You Guys Are Killed

A war was about to break out, Xiao Jing finally understood why Shen Cheng Feng said that she was here to make up the number.

'Damn it, he was using such a delicate girl as a bait!' Xiao Jing stood on the empty ground, and the sun's rays scorched down onto her entire body.

The sound of the wings of the birds flying above her head could be clearly heard in this quiet space.

A drop of sweat rolled down from her face. She tightly gripped the spear shaft in her hand, thinking if she should put up a resistance.

However, she didn't dare to move, afraid that if she moved, she would be shot into a beehive. Xiao Jing pouted, feeling wronged. She wanted to report it, report that the their officer had intentionally sent a person's head to him.

Jiang Xin hid himself on top of the treetops. His field of vision was very wide, and he could clearly see Xiao Jing standing in the air, but he could not shoot. If he did, his position would be exposed.

Cheng Chen looked around. When the wind stopped, a dead leaf fell from the tree branch.


Without any hesitation, Cheng Chen shot at Xiao Jing's small body. The bullet tore through the air.

Xiao Jing sensed that there was danger approaching from the right rear and jumped, effortlessly avoiding the sneak attack of the spear.

Cheng Chen's brows slightly knitted, and uncertainly thrust his spear again.

Xiao Jing somersaulted, and perfectly landed on the ground. She laid on the ground behind a rock that was half the height of a person, memorized the trajectory of the bullets flying towards her, and unhesitatingly fired two shots in a row.

Cheng Chen anxiously retracted his exposed body, he looked at the magazine in shock, he could not believe what he saw and stared at the motionless Jiang Xin.

Jiang Xin held the sniper rifle in his hands tightly, he hesitated to raise the gun, but he did not believe that it was that strange.


A large amount of leaves fell from the tree, and a figure fell from the tree to the ground.

Jiang Xin frowned, he looked at the white dot on his right shoulder and knew that he had been shot.

Cheng Chen ran out from behind the barrier and shouted, "Hide!"

Unfortunately, he was already a step too late.

The moment Jiang Xin moved his body, he immediately sensed a rain of bullets shooting towards him. In the next moment, he felt another bullet in his shoulder, another in his chest, and another in his head.

He was completely dead now!

Cheng Chen hid behind a big tree and equipped a handgun. He confirmed that Jiang Xin was dead, and he had to snatch Jiang Xin's gun back, or else....

Xiao Jing crawled in front of Jiang Xin who was pondering about life, with one hand, she grabbed onto the sniper rifle that he was tightly gripping, and said with a smile that was not a smile,

"Senior, you have already died in battle."

Jiang Xin clenched his teeth and released his hand, then secretly hammered the ground.

They could not even beat a recruit, and was even a recruit from the 525 group.

Xiao Jing carried her sniper rifle and was about to turn back, but she was suddenly startled. Her shoulder was hit hard, her arm went numb, and the gun in her hand lost its gravity and fell to the ground.

Cheng Chen planned to use this opportunity to give chase. Right now, Shen Chengfeng no longer had any bullets, he had to snatch back the lances of Jiang Xin in a short period of time.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Cheng Chen released three shots according to the sequence, and each of the bullets quickly flew towards Xiao Jing's body.

Xiao Jing had wanted to use the dead Jiang Xin as a meat shield, but just as she was about to move, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of her.

In the next moment, she was grabbed by someone and rolled towards the underbrush.

Shen Chengfeng took the gun in her hand and without thinking, shot seven shots at Cheng Chen who had revealed his whereabouts.

Cheng Chen only took one step, and his body had already suffered seven white dots.Without any surprise, he too, died in battle.

Xiao Jing regained her senses, looked at the three clear little white dots on Shen Cheng Feng's back, and said softly, "officer, you've been shot."

Shen Cheng Feng expressionlessly tossed the gun back onto Xiao Jing's body, coldly glanced at him, and said,

"Am I supposed to praise you again? You've only been shot once!"

Xiao Jing grinned, "I accept your praise."

Shen Cheng Feng walked out from the bushes, used his feet to kick Jiang Xin who was lying on the ground motionlessly, and said indifferently, "You guys are killed."

Jiang Xin sat up straight like a carp, supporting his head with one hand,

"Officer, why do I feel like you are deliberately using us to train Xiao Jing?"

"30 kilometers and 30 kilograms of weight." Shen Cheng Feng was too lazy to even say anything extra and directly left after saying that.

Cheng Chen sat on the ground, feeling a dull pain after being shot by the bullet.

"Cough, cough."

Jiang Xin covered his mouth and coughed, "Don't you feel that officer has been acting weird these past few days?

Cheng Chen glared at him grudgingly, "I only know that two days from now, we will be living a miserable life. Don't forget what kind of training program it is tomorrow, we have to carry thirty kilograms of weight to travel across the fields today, so we won't be able to rest well tonight."

Jiang Xin was stunned, and immediately understood what was going on. Could it be that the officer planned for them to beat them up for the sake of tomorrow?

The S501 Regiment ranks once a month for the team battle, with the last member at the bottom responsible for all the logistics of the month, including the cleaning of the baths.

Jiang Xin could not help but twitch his mouth. When he thought about the dirty socks that were casually thrown away in the bathhouse, and thinking about the public toilets between each floor, he covered his mouth and wanted to puke.

It was like he was pregnant early, he wanted to puke out all of his bile.

Xiao Jing followed closely behind Shen Cheng Feng. She rubbed her sore arms and asked full of interest: "officer, where are we going now?"

Shen Chengfeng stopped.

Xiao Jing did not expect him to suddenly stop, and directly smacked his back. She raised her head, and looked at the man who was taller than her, smiling slightly.

Shen Cheng Feng extended a finger, and lightly pushed away the tip of his head that was close to him. With a neither fast nor slow voice, he said, "I still have some official business, you may disperse."

Xiao Jing stood there in a daze. Damn, was she being raised?

Shen Chengfeng got on the SUV and was about to close the door, but a hand held out to him.

Xiao Jing said with a serious expression: "officer, I feel very good right now. I feel that I can increase my training."

With one arm on the steering wheel, Shen Chengfeng's gaze swept across the people in front of him from top to bottom. His eyes were calm like a calm lake, and he said: "Everyone in Special Operation Force can complete all one hundred and ten obstacles in one minute, do you think you can do it within a few minutes?"

Xiao Jing calculated carefully, and told her real result, but she felt embarrassed.

Shen Cheng Feng continued: "Even after one second, you are still not qualified to become a Special Warrior."