Chapter 1

After finishing his shower, Ye Mo dries himself off and is about to put his clothes on when a ball of darkness appears in front of his face, causing Ye Mo to instinctively hit it away with his hand. The second his hand touched the black ball, he felt his body getting sucked into it and before he can even make a sound he vanished from his bathroom.

The next thing he knew, he found himself falling from the sky, causing him to scream out loud. Thinking he is going to die, he closes his eyes and waits to hit the ground but even after waiting for a few seconds he doesn't feel the impact so he slowly opens his eyes and is stunned.

"What the hell!" Screams Ye Mo. He looks all around him and he can only see a pitch black room, or at least what seems like a room.

"Where the hell am I? I was just in my washroom when a black ball suddenly appeared... Right! That black ball probably brought me here, but where is here?" Ye Mo keeps trying to think of what happened but the only thing he can remember is that black ball and figured it brought him to this weird space. When Ye Mo is about to get up off the ground and start moving around he suddenly hears a voice.

"You are currently within my personal realm, mortal. That black ball was something very, very dangerous and as a result of you touching it, you died. Since that black ball appearing there was my mistake, I brought you here." Speaks a cold female voice.

Quickly turning around, Ye Mo sees a beautiful woman that appears in her twenties sitting atop a black throne. After processing what she said, he quickly realizes this woman is the reason for him being here.

"You said I died? All I did was touch the black ball when it appeared in my bathroom. Why did I suddenly die because of that?" Calmly asks Ye Mo. Thanks to facing hardship for 6 years after his parents died in a car crash, he has gotten used to dangerous situations and could quickly calm himself down.

"If it was just a normal black ball, you wouldn't die. The only problem is that the black ball you touched was made out of pure death energy, which is not something a mere mortal can withstand. The fact that you even lived for 5 seconds after touching it is something to be proud of." Answers the woman with her cold voice.

Death energy? The hell is that? Ye Mo can already confirm that he is dead since he felt pain after pinching himself earlier. While he is trying to figure out why she suddenly brought him to this black space, she answers that for him.

"I brought you to my personal space as an apology. You will be able to reincarnate anywhere you want to, with 5 wishes, as long as they do not go beyond what I can grant." coldly says the woman.

"I see. I was wondering why you would suddenly bring me here after I died. I did not expect this though." Ye Mo truly did not expect that this woman, who he is going to assume is some sort of death goddess, brought him to her space to reincarnate him.

"You said that I can go to any world I want, and I can get 5 wishes, correct?" Asks Ye Mo towards the 'Goddess'

"That is correct. You will be able to choose any world you so wish, be it back on Earth, a fantasy world, a game world, a novel world, and so on. You will be able to pick up to 5 wishes you can have to go with you to that world, as long as it doen't have something to do with you becoming either Immortal, a God, a being with a God's powers and so on. So tell me what you want so I can get this over with." Coldly answers the Goddess.

Not minding the annoyance in her voice, Ye Mo starts thinking about what to ask for. He already decided that he won't go back to Earth, as he has had enough of it. After thinking for a while, he has decided to go into a world that has cultivators, as he has loved novels and games with them in it. After thinking for a little while longer, he also has decided what to ask for his 5 wishes as well, so he looks at the Goddess.

"I would like to be reincarnated into a world that has cultivators on it, with strong beasts and so forth." Says Ye Mo towards the Goddess.

"That is fine, there are many worlds like that in the universe, so I can just send you to a random one. Now what do you want for your 5 wishes." Asks the Goddess.

"My first wish will be a System. One that can assist me. it would have a Status screen of which I can check my stats, my cultivation progress and how many points I have. The points would be used for a Shop that is part of the System, where I can buy stuff that assist cultivation and also basic living things. I would be able to to gain points by killing beasts and humans. The amount would depend on how strong they are." Ye Mo says.

"Fine. When you are in the world you will have a System like the one you described placed onto your soul, so even if you die you can keep it as long as your soul still exists. Now tell me the other 4 wishes you want." Agrees the Goddess, much to Ye Mo's excitement.

"Okay. The second wish I want is a bonus pack. For example, I would get a starter pack which will give me random stuff that would help me at the start. I could also get a pack for every different cultivation realm I enter." Ye Mo happily says.

"Fine, that isn't much. That is a lot easier than the System was. Tell me the next wish you have." Says the Goddess.

"The third wish I have is having a perfect memory, or a photographic memory, so that I can remember everything I see even once." Ye Mo asks.

"Fine. You can have a perfect memory so you can remember everything by seeing it. Tell me your last 2 wishes." Agrees the Goddess.

"Okay. My fourth wish is so that the System is capable of being upgraded. So that it would gain more uses the more it gets upgraded. The way I upgrade it can be up to you." Says Ye Mo.

"Alright, that is fine. Now tell me your last wish." Says the Goddess.

"My final wish is for me to be able to create my own body. Such as creating how tall it is, how skinny it is, how long the hair is, the hair color, the eye color and so on." Asks Ye Mo.

"That is fine, I guess. I was just going to create you a random body, but you can make your own I guess. Use this screen to choose how you want it to look like." The Goddess waves her hand and a screen pops up in front of Ye Mo.

[Body Creation

- Height

- Weight

- Gender

- Hair

- Eyes

- Face

- Eye Color

- Hair Color

- Basic Body Figure]

After looking at the screen, Ye Mo clicks on the Basic Body Figure and an average gender neutral body appears in front of him. Clicking on the male gender, the body changes itself to male. Opening the height Ye Mo changes it from 165 cm to 185 cm. After pressing okay, the body changed and grew taller. After figuring out how it works, he opens the weight tab.

The body only weighs 150 pounds, so he changes it to 180 pounds. Apparently the weight tab is also the body figure, so he changes the body that has no muscle to one that has a 6 pack with abs like his old one. The body looks skinny still, but it has proper muscles this way.

Opening the hair tab he makes his short brown hair grow until it reaches halfway down his back, then he goes to the eye tab. After looking through all the different types of eyes, he chooses a pair of eyes that look sharp and cold. Now he opens the face tab.

He changes the gender neutral face to a cold masculine face. It has a pair of sharp eyebrows, a refined nose, red lips and a sharp chin. After finishing with the face he opens the eye color tab.

Changing the original brown eyes, he makes them red instead, giving the body a slightly evil look, which makes him feel good. After that he opens the hair color tab and changes the brown hair to black, causing the long brown hair to all turn black, the same happening to his eyebrows.

After that he presses the confirm button and the body has finished being created. Ye Mo backs up a bit and looks at his new body, which looks very good to him.

"Are you done now? You created an interesting body there, especially those red eyes. Normally only certain beasts have red eyes. Well, since you are done now it is time for you to leave and go to your new world now. I will transport your soul to this new body and then send it down to the new world. All of your wishes will then be added, so when you wake up your System will be there. I will make the System tell you about the new world when you wake up, so goodbye." Says the Goddess, waving her hand towards Ye Mo.

Ye Mo suddenly feels a heavy pressure assaulting his mind, which makes him guess that is his soul. He is unable to bear the feeling and quickly loses his consciousness. After he faints, a ball of white fog leaves his original bodies head and enters the head of the newly created body. After which, a black light appears all around the body, shrouding it in darkness. After that black light disappears, the body is no longer there.