Chapter 8

When Ye Mo looks to the left, he finds out what the beast is. The beast is a huge bear, about the same size as the spider, maybe even bigger than it.

[Qi Ji Stage 9 Iron Hide Bear. It has a very tough defense.]

Gripping his sword, Ye Mo looks at the beast, which also looks at him. After a while, the beast gets fed up with the staring and rushes towards Ye Mo. It's very slow, but that is because it has a very tough defense, Ye Mo guesses.

The bear swings it's paw towards Ye Mo, who jumps atop it and stabs his sword into it's arm. When Ye Mo's sword collides with the beasts arm, he can hear the sound of metal clashing, telling him this bears defense is no joke. No wonder the System said it has a very tough defense, Ye Mo figures.

Ye Mo jumps off the bears arm to dodge the other paw, while stabbing his sword towards the bears eyes, as that is the weakest part he can find. The bear dodges towards the right, but Ye Mo uses Stab Burst and the sword manages to stab the bears left eye, just barely. Removing his sword, Ye Mo can tell that he injured the bear this time, so he is quite happy, and ignores the bears roaring.

The Iron Hide Bear, which now only has one eye, rushes towards Ye Mo using it's large body. Ye Mo uses his speed and dodges towards the left, but the bear suddenly sped up, ramming it's body into Ye Mo's. Ye Mo is instantly sent flying, and crashes into a thick tree not far away, leaving a huge dent in it.

"Pu!" Ye Mo spits out a mouthful of blood as he stands up from the ground. That hit just now gave him internal injuries, so he needs to finish this fight fast. Ye Mo uses his full speed to rush towards the bear, and when the bear swings it's paw towards him, he jumps under the bear while slashing his sword across the bears stomach, leaving a deep gash on it. The bear roars out and spins over and attempts to crush Ye Mo under it, but he was faster.

As soon as the bear turned onto it's back to crush Ye Mo, he already got out from under it and stabs his sword towards the underside of the bears neck. Using Stab Burst, the sword instantly pierces through the neck of the bear, going straight through it, cutting into it's brain.

Ye Mo pulls his sword out of the bear, and it heavily falls onto the ground, dead. Using the cut on it's neck. Ye Mo manages to pull out the Inner Core of the bear, before he sits down, leaning on a tree.

[Ding! Host has killed Qi Ji Stage 9 Iron Hide Bear. Gained 450 points.]

[Ding! System has detected 1 Qi Ji Stage 9 Inner Core. Does Host want to sell it for 1200 points? Y/N]

Pressing yes, Ye Mo gains 1650 points from just the bear. Sighing at the amount, Ye Mo has already pretty much healed up from the fight. Thankfully he just got the Divine Body trait, or else he would of taken a lot more damage than this. He gets up and heads over to the bear, before cutting into it from the wound on it's stomach.

Taking out most of it's meat, Ye Mo instantly eats it until he is full and when he is done, there is already no meat left from the massive bear. Sighing at his appetite, he opens his status.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Ji Stage 9

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 140

- AGI: 130

- VIT: 180

- INT: 120

- Skills: Stab Burst(B), Divine Sense(D)

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration, Poison Resistance(B)

- Traits: Divine Body(D)

- Points: 2145

- System Level: 2]

"A big increase in stats once again, how nice. The increase in vitality was quite big this time, which is good. Right. System, how many points do I need to level you up again?" Asks Ye Mo after seeing his points.

[Ding! Host needs 7500 points to upgrade the System to Level 3.]

"Jesus! That is 6500 points more than level 1 to level 2... Damn. I will probably need a million points or something to get it to level 10 then, huh. Whatever, that is in the future." Ye Mo sighs as he walks back towards the lake

Once there, Ye Mo strips his robe and washes himself in the lake before climbing out and redressing himself. Looking at his dantian, Ye Mo sees he is close to breaking through to Qi Lo, so he sits down and starts revolving his Death Mantra technique, drawing the Qi towards himself.

10 hours later, as Ye Mo is about to breakthrough, Ye Mo notices spots of darkness appearing all around his dantian, as well as his soul space. Confused, Ye Mo decides to ask the System about it.

