Not a Criminal, Just a Collector Part 3

A robot in a maid outfit met him at the door, "Good afternoon, Katie."

"Good afternoon, Eddie."

"I will be leaving once more, got another call."

"Fine with me, Eddie, I will make sure you have dinner," Katie wasn't like the usual bots but was a programmed servant that was made to serve him, like any aid robot, "Have a good day," She said as he grabbed a motorcycle helmet and a new set of keys, "See you later?"

"Yeah, definitely," He walked into the garage of his home and his bike was sitting there. He pulled on his helmet and check the two hidden compartments in the side of his bike and smiled as Katie had changed the guns and added more magazines, she did a lot of things for him when he was working, as she was programmed, "Worth the 2,500,000 right there," His garage door opened and the motor of the bike roared to life, "Never get over this thing, do I?" He drove onto the street and then accelerated quickly storming down the street.

He stopped his bike at the gate of the large mansion that Julie Ranger called home. She was the largest drug manufacturer in Gallbatonia, and the only manufacturer, with deals with the government of Gallbatonia and other countries. But like all figures of power, there is a moon to the sun, darkness to the light, she was also an illegal drug trafficker, from the weakest to the strongest types of drugs available. He knew this from having done several jobs for her and having a closer relationship to her in the past. The gates opened and he drove up to the front of the house, A butler opened the door for him and he walked in and was quickly met by Julie as she seemed slightly pissed off. He smiled at her and she rolled her eyes, "You got here a little earlier than I expected, Eddie."

"I did? Well, not like I care, what did you want to talk about?"

"I have a special collection I need you to do."

"Go on."

"Let's talk in my office, not here, more privacy."

"I like where this is going."

"Fuck you."


"You have to stop joking about that."

"I meant that if you want to talk in private it means good stuff for me," He rubbed his thumb with his index and middle finger, "Not that other stuff."

"Oh, I am quick to judge you, aren't I?"

"Yep, you are, well," A butler opened the doors to her luxurious office, "What is this about?" She waited for the butler to close the door and leaned on her desk, "My second branch."

"I assumed that."

"Cocaine," Eddie waited for her to continue, "One of those assholes have been taking my money, and not being discrete."

"When you don't organize it yourself."

"I know, I need my product and money before I can turn them over to the police."


"They deserved it."

"So, how much for the job?"

"I was thinking of giving you something like 350,000, but I think that they might have taken more than I think so it might get you a a million or so."

"You throw money around with ease."

"Big business, Eddie."

"I'll get to it tomorrow, I have to scout them first, what is the address?"

"57th, 12th."

"Perfect, I'll call you when it is done."

He stood in front of the warehouse, it had been remade a few years prior after a government raid had damaged it, Katie sat in the van as he had told her, "Wait here, if someone that isn't me tries to get into this car, kill them."

"Yes, Eddie."

"Perfect, I'll be back in a few minutes," He moved away from the van window and opened the back doors and pulled out several guns, an MWE3 with three mags for it, just enough to kill the thugs in the warehouse four or five times, another pistol that was larger than his normal one and then took a sheathed blade and tucked it next to his gun in his belt. He removed the safety from his assault rifle before swinging it below his coat jacket and headed to the door of the warehouse and knocked on it.

"Who is it?"

"AoD messenger."


"It brings judgement to the mortals of these lands and kills the impure."

"Come in," Julie had told him the password to avoid him having to go in guns blazing, "Oh, new messenger?"

"I am here to talk to Ricky Coleman."

"Boss! AoD sent someone for you," Eddie turned his head and saw the large warehouse with several robotic workers processing Julie's products, "Go right up, that office there."