Right Hand Man

When I became the right hand man of the group, I felt power. I felt control. It was a nice feeling. From the moment SD fucked us for splits, I never fucked the group over. Sure, there was times where I felt tempted too. But whenever someone fucked up in the group, we would have a private vote if we should scam him, if anyone voted "No", we didn't rob them till they pissed us off again.

How I hosted.

1. I split 50-50.

2. If you came and helped, you got a split.

3. If your a smart-ass and was lazy but did a line we needed, you got a split.

4. If you were #3 you were robbed by the end of the week.

SD never found out that I hosted for months and we kept it a secret. After about 1 month of hosting, the crew loved me way more than SD, and it was showing. One time one of the close scammers in our circle got very pissed at SD for split, and he called him out for it. And he told SD what I do when he's offline. Of course we were like, it's not wrong, but we were like; "Dude, now hes gonna want a split every time we rob".

But that's not what happened, SD was surprised and he PMED me asking if it was true, and it was. He asked us what we did, and how did we do it, did it work out well, and of course it worked every time. He asked what split was, I told him 50-50 since they want money like he had money. He didn't ask for any money from it, and went offline again, and we went back to scamming. I knew what he was up too, I just didn't tell anyone.

The whole time I hosted, we were venting out anger we got from SD's splits. We trash talked him since the split we really shitty. I remember my first rob with the group, I was new, it was understandable.. but.. We robbed 70M, the 5 of us, I got 900k, and everyone else got like 2M or 3M depending on rank.

SD charged high rates for ranks. G rank was 75M, (I got it for free) L rank was 60M, C rank was 50M, and so on.