[Ding! Due to host about to break through to Qi Lo Realm, Host's attribute has started appearing. Since Host sees spots of darkness in his dantian and soul space, it means Host's element is Darkness.]

So that's what it was. Ye Mo sighs before he continues cultivating. 20 minutes later, Ye Mo felt his dantian swell immensely, until it grew 4 times the size of before. There is also an orb of pitch darkness now residing within his dantian. Now knowing his element is Darkness, he doesn't mind since he figures this is what happens to everyone.

Once Ye Mo opens his eyes, his red eyes flashed with darkness before disappearing, as if it didn't appear in the first place. Opening his hand, Ye Mo focuses on his palm, and a dark fog comes out of his palm. Guiding the darkness towards a plant, the plant rapidly shriveled as if it was dead.

"It seems I have a death attribute added into my darkness, huh. That could be a good attack if I can get close enough." Ye Mo says as he stands up. He concentrates, and he body suddenly disappears into a puff of darkness.

Ye Mo realized that he can hide himself with his darkness, so he can basically go invisible now. This will help him a lot when attacking beasts, since he could get close before they realize it. Looking at his sword, Ye Mo guesses it is time to change weapons. Opening the Shop, he notices it is different now.

[System Shop

- Cultivation Skills(G1-2)

- Cultivation Techniques(G1-2)

- Pills(G1-2)

- Weapons(G1-2)

- Armors(G1-2)

- ETC]

"So there is Grade 2 stuff now, that's good. Let's look at the Grade 2 weapons." Ye Mo says as he opens the Grade 2 Weapon Shop.

[Weapons Shop(G.2)

- Grade 2 Short Sword: A sword made out of Qinmin Metal. It can easily cut through the bear from before.(1000 points)

- Grade 2 Long Sword: A sword made out of Qinmin Metal. It can easily cut through the bear from before.(1200 points)

- Grade 2 Heavy Sword: A sword made out of Qinmin Metal. It can easily cut through the bear from before(1500 points)

- Grade 2 Saber: A saber made out of Qinmin metal. It can easily cut through the bear from before.(1300 points)

- Grade 2 Spear: A spear made out of Qinmin Metal. It can easily cut through the bear from before.(1350 points)

- Grade 2 Dagger: A dagger made out of Qinmin Metal. It can easily cut through the bear from before.(800 points)]

"These freaking stupid descriptions... Who the heck even decides to add them. Whatever. Let's buy the Grade 2 sword." Ye Mo sighs as he purchases a Grade 2 Short Sword.

[Ding! Host has purchased a Grade 2 Short Sword worth 1000 points. 1145 points remaining.]

A green-black sword appears on the ground in front of Ye Mo. He picks it up and he can tell that it is a lot stronger and durable than the Grade 1 sword he has been using. Asking the System if he can sell the Grade 1 Sword, the System actually agrees.

[Ding! Host can sell the Grade 1 Short Sword to the System for 40 points. Y/N]

Although it isn't even half the price he bought it for, he doesn't mind since he won't be using it anymore, and extra points always help. Ye Mo looks at the remaining 1185 points he has, so he decides to check out the Grade 2 Skill shop.

[Cultivation Skills Shop(G.2)

- Lighting Slash: Use any bladed weapon to deal a slash covered in lightning towards your foe. Increases the slash damage by 60% when used.(1000 points)

- Iron Defense Body: Cover your entire body in a thick layer of Iron to increase your defense. Using this skill will decrease your Agility by 70% when active.(1300 points)

- Mysterious Steps: A mysterious type of movement skill that uses a part of Wind Laws to increase your speed by 60%(2000 points)]

"The Mysterious Steps seems very good, but I don't have enough points for that currently. I can just ignore that defense skill, since my body itself is probably more durable. So I will buy Lightning Slash then. It will increase the damage I can deal out using my sword, so it is very good." Ye Mo says as he purchases the Grade 2 skill, Lightning Slash.

[Ding! Host has purchased Grade 2 Cultivation Skill Lightning Slash costing 1000 points. 185 points remaining.]

Sighing over his lacking points once again, Ye Mo sits down beside the lake and starts using his Death Mantra technique to guide Qi towards himself once more, increasing his cultivation.