Start: The Pure Soul And Evil God

Albert Hill, the strongest beast tamer in the Divine Beast Plane. Everything was about beast, including human fate. At his prime age, Albert successfully train several beasts as pets and with them, he established the first and only one human sanctuary, Aegis.

Because of his burden he shouldered, Albert really could not enjoy his life. And the most regrettable, Albert didn't even have taste a forbidden fruit until his last breath. As the result, Albert didn't have any offspring. To continue his legacy, Albert chose to receive several disciples and told them to guard the sanctuary after he no longer in this world.

But the fate didn't want him to rest in peace. Evil God, one of numerous god in the universe took fancy of him.

Albert saw blank gray world. All was grey, and nothing inside. Then an suddenly black orb appeared in front of him.

"Albert Hill, the founder of first human sanctuary at Divine Beast Plane. No bad track record and you even never taste forbidden fruit. You are somewhat pitiful. All in all, you are never enjoy your life."

Albert wanted to refute the black orb words, but no voice came out from his throat.

"Don't bother to say something. I prohibit you to say anything here. All you can do is nod and shake your head." The black orb aka Evil God told him about no sound allowed from him.

"Okay, the real reason I bring your soul here is because I really take pity on your life experience. The saint that respected by the human is actually cannot enjoy his life. Okay, let's stop this bullshit. I as the Evil God will give you a chance. A chance to life as normal human in the human world without danger from the beast. And as your saintly life, I also will set your character as comfortable as I can. But everything has a price, including my offer."

"The price is, you will have hard to control lust. Of course, the lust for woman. This is for you who never taste a woman. Hehe, and you cannot refuse my offer."

Albert became complicated after hearing what the strange black orb said. He was really fucking virgin. And that was his last regret he had. Of course he knew about sex and sleazy knowledge. But for what? He still needed to protect his sanctuary. As the founder, he needed to carry the responsibility until the end. And woman involvement would surely distract him from his duty. So, Albert decided to be monk... or something like that.

Suddenly, his soul was sucked to the black hole behind him. And when he opened his eyes, he saw strange yet beautiful ceiling. Right, the ceiling was very beautiful. Compared to his room at Divine Beast Plane, his room was just a dirt in front of this room. He also felt ache on his left forehead. But, this level of pain just minuscule compared to his pain when he was bitten by the giant centipede.

Then he looked around and found out that he actually inside his new room. Based on Evil God speech before, this was his new life. His soul entered new body and took over it, by force or not. Suddenly he heard something. Albert turned his head and saw the door opened. A young and beautiful maid entered with anxiety expression. From her expression alone, Albert knew that the maid was very worried about him. And why he knew about maid? He has one loyal and beautiful maid before. The attire almost same. Of course, the aesthetic aspect was different. the new maid dress was more beautiful than the last one.

Maybe because of she saw Albert eyes was opened, or she knew that Albert consciousness was back, the maid immediately ran into his bed and crying.

"Young Master! Are okay?! Is your head still hurt?" She immediately barraged him with questions.

Finally Albert could see her clear figure. She was pretty, prettier than his former maid. Her face slightly childish, but very cute. Basically she was the prettiest girl Albert ever met. Her body also very appealing. Her breast slightly big and her waist was thin. In analogy, her body was similar to hourglass figure. Very tempting.

That was first impression he has for her. As ancient man, he really could not describe her beauty in word. And word really could not fit to describe her beauty, even if he overused his brain. Looking at young and beautiful girl cried for him, his lust suddenly flared.

'Shit! Why this Evil God curse suddenly wake up?! Endure Endure!' Albert struggled inside his mind.

Albert desperately suppressed his bullshit lust. After five minutes or so passed, finally the lust successfully suppressed. His mind back to calm state and asked to the maid, "Miss, who are you? Where am I?"

After hearing Albert questions, the maid immediately cried again uncontrollably. She sat beside Albert and said while sobbed, "Hum... Young Master, are you really do not know me? Hum... hum..."

Albert just shook his head. Of course he didn't know anything. He was entirely new person inside second hand body. He acted confused and waiting her to answer his questions calmly. Nothing good would happen if he rushed to gain some information. Patience was the key of everything.

After the moment of crying, the maid answered with sad voice, "Young Master, my name is Eleonora Angel, your personal maid. And we are currently inside your room."

Albert nodded slightly and then asked another questions, "Then can you tell me who am I? Beside the language, I don't remember anything. If you my maid, then you should able to explain common sense to me, right?"

Albert answer really gave Elena, Eleonora nickname, another huge blow.

After brief silent, finally Elena explain almost everything to him. Currently his name was still same, Albert, with family name as Smith. His father was a merchant, the successful one. His mother was a city lord. Basically her status was similar to him, the territory lord. All in all, he was a rich young master. Of course, with his father and mother authority and wealth, danger also lurking from everywhere. And the original Albert was the victim of envy.

With Elena help, Albert successfully saw his own body. On the mirror, he saw very frail body and handsome face. His body was so frail, even new Albert cursed the original owner because of his laziness. But what made his sadness faded was his face. His factor face was 9/10. His hair color was combination between major black and minor red. His hair also straight, no wavy or curly. His eyebrow and his eyes were typical villain eyes that easily enamored many woman. Beside his eyes, he could not describe another feature because his short of vocabulary. All in all, Albert new face was handsome, gallant, and suave.

