Chapter 16

3 months later, Ye Mo opens his eyes and stops cultivating. He inspects his dantian and notices it increased slightly, so he brings up his status.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/Devil

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Sa Stage 3

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 1400

- AGI: 1250

- VIT: 1750

- INT: 1050

- Skills: Stab Burst(B), Divine Sense(D), Lightning Slash(U), Devil Movement(E), Devil Storm(D), Sword of Death(SR)

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration, Poison Resistance(B), Devil Regeneration(D), Eternal Youth(SR), Fire Resistance(U)

- Traits: Divine Body(D), Devil Body(D)

- Attributes: Darkness, Death

- Transformation: Human, Devil

- Points: 34845

- System Level: 3]

"3 months and I broke through twice, not bad. It takes such a long time to breakthrough now, so I am really glad I have those pills. I have 20 left now, huh." Ye Mo mutters while checking his storage ring.

Looking at his points, Ye Mo decides to go out and slaughter a bunch of beasts so that he gets closer to 120000 points for the upgrade. Using Divine Sense, Ye Mo spots two wolfs hunting together, he assumes, so he chooses them as his targets.

Running for an hour, Ye Mo reached them. They were in the middle of killing a boar, so he uses analyze on all of them.

[Qi Mu Stage 7 Ice Wolf.]

[Qi Mu Stage 6 Ice Wolf.]

[Qi Mu Stage 7 Iron Boar]

Ye Mo watches them fight for a few minutes, and when they are all somewhat injured, he takes out his Divine Devil Sword and uses Devil Movement to appear behind them immediately. They notice him right away, but his sword already stabbed through the Stage 6 Ice Wolf, piercing it's heart.

The other Ice Wolf roars out in rage and rushes towards Ye Mo, but he is injured so he is a lot slower than usual, so Ye Mo easily cuts off it's head. The Iron Boar tried to run away, but it is slower than the wolfs, so Ye Mo caught up to it and easily cut it's head off.

He picks up the three Inner Cores and cuts up the bear and Ice Wolf and eats them until he is full. Then, he crushes the Stage 7 Inner Core and sells the other 2 to the System.

[Ding! Host has killed Qi Mu Stage 6 Ice Wolf. Gained 1500 points.]

[Ding! Host has killed Qi Mu Stage 7 Ice Wolf. Gained 1750 points.]

[Ding! Host has killed Qi Mu Stage 7 Iron Boar. Gained 1750 points.]

[Ding! Host has sold 1 Qi Mu Stage 7 Inner Core and 1 Qi Mu Stage 6 Inner core for 5000 points.]

[Ding! Host has absorbed a Qi Mu Stage 7 Ice Inner Core and gained the perk Ice Resistance(U)]

After killing them, Ye Mo heads towards another few beasts. This time, his target is a fox that is fighting a monkey. Hiding himself while they injure each other, he analyzes them.

[Qi Mu Stage 7 Shadow Fox(3 tail)]

[Qi Mu Stage 7 Steel Monkey]

They fight each other for 5 minutes before they are injured enough for Ye Mo to easily kill them. He uses Devil Movement and stabs his sword into the heart of the Steel Monkey, killing it instantly. Then he rushes at the Shadow Fox and cuts it in half before it could react, as it was too injured to.

He cuts out the Inner cores and crushes the Shadow Fox Inner Core while selling the Steel Monkey's Inner Core to the System.

[Ding! Host has killed Qi Mu Stage 7 Steel Monkey. Gained 1750 points.]

[Ding! Host has killed Qi Mu Stage 7 Shadow Fox(3 tail). Gained 1750 points.]

[Ding! Host has sold one Qi Mu Stage 7 Inner Core for 3000 points.]

[Ding! Host has absorbed a Qi Mu Stage 7 Darkness Inner Core. Host's Darkness Power strengthened slightly.]

"Oh~ I can strengthen my Darkness power by absorbing Inner Cores with Darkness power. Good to know." Ye Mo laughs to himself.

He uses his Divine Sense again and finds a big battle going on. There are probably 10 or 15 beasts fighting, so he gets excited since he can get a lot of points from this. He uses his Darkness power to turn invisible, just in case, while he rushes there.

Once there, he finds 3 dead beasts, so he gets upset since he lost points, but he can sell their Inner Cores at least. He waits for 50 minutes before all of the remaining 12 beasts are injured enough, and he uses his Devil Storm skill, shrouding the area in Devil Qi.

After a few minutes, the remaining beasts are dead and Ye Mo can easily gather all of the Inner Cores. There were 4 Darkness Inner Cores, a Water Inner Core and an Earth Inner Core that he crushes to get the perks, and he sells the rest.

[Ding! Host has killed 9 Qi Mu Stage 7 beasts. Gained 15000 points.]

[Ding! Host has killed 3 Qi Mu Stage 8 beasts. Gained 18000 points.]

[Ding! Host has sold 8 Qi Mu Stage 7 Inner Cores and 1 Qi Mu Stage 8 Inner Core for 40000 points.]

[Ding! Host has absorbed 4 Qi Mu Stage 7 Darkness Inner Cores. Host's Darkness power has slightly strengthened.]

[Ding! Host has absorbed a Qi Mu Stage 8 Water Inner Core and gained Water Resistance(U)]

[Ding! Host has absorbed a Qi Mu Stage 8 Earth Inner core and gained Earth Resistance(U)]

Looking at all the screens that came up recently, Ye Mo figures it is a good time to look at his status to see his point gain.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/Devil

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Sa Stage 3

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 1400

- AGI: 1250

- VIT: 1750

- INT: 1050

- Skills: Stab Burst(B), Divine Sense(D), Lightning Slash(U), Devil Movement(E), Devil Storm(D), Sword of Death(SR)

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration, Poison Resistance(B), Devil Regeneration(D), Eternal Youth(SR), Fire Resistance(U), Ice Resistance(U), Water Resistance(U), Earth Resistance(U)

- Traits: Divine Body(D), Devil Body(D)

- Attributes: Darkness, Death

- Transformation: Human, Devil

- Points: 124345

- System Level: 3]

"Woo~ I actually got over 120000 points now, so I can upgrade the System again finally." Happily laughs Ye Mo.

He ignores all the dead beast corpses and runs back to the Cleansing Lake. Once there, he jumps into it and cleans himself off before he dresses himself and sits down beside the lake. After which, he asks to Upgrade the System.

[Ding! Does Host wish to Upgrade the System to Level 4 for 120000 points? Y/N]

Ye Mo clicks yes without hesitation and instantly faints. The Qi needed to upgrade the System to Level 4 was quite a lot, so even the Cleansing Lake was completely dried up by the end of it. Ye Mo's cultivation rapidly increased, once again.

Qi Sa Stage 4...

Qi Sa Stage 5...

Qi Sa Stage 6...

Qi Sa Stage 7...

Qi Sa Stage 8...

Qi Sa Stage 9...

Qi Sa Stage 9 Peak...

Once again, his cultivation reached the peak of his current realm, bringing him very close to Qi Pa Realm. Ye Mo twitches slightly and slowly opens his eyes.