Chapter 3

After checking his new stats and understanding the reason for his sudden strength, Ye Mo felt a burst of hunger assault him, reminding him that he has not eaten since before his death. Not to mention the few hours of cultivating, he is now starving.

"System, is there any weak beast around I can kill? I am starving right now!" Asks Ye Mo. He finds this hunger to be quite unbearable, so he needs to find something to satiate his hunger. Not to be let down, the System gives him a reply.

[Ding! There is a Qi Ji Stage 2 wolf beast nearby. It is around 450 meters away from Host. Host has a high chance of killing the beast, since it's stats are lower than Hosts. Just be careful.]

A little arrow suddenly forms in the air ahead of Ye Mo, acting as a guide to take him towards the beast that will be his dinner. Following the arrow for a few minutes, he comes across a little pond. At the side of the pond, a small wolf is sleeping soundly.

Remembering the advice of the System to be careful, Ye Mo silently walks towards the wolf from behind, quietly taking the dagger out from his robes belt. Ye Mo walks slowly and quietly towards the wolf so to not startle it awake. When he is less than a meter away from the sleeping wolf, it twitches it's ear as if it hears something.

Ye Mo instantly used a burst of strength to leap towards the wolf from behind. The wolf finally reacts and is about to jump up, but it was to slow in doing so. Ye Mo's dagger enters the head of the young wolf, ending it's life swiftly.

[Ding! Killed Qi Ji Stage 2 Grey Wolf. Gained 5 points.]

"Thankfully it was asleep or else I would of had to fight it before killing it, which would end up giving me injuries." Mutters Ye Mo as he removes his dagger from the now dead wolf. Shaking the blood off of it, Ye Mo then realizes that he has nothing to start a fire with. Too tired to think of a way, Ye Mo simply uses his dagger to remove the skin of the wolf and cuts some meat off of it.

"It's nothing much, just raw meat. I can do it. It's for my survival after all." Ye Mo encourages himself for a while before he brings a chunk of meat to his mouth and takes a big bite out of it. His mouth is instantly filled with the metallic taste of blood. Quickly chewing the meat, Ye Mo swallows down the first piece. Grabbing another, Ye Mo repeats the action again and again until 10 minutes later there is no more meat left for him, just a pile of bones and a bit of fat.

Ye Mo could feel his hunger disappear quickly after he finishes all of the wolf meat. When Ye Mo realizes he finished the meat, he also could feel himself grow a bit stronger, which confused him. Asking the System, Ye Mo got his answer to that.

[Ding! As a result of Host eating raw beast meat, which is filled with Qi, Host's strength has increased slightly. Host can check his status to see his new stats.]

"Status" Ye Mo quietly mutters as he is wondering how much it increased from the meat.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Ji Stage 1

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 17

- AGI: 12

- VIT: 52

- INT: 10

- Skills: N/A

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration

- Points: 305

- System Level: 1]

"Hm... My strength went up by 2, while my vitality also increased by 2. I guess that is already good enough, as my stats are currently low and any increase is nice." Ye Mo nods to the slight increase in his two stats.

Ye Mo decides to cultivate now, since he is full and it is already turning dark anyways. Sitting near the pond, Ye Mo crosses his legs and revolves his Death Mantra technique, drawing Qi towards himself.

Due to already entering the Qi Ji realm, gathering Qi is a lot easier than before. After a minute or two, Ye Mo has drawn 5 strands of Qi into his dantian, which greedily sucked them in. Ye Mo keeps repeating the same process, and before he knew it, it was already dawn.

Standing up, Ye Mo could feel that his strength increased once more. Checking his status, he found he broke through.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Ji Stage 2

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 20

- AGI: 15

- VIT: 53

- INT: 12

- Skills: N/A

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration

- Points: 305

- System Level: 1]

"Is it that easy to break through, or is it just because of this Death Mantra technique? Well, whichever reason it is, it's better for me." Says Ye Mo. He suddenly remembers that there is a shop he can use points on. Ye Mo decides to ask the System about it.

[Ding! The System Shop is currently only at level 1 due to the System level being 1. If Host wants better resources and items, Host needs to increase System level. Host is currently able to view Grade 1 resources and items. Host simply needs to say or think 'Shop' and it will appear.]

"Shop" Whispers Ye Mo, which brings up a different screen.

[System Shop

- Cultivation Skills(G.1)

- Cultivation Techniques(G.1)

- Pills(G.1)

- Weapons(G.1)

- Armor(G.1)


"System, what is this G.1 stuff beside the categories?" Asks Ye Mo, wondering what these terms mean.

