Chapter 11

Ye Mo only opened his eyes a whole month later. If it wasn't for the fact that his body can't take any longer without food, he would have most likely kept cultivating. Checking out his dantian, he notices that it is multiple times bigger than before. Wondering what his cultivation is at now, Ye Mo opens up his status.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Lo Stage 6

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 370

- AGI: 320

- VIT: 400

- INT: 230

- Skills: Stab Burst(B), Divine Sense(D), Lightning Slash(U), Mysterious Steps(R)

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration, Poison Resistance(B)

- Traits: Divine Body(D)

- Attributes: Darkness, Death

- Points: 2045

- System Level: 2]

"A whole month and I managed to increase my cultivation by 4 stages. Not bad at all. Why did my strength and vitality gain such a massive boost though?" Wonders Ye Mo as he stares at his status screen.

[Ding! Host's Strength and Vitality stats have increased massively due to the Grade 4 Blood Fruits Host ate earlier. They increased Host's fleshy body, which in turn increased Host's Strength and Vitality.]

"I see, no wonder. It makes sense like that then." Ye Mo lightly laughs after he read the screen. After shaking his head a little, Ye Mo stands up due to the insane amount of hunger he is feeling right now. Using Divine Sense, Ye Mo located a pack of wolves not far from him.

After rushing towards the pack of wolves, Ye Mo pulls out his sword and starts cutting them down. Although there is a pack of them, the highest cultivation gathered within the pack is only Qi Ji Stage 7, which is nothing to the current Ye Mo.

After a few minutes, Ye Mo killed all 24 wolves from the pack. He cuts open all the heads and takes out the Inner Cores, then starts cutting off the edible meat from them. it was only after Ye Mo ate 18 wolves that he managed to get full. As for the rest of the meat, he stored them within his storage ring.

[Ding! Host has killed 12 Qi Ji Stage 4 Grey Wolves. Gained 400 points.]

[Ding! Host has killed 6 Qi Ji Stage 5 Grey Wolves. Gained 500 points]

[Ding! Host has killed 4 Qi Ji Stage 6 Grey Wolves. Gained 700 points.]

[Ding! Host has killed 2 Qi Ji Stage 7 Grey Wolves. Gained 800 points.]

[Ding! System has detected 12 Qi Ji Stage 4 Inner Cores, 6 Qi Ji Stage 5 Inner Cores, 4 Qi Ji Stage 6 Inner Cores and 2 Qi Ji Stage 7 Inner Cores. Would Host like to sell them all for 5500 points? Y/N]

Pressing yes, Ye Mo gained a total of 7900 points from the pack of wolves. Whistling at the amount, Ye Mo heads back towards the Cleansing Lake whilst checking his status.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Lo Stage 6

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 400

- AGI: 370

- VIT: 435

- INT: 250

- Skills: Stab Burst(B), Divine Sense(D), Lightning Slash(U), Mysterious Steps(R)

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration, Poison Resistance(B)

- Traits: Divine Body(D)

- Attributes: Darkness, Death

- Points: 9945

- System Level: 2]

Once he is back at the lake, Ye Mo strips and washes off all of the blood from his body. After which, he sits down outside of the lake and starts talking with the System.

"System, I have enough points to upgrade you again, but will I faint again like last time if I do?" Asks Ye Mo.

[Ding! Host is correct. Due to System being connected to Host's soul, when the System is upgrading the Host will be forced into a deep sleep.]

"I see. You will put up another barrier like last time right? I don't want any beasts coming around me while I can't wake up at all." Ye Mo asks the System.

[Ding! Host is correct. Every time the System upgrades, a protective barrier will form around the Host for safety measures.]

"That's good. Well then, let's upgrade you to level 3, shall we?" Laughs Ye Mo.

[Ding! Would Host like to upgrade System to Level 3 for 7500 points? Y/N]

Pressing the yes button, Ye Mo feels the familiar force assaulting his soul, causing him to lose consciousness again, like the System said. After he fell unconscious, all around 500 meters within him appeared a transparent, white dome which created a barrier all around.

During the process of the System upgrade, an enormous amount of Qi gathered from all around and entered Ye Mo's body. Even the Cleansing Lake beside Ye Mo quickly got drained of all it's Qi and became an empty pit, similar to the Spirit Spring.

