How GE Scamming came into Being

SD Created the GE Scam.

He found an item that had almost no limit, and made them, told me to make them, and after we had 100K of them, he told me what we were doing. He told me to buy 30M worth of Howl Scrolls for 20 Gp each. I said okay, because if he scams me for 30M he is literally retarded.

So I did it, and he said okay lets go GE real quick, and get a lent rare. After we got lent rares, SD had a list of targets he knew that were rich. They didn't know him, but 20 scammers give a lot of information you know.

SD went up to them when he knew they were at the GE, and asked if they wanted to make some money, and of course they said yes. He told them to buy Howl Scrolls at 40M a Pop. The guy bought em, and we left. SD was selling them 40M a pop in his GE. We got over 400M from him. SD showed me, I wanted some, he knew how to tempt people, and he knew he had me good. I didn't mind giving him a split of it either. Which is what he wanted.

So while he was offline, I was scamming, I made my first billion doing it within 5 days. SD wanted 60% split. But since he fucked us over so many times, I gave him 20%. Because I knew he had something else up his sleeve. Which he did, turned out I found out later he was still fucking me. He would buy one of my howl scrolls, finding out its price, and undercut me while I thought he was offline. I found out since I had his password from before, and logged on to just check. He was still online since I couldn't access his account. 1 Hour later, he actually got off, and I logged in and I saw over 200M profit from howls that was the number that was cutting my price. I left it there and got off his account.

From that point on, everything he told me, I knew he was gonna fuck me on it. I had to find another item to use. The issue was, the How scroll was level 1 summoning requirement, meaning it could be sold and bought in free-to-play worlds as well as pay-to-play worlds. I ended up finding an item and using that instead.

After the people we robbed told other people how they got robbed, others were cautious to these "howl scrolls".

They were not expecting my item and I made another billion. Then other scammers wanted what we had, and they found their own items, and then RS was a scamming hell. Couldn't trust people really.