The Son of Soul Gear Part 1

"I am sorry, Victor," Ms. Sophia sighed, "With the grades you have, well, you can't graduate with your year."

"Is there nothing you can do to change that?"

"I could, but you would have to pass a test, an extreme test."

"I'll do it, just tell me what it is."

"You know that there is the spring festival tournament coming up, right?"

"Yes, of course, but what about it?"

"There is a 32nd spot open, in group B, you will be filling that spot."

"WHAT?! I am not good enough for that."

"Well, you want to graduate, right?"

"Yeah, but, but, yeah..."

"You need to win the competition."

"I need, I need, I need to w-win it? But it is in 1 week? How am I going to train? I have classes."

"Yes, you have an entire week with no classes to train and prepare yourself, and if you do win, you will graduate with the others as top of the class, if you don't, well," She sighed, "Well, you will need to redo the year."

"Okay, if that is the only way," Victor sighed and looked down, "I'll do it, and I'll win that tournament and show you that I am worth it."

"I wish you luck," He walked out of her office and walked down the hallway. His head was looking down, his back was slouched and his hands were in his pockets. He sighed heavily and walked towards his room. Victor had arrived in the school 4 years prior, this year was his last, or not. He was the only male known to be able to activate a Soul Gear, a genetic power that was only activated by a gene that should only be present in females, but his mother had past him hers.

"Hey, what's up, Rank-F?"

"Shut up, Catherine."

"Getting angry? Maybe you should train some more." She laughed with the other girls around her and left him as he walked down the hallway.

His mother had died several years back and he never knew his father, but once he discover his Soul Gear, his uncle decided to send him to a Soul Gear school, but his experience hadn't gone too well. He wasn't very good with the classic techniques and the fashion that was taught in the school. He never did well on exams even if he did well in class and wasn't a bad student, he just couldn't get the hang of it, now, he had to win the spring festival tournament. He hated his life at the moment. He unlocked his door and walked into his room. He closed the door and walked to his bed and sat down, letting out a massive sigh. He turned his head when he noticed the bathroom door open. Clara walked out of the bathroom. He smiled as he saw her long silver hair swing from side to side, she had her towel wrapped around her body. He gazed into her green eyes and sighed, smiling.

"Hallo Victor, how are you doing?"

"I am, well, better, because you are here, but I don't know what I am going to do."

"What's wrong?"

"I was called to Ms. Sophia's office."

"What did you do?"

"Nothing, aside from getting bad grades, and not being able to graduate."

"Was?! Are you serious? There has to be another way, nien?"

"Yeah, but the 'other way' isn't good either."

"What is it?"

"I have to win the Spring Festival."

"Oh, are you sure? Is there no other way?"

"No," He put his head in his hands, "I won't graduate, I am no good."

"Did you ask what group you are in?"

"Group B."

"Okay, well, you have the harder opponents, Bella, Alex and Lilly are in that group," Clara sighed as she sat down next to him, "I'll be at all your matches."

"I am a waste of time, yet you do so much for me."

"You are not a waste of time," Clara looked offended, "I wouldn't care about you if you were a waste of time, but, I think I have a deal to make with you."

"A deal?" Victor looked at her and tilted his head, "What deal?"

"I am in Group A, the two groups matchup within the group, and the two that win all their matches, between the groups, are matched against each other, how about we do this, what do you say, we meet each other in the finals? What do you think?"

"Are you kidding? I am never going to make it there," He lay down on the bed, "I'm not good enough for that."

"Come on," She whined, "You can't do that to me, after all this time."

"I know, I want to, but I know I can't, I am not good enough, because of that, it will never happen."

"You just have to train, tomorrow, we have a break day, instead of doing what we planned, and I'll help you train."

"Okay, if you are fine with that."

"Ja, of course I am fine with that," She leaned over and kissed his cheek, "But you have to be serious."

"No problem, at least I am training with you," Clara was a girl he met on the first day when he arrived in school, she was his roommate from day 1, even if it wasn't smooth the whole way. He laughed as he reminded himself of what he had gone through during the 4 past years at school, "Clara, I love you."

"You always say that," She began whispering, "I love you too."

Their relationship started on the first day that Victor arrived. She had emerged from the bathroom naked and his eyes drifted to her naked body, due to that she challenged him to a duel, which he lost, becoming her puppet for a week.

"Remember when you beat me in that duel, at the beginning?"

"Of course, ja, that was funny, I enjoyed that one week," She kissed him again, "But now, I can just ask and normally you do things for me."

"True, what classes do you have tomorrow?"

"SGT combat, shooting and martial arts."

"Wow, I hate all of those, except martial arts."

"Ja, I know, it is one of the things that you do well, you even beat me."

"I can only beat you in that, you crush me everywhere else."

"Then let's make a promise."

"Okay, what promise?"

"I want you to promise," She paused, "I want you to promise that you will meet me in the finals of the tournament."

"I-I-I promise, I promise that I will meet you, in the finals of the tournament."

"Thank you," She said getting up, "I am going to cook, want some?"

"Of course, your cooking is amazing."

"Oh, you don't have to flatter me," She said as she pulled out ingredients, "But, I have a question, what SGT do you own? I never asked you and I don't recognize it."

"It is an unregistered one, I made it."

"Oh, well, maybe tomorrow, we can work on it first, I think I can help you with it," She said as she began cooking. He sighed and looked at the floor and shook his head.

"Will you hate me if I don't make it?"


"Will you love me if I do?"

"I would love you no matter what, Victor."

"What does your family do? I never asked."

"Well, I am the heir to the German leadership, my father never had a son, so I was next in line."

"Oh, is that why you whisper?"

"Ja, I wouldn't want to have my father break our relationship apart."

"Would he?"

"Ja, he wants me to have a 'worthy' partner, not some 'random' guy."

"I see," He sighed, "What do you think that we can edit on my SGT?"

"Well, the hydraulic joints aren't amazing and are a little damaged, maybe we could change the plating, what do you think?"

"Sure, sure, if you think so."

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know, I just feel like I am going to break that promise, is it fine if I go train for a little? Like 30 minutes? Just to get started."

"Ja, of course," She said as he left the room, "See you later!"