chapter 10 THE PRINCE IN CHINA 4

They stayed in each others arms all spent and both fell asleep. Waking up two and a half hours later Elenna watched her Prince for some time his strong muscles solid as a rock his beautiful face she remember his smile oh those lovely dimples she then leaned up and placed a kiss on his jaw his scent filling her nostrils oh! his stubbles brushing her lips, she just loves it, before she woke him up she watched him for some more time then she nudged him awake My Prince! she called sup he replied I taught you would give me another sweet kiss he said.... what! hey! you mean you have been awake the whole time? she asked, yes but I loved the way you have been awake my love staring at me I taught you would like to eat me up again, Elenna blushed we have to go back and catch up on sleep so we can be able to face father she quietly said, yes that's right he agreed, though he would have loved to take her in his arms and spend some more time, instead he leaned in pressing Elenna to the floor and kissed her she wanted to say something but ended up opening her mouth letting his tongue in and doing things which made her moan instead. Then just as fast as he started the kiss he ended it, let's go he said a little breathlessly.

They both stood up and freshened up then hand in hand they stepped out, The Prince locked the doors and placed the keys under the flower pot again. Segun already had the car running so they zoomed off they dropped her at home. then the prince told her he will drop off her car later so they went back to their hotel room luckily it was just 2.45am they can still catch some quality sleep.

Mr Jeff asked the Prince to see him at 12.30pm that day to discuss what brought him, by 12. 26pm he was already seated in the living room and they were served refreshment's of course Ayanna came and sat with her daddy, while Elenna and Segun watch them from across the room Mr Jeff Mo came in later and straight on asked the Prince what his intentions for coming was.

Sir, as you well know your daughter and I have been in love over the years and she also has a child for me I would like your permission to wed her properly and take her to my country, my people are already waiting for their queen just let me know what is expected of me sir.

No! Mr Jeff said staring straight at Prince Martin, No do you mean sir I don't understand, the Prince didn't understand, where Elenna was she was very upset her dad was at it again. Young man I know you are an important person but more importantly you are a son to a very prominent King in your place and you have to be with your people but your place is not the next district or town that i can at least visit or that she can come running to let us know if she is being treated unfairly you want to take her to another continent what that is unfair said Mr Jeff Mo how then do I get to see my only daughter? see if you want my approval for this marriage you stay here in our country and that is my final condition, he finished.

There was such a deadly silence that you could hear a pin fall.

Elenna rushed the father no! no!! no!!! please not again don't do these father you need to be reasonable but the Prince stopped her, he then stood up and put his arms crossed at his back and said sir if I recollect you were in my home country for three years handling construction of one of our major roads, you lived with us so you know our customs and traditions fairly with this knowledge I know you know that a simply man will not go and stay at his wife house or place when he is OK in then head and has no issues whatsoever let alone a Prince like me, sir I can only take my queen to the palace not out of it.

I have taught about this problem and I think I have a solution for it sir, the Prince said

scoffing Mr Jeff said let's hear it then.

Sir if you allow us get married I promise on my honour as the Prince of Benin that she will be home two days every fortnightly the jet will bring her and take her back what do you say sir the Prince asked

My answer still remains no you agree to stay here of forget her Mr Jeff said, but why sir? I really love your daughter the Prince said, father I love him dad please reconsider Elenna pleaded with her father, No!! and that's final Mr Jeff got up and left them, Elenna broke down and the Prince consoled her his heart is broken too what to do? sitting in that sitting room and holding onto her they both looked pitiful, he signalled one of the maids to assist Elenna to her room with a promise that they will talk later, he needed to clear his head.

The Prince left with his personal assistant very unhappy. What will he tell his father? that he failed?