chapter 27 THE GIFTS.

Once Ayanna got home, she gave everyone the gift she bought for them. She gave Mrs Ira Lutra her new Gucci bag and gave her the sweets to load in the fridge. Boss thank you so much, ah! but why so expensive? Ma Ira asked, and why not Ma Ira? Ayanna replied.

You don't expect me to go and buy you and inferior gift do you? Ayanna inquired see I got same thing for Ijey and my self just that ours are white, she finished.

No madam, it not that just that its so expensive, Mrs Ira Lutra continued..... but Ayanna stopped her by saying 'just enjoy it Ma Ira that's all, forget the price.

Ok boss! Mrs Ira Lutra finally stopped fussing.

Hillary you know I know you well, so I know you loved make up so I got you this makeup kit and this purse too Ayanna said, giving Hillary her gifts.

Wow!! ... so on point Princess I love them. You will have to excuse me now I will go and check out this new colour on me she said and left them rushing to her room causing everyone to burst into laughter.

Boss! ..... Ken called, yes Ayanna answered.

You have to start setting up the computer room today and also in your schedule is a visit to your mum, Ken reminded.

That's correct, please after the delivery of the computers this evening let's have a brief meeting then Ijey will be here, delivery is anything from five this evening so once after that we meet Ayanna replied.

Ok boss! Ken replied.

Am going in to rest now, Ayanna said.

Noted boss.

Ayanna then left them to cultivate in the privacy of her room, after the encounter today she needed to clear her mind, she also needs to be more at alert from now on apart from her father, who can throw any surprise at her at anytime, the woman today in her desperation might just become a nuisance to her and she also needs to watch over her staffs they are like her family. She could have sensed the accident today if she was in her optimum.

During her reincarnation of mother Idia Ayanna has inherited the powers of the white eagle, this also allowed her to see far but her lack of peaceful cultivation since she came back to China has limited her distance see, so she was going to sit here now cultivate and fill up her dantain.

She freshened up and changed into a flowing gown, then sitting down on the floor of her room she crossed her legs on top the other placing her hands on her legs she started cultivating. She is already a white eagle Lord, she has no idea when she will break through and become the flying lion Lord but she was hoping soon enough!

Her cultivation was successful both her mind and body were rejuvenated so she got up and worked on her tablet.


Ijey left the office around four that evening and headed home she had already left her secretary instruction to handle all remaining business for the day except it absolutely needed her personal attention.

She had promised Ayanna that she will assist her with the installation of the computers but now she had to also share with her the weird proposal of her bosses son Ceo Shen Yi, if not that the guy was so scary she would have liked to see how the relationship goes but him going from scary to affectionate aaaahhhh! was driving her crazy, what to do eh? she will discuss this with her sister Ayanna and see if she can help her understand.

On getting to her house she picked up some of her private stuff and threw in some new casuals and office clothes and put them in a small duffel bag changed her clothes and she was ready. Getting to Ayannas White dove condominium took her about ten minutes.

She rang the bell and the cook Mrs Ira Lutra opened the door for her to come in, hello Ma Ira, Ijey greeted.

Hello! and welcome Ijey, Mrs Ira replied.

Is Ayanna in the house? Ijey asked her

Yes the boss is in her room miss, Mrs Ira Lutra replied.

Ijey headed straight for Ayannas room .....ok thank you Ma Ira she threw over her shoulder as she rushed on.

Not even caring to knock she walked straight into Ayannas room saying Hi Ayanna! then she jumping on the startled Ayanna that was still working on her laptop she gave her a tight hug.

Hey you! you are early, Ayanna said

Then sensing the hug Ijey was giving her she asked her friend, is everything alright sister? you are worried about something, Ayanna said staring at her friend, you know you can tell me anything right? she continued.

Yes I know and that's why I came running here early that usual, who else do I have if not you? Ijey asked

Then am all ears, tell me already. What has put you in this state? Ayanna asked.