Beg For Mercy

Xiao Jing felt that she should plead for mercy on behalf of these people, but before she spoke, a terrible voice sounded.

Shen Cheng Feng's eyes stared fixedly at Xiao Jing's petite body, and spoke in a light and tepid voice, "You must remember, these people were punished because of you."


Xiao Jing stared at the calm man. 'Did I take the blame for you? I am such a beautiful girl, and you didn't think about being protective of me, but you still plotted against me. Damn it!.'

"What are you standing there for? Do you have any objections to my words?"

Xiao Jing laid on the ground, and once again started to do push-ups, her eyes were like torches staring at the shadow that was scattered in her line of sight, and she silently cursed in his heart. 'Sooner or later, I will make you roll around below me, begging me to hurt you. At that time, I will definitely turn you over and over, letting you cry and howl and beg me for mercy.'

Xiao Jing couldn't help but smile. Just thinking about it, she couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Gather in the A Class combat room of the fourth region at seven in the morning. If anyone is late, pack up and get back to your room." Shen Cheng Feng looked at the small body on the ground with narrow and deep eyes.

Xiao Jing felt the fiery gaze above her, and could not help but raise her head. Sure enough, this man could not wait to tell everyone that she was the scumbag he was talking about.

On the field, everyone was gradually dispersing. Xiao Jing did not have enough strength, so she naturally fell behind. In the end, she was the only one left on the huge field. After completing a hundred push-ups.

Xiao Jing sat on the floor with one hand on her chin and looked up at the stars. Was it because she had committed too many sins in his previous life that she had met such an unreasonable officer in her current life?

Could it be that this superior was so envious of her? Perhaps it was because her own elder brother didn't even look at him when he came? As expected, all men in a crush are lacking in strength.

"What is this thing?" A clear and cold voice sounded out from behind Xiao Jing.

Xiao Jing turned her head in surprise and looked down along Shen Cheng Feng's line of sight.

The light was dim, but he could still see the white stripes inside his clothes.


The night wind raged across the field. As Xiao Jing thought about concealing it, just as her hand touched the white slip, his other hand had already grabbed the corner of the white slip with lightning speed.

In the next instant, he pulled it with force.

"F * ck your grandpa." Xiao Jing blurted out.

After being pulled by Shen Cheng Feng, she was almost killed by the long cloth.

Shen Cheng Feng stared at the thing in his hands thoughtfully, and studied it over and over again. His tone was as cold as ever, and he said, "Injured?"

"Cough, cough." Xiao Jing held his breath, without caring about each other's status, she brushed away the officer's black hands and laughed bitterly.

"A little injury, nothing much."

"I know that your third brother came over tonight. My Iron Eagle has almost become the backyard of your Xiao family. Is your Xiao family looking down on me?"

"officer sure knows how to joke. Our Xiao family does not dare to put you in our eyes. You are such a big person, but we are blind. A person like you must be worshipped in our hearts and admired you unswervingly."

Shen Cheng Feng stared at Xiao Jing who was speaking casually, he took off his gloves and gently pinched his wrist: "I don't like to hear lies that others flatter and flatter me with."

Xiao Jing was worried that The king of hell Yama would slap her in her face the next moment, and she said cautiously: "Since I was young, I have always been a sincere child."

Shen Cheng Feng grabbed his chin. This kind of touch from a distance made him feel that it was very special, especially a kind of attachment.

Xiao Jing felt a little pain on her chin, she gently scratched his hand and laughed. "Officer, under this atmosphere, if others were to see me, they would probably misunderstand. Although I know that I look very spirited, and would very likely be misunderstood by others to be a girl, but my identity card indicates that I am a man, it is not appropriate for you to be so intimate with me."

Seeing him baring his white teeth, Shen Cheng Feng smiled amiably, released the restraint he had placed on him, and turned to look at the other side. "Tomorrow, there will be a competition, I will give you a license, you can choose not to participate, or else others will think that I, Shen Cheng Feng, am heartless and bully the injured."

"I only got a small injury, it won't affect my ability to function normally." Xiao Jing promised solemnly.

"I've given you a chance. Since you're so insistent on participating, let's do as you wish. It's just that …" Shen Cheng Feng paused for a moment, before continuing, "You must bear the consequences."

Xiao Jing frowned, why did she keep having the feeling that tomorrow, her fate would be terrible, and there would be a fight to the death between them!

"You can go back and rest." Shen Cheng Feng turned around and walked towards the dormitory building.

Xiao Jing followed closely behind and could not help but ask: "officer, why are you so special?"

Shen Cheng Feng stopped in his tracks, casted a sidelong glance at the figure that was looking forward to his answer, and said coldly. "Whoever knows this secret is either dead or gone, which one do you want to choose?"

Xiao Jing swallowed her saliva, coughed lightly, and quickly ran upstairs.

The sound lingered on the floor, and she said: "Officer, good night."

Shen Cheng Feng stopped in his tracks, buried his head into the ground, and looked at his palm. The lines on his palm were clear, they intersected, and he had lived like a monster for thirty years now, but now, he felt like a human.

At sunrise, the entire camp was filled with smoke. The military officers handed over the drawing boxes one by one.

This fight was divided into the Red and Blue Battalions. The team would assist in the competition, and the winner would receive a custom-made weapon.

The loser, on the other hand, is responsible for public logistics and sanitation for a month.

Yesterday, he carried a weight of thirty kilometers across the fields, but his fighting strength had plummeted today.

He prayed that he would not be able to get the Blue Battalion this time around, but look at the Blue Battalion. Almost half of them were new soldiers, especially Xiao Jing the swindler.

Xiao Jing's wrist was tied up with a blue headband, and after looking around, her best teammate, Lin Qi, was unexpectedly Red Square's person.

Lin Qi sense his gaze and smiled, then stepped forward and whispered: "This is just a competition, don't feel burdened."