After he back to his bed, Elena immediately ran quickly to tell his parents. Albert let out faint sigh. His new life would be easier than before. Maybe the Evil God really wanted to give him good life. As for the lust curse, he could do nothing. This was Evil God curse after all. And based on his understanding, this curse was just facade. To help human survival, one man could marry seven women at once to boost human population. Every new generation mean new hope for humanity.

And his maid was really perfect to be his first woman. Beautiful and caring.

His new life would start from here. After he asked Elena about normal and basic stuff, he knew that this place was his new home. Located at Eastern District, Wall Forest City. Wall Forest City was located inside Soaring Black Forest Province, and Black Forest Province was inside Eastern Divine Archipelago. Based on Elena explanation, all country decided to form a union to guarantee the world peace. The union name was Divine Union. Basically, in this plane only had four country. And each country was responsible to control available continent. For example Eastern Divine Archipelago controlled Eastern Divine Continent.


Inside another room, Elena told everything about Albert new condition to his parents.

"Master, Madam, young master has already regain his conscious. But he could not remember anything except language." Elena said to the middle age man with sad tone.

That middle age man was Albert father, John Smith. Although he was very sad, he held his emotion and just nodded. Beside John was beautiful meddle age woman, and she was currently crying. She was Albert mother, Susana Smith.

"Dear, what should we do? Albert has lost his memory. sob." Susana said to her husband.

"Don't worry, he will regain his memory soon." John comforted his wife.

After Susana calmed down, they immediately walked to Albert room. Inside the room Albert just lied down and gazed on the ceiling. Both Albert parents felt hurt inside their heart looking their son became like that. But nothing they could do except accepted the reality and do utmost to make their son regain his lost memories.

Alas, they would soon know that their son would not remember his past anymore.

Albert parents walked inside while Elena followed them from behind. Susana immediately hug her son and sobbed on her son chest. John didn't show his emotion and stood silently beside his son bed. As for Elena, she silently stood behind John. Albert didn't find it strange. Once again he has a faithful maid before.

After Albert giving them confirmation that he didn't remember them at all, another melancholy session started. Nothing worth mentioning.

After all of them left, including Elena, Albert sat up and started to sense nature energy at surrounding. After with great difficulty, finally Albert able to sense the nature energy available. After this brief experience, Albert deducted that the nature energy available was very thin. At least in this area, the nature energy was very thin.

Although the nature energy was thin, that amount was enough to accelerate his recovery. Several bruise and wound miraculously healed at visible rate. Four hours later, all his wound was healed completely without any mark.

"Hm, my body was fully healed. Thanks to my effort in the past, I can heal my wounds quickly. Now, what I need to do is enhance my physical strength. At least, not skinny as now."

He climbed down from his bed and then started to warming up. But soon he realized that his new body was really to stiff.

'Fuck you Albert! Why you never train your body?' Albert cursed the original owner negligence.

Wanted or not, Albert needed huge amount of time to remold his new body. Thank for the Evil God generosity, his body age was not pass 15 years old. With help of nature energy, Albert only needed three months to remold his body physical base.

Then he started his remold program. Similar to flowery martial art, Albert made several movement in slow pace. And because of his skinny body again, one hour was his body limit. Even after he added nature energy into his body, Albert could only added one hour again. Half an hour later, he called Elena and asked one jar of water. Why he only asked water after half an hour? Because a physical training only effective if the trainee only drink water after the trainee no longer thirst.

Not long after, Elena pushed a tray with a huge jug on the top. Looking at her young master sat on the floor while his clothes were full of sweat made her surprised. But after that she panicked immediately. She realized that her young master was still wounded.

"Young Master! What are you doing?! You need to rest for several days to heal your wounds." Her sweet voice and worried tone instantly fully charged Albert stamina.

Albert gazed at her kindly and told her to bring the jug near him. The jug capacity was 3 Dir, or similar to 5 liters. Of course his body still capable to lift it, albeit forced. Like madman, he drank the water.

Gulp gulp gulp gulp until the jug was empty...

Elena dumbfounded by her Young Master action. He was basically drank all the water in one go! Normal human can only drank one to two liter in one go. But her young master could drink 5 liters in one go. How amazing it was!

Ignoring his maid gaze, Albert stood up.

"Elena, please prepare the bath for me." he said.

Elena heard that and dazedly walked to the bathroom. Soon, the warm bath was prepared.

After thanking Elena for her good work, Albert immediately entered the bathroom and stripped all his clothes. And why his lust didn't flare up when he mentioned about bathing to beautiful and sexy girl? Because in his past life, bath play not born yet.

After the clothes was off completely, Albert finally realized that the bathroom was completely different from his bathroom in the past. No scoop or water dipper inside.

After thinking for a while, he finally gave up.

"Elena, can you come here?" Albert asked Elena who waiting outside.

"Ye-yes, Yo-young master, I'm coming." Elena answered with shudder.

When she entered the bathroom, she saw her young master nakedly gazed at the bath tube. Of course Albert also aware her present. He turned his body and showed her all his naked body. Elena instantly blushed and stared fixedly at Albert's limpid penis.