Chapter 26: Temptation for blood

Angeline: The temptation of blood... I can't take it!!!, Aah!, No no!, Calm down!, Hah! Hah! (breathe) Control it (pulls out her phone) Hello Mr. Vice President Kenneth Gutierrez, Take over of my position for a while, I'll be back soon

Kenneth: Why?, What happened?!, Why so suddenly.... Are you sure that I can take over the company?

Angeline: Yes, I need to do something and deal with our other businesses, You're in charge for now

Kenneth: Ok, Got it, Be careful Ma'am, Call me if you need anything

Angeline: I will *hangs up*

Kenneth: What on Earth is happening to her?

Angeline: Hello?, Mr. Warren Bang, Get and buy me a new car, I'm at the convenience store, Bring it here now

One hour later....

Angeline: Aah! You're so slow!

Warren: Sorry Madam

Angeline: Anyways... (pulls out an envelope) Here's your pay from the CCTV and so on and so ford..., Get it!

Warren (takes the envelope of money) Thank you Ma'am

Angeline: Get in the car, We will talk about something in the forest


Angeline: Sorry Mr. Bang

Warren: Why?

Angeline: Because.... *her sharp teeth appears* You're my food, The last eveidence must get lost

Warren (scared, nervous): Aahhhh!!!!!!

After a while...

Angeline: So tasty... *licks her lips* I need to throw this....


Angeline: Looks like my work here is done *I must show no mercy*

Angeline drives away