[Ding! The G.1 beside the System Shop categories stand for 'Grade 1'. As the System is level 1, all System Shop items are Grade 1. Grade 1 Skills, techniques, pills, weapons and armors.]

"So that's what it is. Well, I already knew they would be level 1. Well, let's check to see if there is anything useful I could buy right now." Says Ye Mo as he opens the Cultivation Skills(G.1) category first, bringing up a screen.

[Cultivation Skills Shop(G.1)

- Metal Palm: Coat your palm with a thin layer of Metal which can be used to deal extra damage or provide a small increase in defense when using the palm.(150 Points)

- Iron Body: Coats your body with a layer of Iron, causing your defense to increase a lot if trained properly. If fully trained, can reduce damage taken by 40%.(300 points)

- Wind Steps: A weak movement technique that can use wind to slightly increase users speed. If trained fully, can increase speed by 15%.(200 points)

- Stab Burst: A technique that can cause your attack using weapons(Dagger, Sword, Saber, Spear) to slash out slightly faster, catching your enemy off guard.(200 points)]

"They are all pretty weak techniques, but it makes sense since they are only grade 1. Well, for the current me, they are all already good enough as I don't even have a single skill. Well, my points are too lacking currently, so I can only buy one skill." Ye Mo sighs over his lack of points. He decides he should quickly kill off more beasts to gather more so he is able to purchase things.

"Well, there is one I will buy now. Stab Burst will be helpful in quickly killing off beasts, which will in turn help me gather points faster. I don't need Iron Body or Metal Palm as I don't need defense if I dodge fast enough, and I won't be attacking with my palms any time soon." Ye Mo says while pressing the confirm purchase button for Stab Burst. Information on how to use Stab Burst enters his soul space, so he decides to try it out.

[Ding! Host has purchased Grade 1 Skill, Stab Burst. 200 points used, 105 remaining.]

Taking out his dagger, Ye Mo walks towards a tree and stabs towards it at his normal attack speed. When his dagger his close enough to tree, Ye Mo activates his new skill, Stab Burst, which causes the speed at which the dagger stabs out to increase by at least 10%. The dagger stabs into the tree, leaving a small mark on it.

Satisfied with his new skill, Ye Mo puts his dagger back into his robes belt and asks the System for directions towards a close beast that's on par with his strength.

Following the arrow once again, Ye Mo walks for 15 minutes before he hears a few sounds which are coming from his new prey. Slowly walking around while hiding behind trees, Ye Mo finally spots the beast.

The beast this time is similar to a boar from Earth, it just has 3 horns and there are yellow markings slightly covering it's big body. Ye Mo decides to use the same tactic as when he killed the wolf, just more alert than before due to the boar being awake.

Slowly walking through the trees, Ye Mo makes sure to avoid anything that would cause a sound to alert the boar. When Ye Mo gets into a meter of the boar, it suddenly turns around and all Ye Mo could see was a small bolt of lightning emit from the boars horns and striking towards himself.

Slightly panicked, Ye Mo manages to dodge towards the right, only getting slightly hit on his left side, leaving behind a tiny burnt mark on his robe. Chiding himself for being stupid in his mind, Ye Mo holds his dagger tighter and stares at the boar, waiting for a chance to attack it.

The boar, now enraged due to a weak human intruding upon it's space, snorts before rushing towards Ye Mo with lightning flickering around it's body every second or two. Ye Mo waits for the boar to get in his attacking range, and then stabs his dagger towards the center of the boars forehead, causing the boar to snort and emit lightning which forms a small type of shield.

Ye Mo just silently laughs at the boars foolishness, as he quickly uses Stab Burst and strikes towards his real target - the boars right eye. Due to the sudden change in the attack, the boar can't react in time and Ye Mo's dagger pierces straight through the boars right eye, fully entering it down to the hilt, piercing into the boars brain.

The boar, which was stunned, cried out and tried to use lightning to remove the dagger, but before it could attack, it suddenly felt it's vision go black, and it falls heavily onto the ground.

[Ding! Host has killed Qi Ji Stage 2 Lightning Boar. Gained 15 points]

"15 points huh. I guess that is because of the lightning it has. So there is a different in point gain even if the targets are in the same rank." Ye Mo mutters as he removes his dagger from the boars head and cleans off the blood. Putting the dagger back into the belt, Ye Mo picks up the boar and carries it back towards the pond where he was at before.