguerra or Julie Ranger, the three power figures of the Out. They were all wealthy and had deals with the government except for Egor Valdez that was more a self-made man, if the Steel Sultan's help isn't taken into account.