The anchor of my life

Mom! yes my Amma!!

After causing all the troubles he could and couldn't do anything to get his business back or money home, my dad did kind of retired from his "head of the house post". He was living in the same home but didnt want to take any responsibility for it or us any more. Whole day all he did was sleeping ( with pretense of praying god)

With no one else available to take up the head post, my mom had to somehow manage the whole house hold, 3 kids and their education, her irresponsible husband, food and all the expenditure. She was a little bit happy that her husband is not beating or scolding her anymore but the responsibility in front of her was very very huge.

All her life, my mom never had much exposure to the outside world, being brought up by a very strict father and married to a controlling and abusive husband (Arranged marriage is very common here). The little exposure she had with the outside world was only during her school education. She never would have thought, that a time will come where her whole family will be depended on her, her era was different.

She did all she could and cut down all the unnecessary expenditure. Only absolute basic needs were taken care of , rice from govt family ration, continue kids education in govt aided school where fees is very minimum, having the home very close to school so no travel expenditure.

Sometimes she had to handle and console her crying kids for not able to provide new dress during their birthday's or festivals or why like other kids we cant go on for a family outing, or why there is no biscuits or snacks in home anymore or why we are not cooking non veg food like we used to do.

She handled all the expenditure with the very little bank interest she was receiving with what ever little cash we were left off. She doesn't know how long she could manage like this but even in this situation my father didnt allow her to go for any job, he don't like his wife being independent or providing family financially and top of it he is not ready to try or work in any job either.

With no ray of hope at all and no light at the end of the long and dark never ending tunnel, i still have no idea where she got all her inner strength to drive the whole family for solid five years

Before this phase my mom was someone who will always be there in home when we return from school, before even started feeling hungry she would have prepared food, got low score in exam she will be there to get report cards signed by my father, helping us get ready for school, but now in the last 5 dark years she was the absolute anchor who protected the whole family from drifting off.

From a sweet and dotting mother she became as inspiration for my whole life, we learned valuable life lessons from her.

This chapter is turning out to be emotional guys, but i am always indebted to her with my body and soul in this life and any other.

She did all this with her deteriorating health , she never thought checking her health with doctor is anywhere near important than taking care of her kids or their education.