The Qi formed a hurricane that entered Ye Mo's dantian, which quickly absorbed it all, while the other half entered his Soul Space, increasing his Mental Energy, while also causing the black ball within both his dantian and Soul Space to increase in size, becoming fist size, rather than the palm size from before.

After which, Ye Mo's cultivation spiked constantly until it reached the peak of Qi Lo Stage 9, similar to how it was during the last upgrade. He once again couldn't break through to the next realm just like that, and it sat at the peak of Stage 9.

Unknown to both Ye Mo and the System, a pair of black eyes were observing them from the sky, which seemed to pierce through space. It was only when Ye Mo was about to wake up that the eyes disappeared from the sky, leaving no traces of their existence behind.

Ye Mo slowly opened his eyes and when he does, he can instantly feel all the changes within his body. Such as the increase in size of the dark ball in both his dantian and Soul Space, the increase in his strength, and the increase in his Mental Energy. Shaking his head, Ye Mo opened his status.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Lo Stage 9

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 520

- AGI: 470

- VIT: 530

- INT: 325

- Skills: Stab Burst(B), Divine Sense(D), Lightning Slash(U), Mysterious Steps(R)

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration, Poison Resistance(B)

- Traits: Divine Body(D)

- Attributes: Darkness, Death

- ???: ???, ???(Conditions not yet met. Host has to be at Qi Sa to see)

- Points: 2445

- System Level: 3]

"My stats increased by about a hundred each, which is nice. I guess my cultivation will always increase to the peak of whichever realm I am in if I upgrade the System. That is pretty insane as, if I am in a higher realm, where it takes a long time to even increase one stage, and I upgrade the System, I would head straight to the peak. Those question marks on my status bug me a little, but I just need to reach Qi Sa to read them, it will just take a while." Laughs Ye Mo after checking his status. It was also at this time that the System popped up.

[Ding! Host is correct. Every time the System gets upgraded, Host's cultivation will increase to the Peak of whichever Realm he is in at the time. There is nothing special about breaking through to Qi Mu Realm, but Host would be able to get the Bonus Pack for that Realm. It is recommended to breakthrough fast. The price of the next System Upgrade is 15000 points. Please work hard, young man!]

"Fuck, I think the System is developing a personality. Well, not that I mind. 15000 points though, huh. Well, at the rate I gather points, it actually won't take me that long to get that many, as I can just find a few hordes to eliminate and sell the Inner Cores." Laughs Ye Mo as he stands up. Looking at the dried up Cleansing Lake, Ye Mo sighs before heading towards the Inner Region of the Forest of Horrors. All this time, Ye Mo has been in the outer regions. He only found that out when he scanned his Divine Sense all around.

Ye Mo occasionally found a few beast along his run, but they all instantly ran away from him the second they sensed him. Perk of being strong, he guesses. Ye Mo simply ignores them since they are all weak beasts anyways. While he is running towards the Inner Region, he suddenly felt as if he was being watched. Perhaps to due instincts, Ye Mo activated his darkness power and became invisible. Only then did the gaze disappear.

Ye Mo instantly sent his Divine Sense in the direction he felt the gaze from, and he could see a large group of monkeys living in a simple wooden town. There are even walls made out of sturdy wood, with a few spears creating an additional defense. Ye Mo searched around for a bit before he found the strongest monkey, and he analyzes it with the System.

[Qi Lo Stage 8 Razor Ape King. This Ape King has gained the inheritance of the Razor Back Hybrid Monkey Emperor, and evolved to a Razor Ape King.]

"That guy is pretty darn strong, If I went and fought with him right now, I only have a 60% chance of winning, and that is if I ignore all the other hundred or so monkeys that are there. The inheritance of the Razor Back Hybrid Monkey Emperor, huh. To be called Emperor, it needs to be at least at the Qi Pa Realm. Interesting." Laughs Ye Mo as he stops using his Divine Sense to observe the monkeys.

Since he found out what was looking at him, Ye Mo stopped using his darkness power and turned visible again. When he didn't feel the stare on him again, he shakes his head and continues running towards the Inner Region of the forest.