Hey guys, I just wanted to say that I have never been scammed after meeting SD. I have my own group now, and I am still doing what I like doing best. If you play Roonscape, maybe we can meet up once! I may post more chapters in the future. But I will not post my scams, because they are working.. and working well.
Previous Groups: SD / NB / RD
Current Group: TD
Best way to not get scammed: Never trust anyone besides yourself.
Best way to not get lured: If someone wants to see your wealth, or asked you if you want something from their inventory, and they request you to do something like bank all, or teleport here. Just don't do it.
Add them to ignore and be done.
For scammers out there who want to be rich. Just don't fuck your partner over. It's gotten me far, and I like where I am.
New Addiction:
Reading novels on Web-novel. Don't try to stop me, it's not going to happen! I <3 this site!