A Battle of Two Giants

Xiao Jing was startled, and she did not think that her family would take special care of her, especially that Third Brother who was good at fighting.

Just thinking about it caused her face to ache. "If you think that Zheng Hu(Xiao Zheng) is not suitable for you, you can go to Xiao Hong's Staff Council." Xiao Yu said again.

Xiao Jing forced out a normal smile as much as she could. These brothers, including this guy who lacked tendons, had repeatedly tried to evacuate her from here. Could it be that they were afraid that she would embarrass herself in front of an outsider?

"505 group is also suitable for you." Xiao Yu raised his hand and gently patted Xiao Jing's shoulder.

Xiao Jing felt his touch and widened her eyes in astonishment. The methodical tapping sound on her shoulder pressed down heavily on her and she did not even dare to emit a breath of air as she carefully asked, "If I say no, would Big Brother strangle me?"

Xiao Yu's hand suddenly stopped and he raised his eyebrows: "I'm thinking for you. Shen Cheng Feng is famous in the camp for being swift and decisive, and as long as he doesn't die training, he will train his body to the death. With your body's bones, you won't be able to withstand his training."

"I feel pretty good. Elder brother, if you are worried that I will embarrass the Xiao family, then I will be more cautious in the future. I won't tell anyone about my identity."

"I don't care about that." Xiao Yu wanted to say something but hesitated. After a while, he sighed,"

"Alright, I spoke too much and lost my initial intention. I have already made my decision on this matter, if you want to change your plans, you will have to follow the rules of the Xiao Family and defeat me."


Xiao Jing was speechless, was this not bullying? With my weak little body, wouldn't you be able to cripple it with just one finger?

"It seems like you have no objections?" Xiao Yu walked to the bedside and casually picked up a set of military uniform to put it on Xiao Jing's head.

"Follow me."

Xiao Jing struggled to move, she was hesitating about whether she should sneak attack him or not.

Xiao Yu felt something strange behind him, he extended his hand to block, effortlessly grabbing onto her hand with his big palm, then pulling forcefully, he directly pushed her body up into the air, in the next moment, she was pressed down onto the floor, unable to move.

Xiao Jing struggled for a moment, convinced that her hands and feet were sealed, she chose to give up, and laughed bitterly: "Big brother, your arm is about to break."

Xiao Yu released her hand and stood up, as usual, not smiling at all. He said: "Using an egg to hit a rock, is not a wise person's choice."

"What about the competition between the two tigers?" A powerful voice of a third person came from outside the door. As soon as the voice fell, the door was kicked open and a gust of wind violently blew.

Xiao Jing blinked her eyes. Before she could even react, she saw his big brother leap, and the table behind him was instantly broken into two, with a 'bang' sound, it shook the floor.

Xiao Yu said coldly: "This sneak attack is not a righteous action."

Shen Cheng Feng calmly looked at the figure lying on the ground, and said with a low voice, "General Xiao visited my 501 group in the middle of the night, and you still want to take away my person? Could this be the behavior of a gentleman?"

"I've come to take away my fourth brother, why not?"

"Are there any formal procedures to take my soldiers away?" Shen Cheng Feng asked.

Xiao Yu's pupils tightened, and said in a heavy tone: "The procedures for the transfer of troops will be sent down tomorrow."

"General Xiao also said that the procedures for arriving at my campsite tomorrow. Here, Xiao Jing is part of my squad until tomorrow."

"Don't try to mince words with me, I, Xiao Yu, do not need to follow any rigid rules."

"General Xiao is right, I, Shen Cheng Feng, do not like those rigid rules, so whether there are any formalities after tomorrow, Xiao Jing will only be in my campsite."

Xiao Jing swallowed her saliva. Why did she somehow feel a wave of smoke spreading in the air, and it even made her nose choke, as though it could ignite at any time, causing harm to an innocent little mermaid like her?

"Listening to General Shen's words, does it mean that there is no room for negotiation?" Xiao Yu secretly clenched his fists, his gaze like a torch staring at his opponent.

Shen Cheng Feng took off his gloves and casually threw it on the table which had been broken into two parts. An indescribable smell of scorching flesh seemed to haunt the air.

Xiao Yu's expression became cold, he naturally knew of Shen Cheng Feng's uniqueness, if it was a true match, he would not be afraid of the stage, but today, for the sake of his family's useless Xiao Xi, he actually planned to fight him in close combat and even took off his gloves! How could he not understand such a blatant threat?

Seeing that, Xiao Jing anxiously stood in front of Xiao Yu. With a vast imposing manner, she thought that she was being imposing, and said: "officer, what are you planning to do? Since we're already so familiar with each other, there's no need for us to be so serious, right? "

"What do you think I can do?" Shen Cheng Feng's gaze directly swept past Xiao Jing, and landed on another person behind him.

Xiao Yu did not say anything, he only focused on Shen Cheng Feng's hands that were like an ordinary person's.

He had seen how powerful these hands were, not to mention that his own flesh and blood would turn into a pool of corpse water if they met, even the steel bars would corrode, he could only imagine that Xiao Jing was safe and sound after drinking the strong sulfuric acid that was needed for the army at home.

Could this be Xiao Ye's goal? The rocks of other mountains could be used to seize jade. The Xiao Jing who looked gentle and weak was actually the bane of Shen Cheng Feng. As long as they placed the Xiao Xi beside this man, there would be a day when their Xiao Family could replace the Shen Family and become the number one family in the Empire! But since when was the Xiao family so despicable that they wanted to use their own family members as pawns?

Furthermore, with Xiao Jing's status, he could not guarantee that she would be moved by the army in a place like this closed management system. What if the firewood encountered a fire and used a spark to set the prairie ablaze? Didn't they just lose their men and lose their soldiers? No! He had to take Xiao Jing away from the Iron Eagle no matter what!

"I would like to test if General Shen is as powerful as the rumors say." Xiao Yu pushed the Xiao Jing in front of him away and charged forward without hesitation.

Shen Cheng Feng raised his hand and grabbed onto the fist that was flying at him. The air was filled with the special smell of meat.

Xiao Yu took a step back and glanced at the white smoke coming out of his sleeve on his wrist. On his exposed skin, there was a wound that he couldn't ignore that was burning with burning pain.