◇A Class 8 of the 13 Classes◇

"Namely the weakest people had remained here." Sho said his expression pained, "Long Zexi's little sister had also remained, our group was the one trying to find a way out..but something went terribly wrong."

"They somehow found out about the group here, even before the other group could create a distraction in a different section of the E-5 block." Li stated solemnly.

'Could they have...' Lu Xing suddenly considered something.

His eyes flashed with comprehension.

"The other group was ambushed, and your group somehow miraculously evaded the ambush because you made a split second decision to switch directions on your way to the wall." Lu Xing mused.

Suddenly the room was engulfed in deadened silence.

"You managed to come near here, saw those bastards more than likely massacring your friends after pulling them out from the house," Lu Xing responded as he remembered a particular persons fondness for executioner styled killings, "Sho was smart and had you all go through exit B3, the one the ambushers would've used to get that close to this place without notice.."

Suddenly Lu Xing stopped as he realized some of what he had said was rather unnerving.

Long Zexi threw him piercing look.

Everyone else had suddenly taken a defensive stance save for the youngest, Kuan Bo. He alone seemed lost as he glanced at everyone warily. Meanwhile, Lu Xing mentally scolded himself for voicing out his thoughts.

"Are you just really good at laying out details?" Long Zexi gave him a disbelieving look, his voice laced with suspicion. "Or are you with them?"

Lu Xing looked at Long Zexi for a long moment before giving an answer.

"I am no ally to those DOGs from the Military Force. They'd as soon cut my core out, as I would snuff out their lives into cinders." Lu Xing's voice cut with an unspoken anger.

"I'll-" Long Zexi started, Sho had suddenly walked up to Lu Xing, his eyes blazing.

"You just said DOGs, not dogs..how do you know about them?" His voice sounded accusing, "Only high level personnel would barely know that name."

"How do you know there's a difference?" Lu Xing shot back.

They both stood there looking at one another, daring each other into revealing what the other knew.

'This man..he has to many oddities..' Lu Xing thought, he has held Sho under duress once already...yet a part of Lu Xing was suspicious...

"Bravo." Clapping ensued as Yang Jin let out as he walked down into the room, "Aren't you quite the Great Sho, already doubting the man you practically foisted on us." He grinned savagely, "Isn't that just great."

Sho flinched, "Don't call me that."

Lu Xing felt as though a missing piece of a puzzle had just been found, then groaned before placing his face in his hands.

'I've messed up.' Lu Xing thought, he had just realized how much of this timeline had completely shifted from its original path... To the point that now many questionable variables will be placed before him. And all because his choices caused them...though it might not be just his choices.. the variable here were the reincarnies.

Everyone was now looking at him.

"Enough, we need to make a plan, not question one another here." Lu Xing sighed as he looked the guys he would be working with to thwart their hunters plans...except now he was worried if they'd even manage to survive without being at one another's throats before that could happen.

'No..I'm wrong.' Suddenly a thought crossed his mind, and Lu Xing felt relieved.

'This could in fact be to our advantage...' Lu Xing began to formulate a plan.

He took out the list and studied it..searching...

"This." Lu Xing stabbed a finger at a name on that list.

His actions took ahold of everyone's attention there, only Kuan Bo had a bad premonition.

"Well what have you come up with?" Stella joined in as she elegantly walked down the stairs to join the makeshift crew.

Her brow lifted in a questioning manner as she reached the bottom, arms crossed.

"I didn't take the time before, but Sho's name is circled in blue." Lu Xing let out, "No one else in this room has a circled name, only he does...which means he's special."

Sho began to feel uncomfortable as everyone turned their attention to him.

"A Mutant with the Collapse Ability is normally an unstable variable." Lu Xing mused, his eyes narrowed as he thought aloud, "But this guy, along with a few others has his name circled. That means their are other survivors being held captive against their will more than likely."

Suddenly Stella felt irked, "Yeah!? So? Of what use is this bit of info?"

Lu Xing suddenly pointed at Kuan Bo.

"He'll play a big role in this." Lu Xing stated as he then lifted the list up towards him, he turned his hand to point at Kuan Bo's name.

"Class 8," Kuan Bo read confused, "what does that mean exactly?"

"Not just the Class, there's a symbol next to the Class, and that's what important." Lu Xing tapped at it, everyone suddenly became curious and came around to study this symbol✾, "The symbol's stand for what subtype under this Class the person belongs."

Everyone simply felt even more confused.

Lu Xing sighed as he rubbed his chin with the hand he had used to point at the darn list.

"So far, there are 13 Classes of Mutations that Mutants fall under. Under every Class is a subclass of sorts." Lu Xing began to inform the people in front of him as though he were teaching a classroom, "I belong to Class 7, commonly known as Abnormal Flames Class, and under this class are at least four known subclasses."

He pointed at four different names on the list, all four had the same Class 7 as him, but different symbols, "Hellfire🝗, Death's Flames🜕, Cursed Flames🜂, and the fourth Holyfire🝣."

He pointed at each symbol in order again 🝗, 🜕, 🜂, 🝣, and then stated it firmly, "Each one stands for the subclasses of Class 7 type Mutants."

"How do you know all this?" Long Zexi asked, suspicion taking root within him.

Long Zexi had known the symbols had to have been a code for something but he didn't know what till this total outsider had shown up...

"You're making it hard for us to trust you with every word coming out from your mouth." Li stated dryly.

Lu Xing gave them a crooked smile.