Her Clothes Torn Open


Xiao Jing's body resisted mechanically as she kicked out. Without any hesitation, she kicked towards Shen Cheng Feng's face without considering he was her leader.

Shen Cheng Feng held onto his leg with one hand and frowned slightly. He forcefully pushed him back with his other hand, thinking to suppress him under his body.

Xiao Jing struggled for a bit, and took the opportunity to kick the other leg. Perhaps even she did not expect herself to react this quickly, and almost subconsciously sent out a series of kicks, which accidentally landed on Shen Cheng Feng's head.

Shen Cheng Feng's two fingers pinched onto Xiao Jing's other leg, and he leaned over, directly controlling Xiao Jing's legs into his own two hands.

Xiao Jing thought that she still had two hands left, and stubbornly resisted, but she didn't expect that Shen Cheng Feng would actually flip her over a step earlier than her.

He rested his knees on her waist, making her not dare to recklessly move again.

"You think you can escape from me with your little ability?" Shen Cheng Feng held onto Xiao Jing's hands with one hand and prepared to remove his clothes with the other.

Xiao Jing realised what he was doing, her mind was in a daze, she bit on her lower lip, and the sudden pain allowed her to understand everything clearly.

Shen Cheng Feng was shocked. The body that was frozen in his palm a moment ago slipped away suddenly, like a loach that ran away in the presence of water.

Xiao Jing rolled under the bed. This bed was a folding bed that was commonly used in the army. In order to make it easier to carry, she turned on the switch and the bed immediately overlapped.

Without a moment's hesitation, she pulled out the small steel plate that was folded over the bed with her bare hands.

With a "pa" sound, the whole bed bounced together. Shen Cheng Feng escaped through the crack in the bed and pulled out the secretly delighted little soldier from under the bed.

Xiao Jing felt that the light in front of her had been hidden away. She looked up, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Looking at Shen Cheng Feng, there was a cut on his face, it must have been caused by the folding bed just now.

Shen Cheng Feng touched his face that was faintly aching, looked at the blood stains on his fingertips, and casually wiped them with a tissue at the side.

With an indifferent voice, he said, "Should I record a meritorious deed for you? This reaction speed is indeed out of my expectations. "

"It's fine if I can overcome it." Xiao Jing's eyes were bright as she stared at the Buddha in front of her.

Shen Cheng Feng picked up his jacket, and before he left, he coldly glanced at the silhouette who was deliberately keeping a distance from him, and said

"Put on your clothes and come out with me."

Xiao Jing looked down and saw that a long hole had been torn open in her clothes. As long as she went up a little bit more, the wrapped up white gauze would not be able to hide anywhere.

She secretly gasped for breath, and luckily, she tactfully chose to die with him.

"Captain, what's wrong with your face?" Mu Xi Chi stood outside the door and pointed at the cut on their officer's face in shock.

It seemed that the sharpness of the cut must have come from something.

Shen Cheng Feng closed his door, glancing at him from top to bottom, "You guys aren't training today?"

"It's time to eat." Mu Xi Chi replied.

"It seems like you've already eaten your fill." Shen Cheng Feng asked again.

The corner of Mu Xi Chi's mouth twitched, and said with a wry smile, "Aren't I in a hurry to report to Captain ? I haven't eaten yet."

"You are worried about Xiao Jing?"

"I only heard the sergeants say that the matter was very serious. After all, it was very important to report the damage done to the soldiers and even remember them."

"officer, I have the right to speak on this matter." Lin Qi carried his lunchbox and rushed up the stairs.

Shen Cheng Feng shot a glance at the person who spoke, and his gaze dropped onto the normal looking lunchbox that was in his hands.

Lin Qi explained: "Just now, I was there, and I can prove that Xiao Jing didn't intentionally injure someone. At that time, he was in a semi-conscious state, and his body couldn't control itself and reacted excessively."

"Did you carry him to the infirmary?" Shen Cheng Feng asked.

Lin Qi nodded without hesitation, "When he fell off the horizontal bar, he fainted."

"Did he pass out during training?" Shen Cheng Feng asked again.

"Yes, when I saw him, it was already around one in the afternoon. After that, he passed out from sunstroke at three in the afternoon. During this time, he trained non-stop for three hours, maybe longer."

"Stupid." After Shen Cheng Feng spat those two words, he went down the stairs without looking back.

Mu Xi Chi followed closely behind, and asked: "Captain, then how should I handle this matter?"

"Do you need me to teach you?"

Mu Xi Chi laughed, "I understand, I will immediately inform the entire camp, this matter must be dealt with seriously."

"Did I say anything serious?" Shen Cheng Feng put on his jacket, and his sharp eyes landed on Mu Xi Chi's body.

Mu Xi Chi felt a chill down his spine, as though his spine was stabbed by someone.

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Shen Cheng Feng looked at him without blinking.

Mu Xi Chi shook his head with all his might, and said with a bitter smile: "No, I'm finished."

"Once you're done, go back and have a good night's sleep. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's competition."

Mu Xi Chi couldn't help but shiver, why did he see the threat from Captain's words, the absolute threat.

"officer, I'm ready." Xiao Jing snatched a shirt that didn't fit him from guard soldier and put it on his body.

Shen Cheng Feng squinted his eyes, and said leisurely, "Lin Qi just brought you food."

Xiao Jing stuck out his chest, and replied sonorously: "How could I use my private matters to delay officer's business."

Shen Cheng Feng did not speak further, and turned to leave.

Xiao Jing quickly followed and carefully asked, "officer, where are we going?"

"Eat." Shen Cheng Feng said two words in a succinct manner.

"officer is truly worthy of being called a officer. He even has to do such a small thing as eating in person." Xiao Jing said happily.

Shen Cheng Feng stopped in his tracks, and stared straight at Xiao Jing's obviously fake face that was laughing.

Xiao Jing coughed dryly, as though she had flattered him a little too much.

"You're right, if I don't have to personally cook for you when you eat, I'm afraid you'll have to be fed. Since the second lieutenant Xiao recommends you so much, how about you personally feed me later?"
