Chapter 41 THE ATTACK

Prince Adeboye opened the car back door for her then walked round and got in, he then asked Arjun if all was in order and he said yes though earlier they taught a car was tailing them but it later was a false alarm.....I already told the men to Keep their eyes open there are patrol cars up front and at the rear.

Since the day the Prince won the bid to one of the oil wells in Cameroon, the cabal there has been pretty upset but the government wanted a change there that's why they gave this bid out to an outsider which was won by Mega Royal Group. The boss of Ahmed Global Rasheed Musuyani has his ego bruised and so were pretty after MRG it won't be surprising if he has his people following the Prince.

Tariq can we get it done? Maxwell, Tariq collage asked, well its a great opportunity boss is upset about this oil well bid and he needs to destabilise that man if possible get him out of the way, but with the security around this guy, its very possible they knew of our presence here in China already.

Tariq and his men were already on standby to attack the Prince convoy this attacks, was planned so they could finish him off once and head back so they were on the bridge close to the by pass junction, they will definitely pass through here, so they waited.

Ayanna sensed a dangerous change in aura of the Prince, is anything the problem? she asked him, you seem worried of something..... please don't worry yourself we will leave in a jiffy we are just checking the security protocol, I have some stubborn flies to get rid off don't worry you will understand everything with time.

President we are moving out, Arjun announced. Roger that, move out then. They left the drive way and hit the express road. luckily the night was beautiful, the stars were closer like you could touch them, there were not much traffic and the ambiance was ominous. Ayanna wanted to see what is about to happen and she most especially wanted to see how her man handles it so she only sent a message to Hillary to standby. Then sending her magic out she felt for any lucking danger that was when she saw it then she sent the message to Arjun's consciousness.

Danger armed men up front in a black hilux and an SUV.

The breaks immediately screeched to a halt, the other car in the rear almost ran into them woah! what the heck? what happened Arjun? I think there is armed men up front am radioing the guys in front..... Bang, bang...Arjun we are under attack bang we need backup immediately they are more than us. ... keep them pinned we coming. There was sound of gun fire quiet loud.

President I will have to take you and madam to a hotel back the way we came while the team deals with this gunns.

Arjun get down I will take her, make sure you fix this guys and then come find me, so the Prince got down and took the wheels then Arjun joined one of the waiting cars and went off to back up the other guys after placing a call to the police and immigration.

Ayanna am sorry for all these i have to keep you safe first that's my priority right now.....,.,as he revised and drove back to the hotel they just left .....Ade Ade am fine please don't worry about me.

Once he got back to the hotel, only an SUV carrying 3 of his guards had followed him back to the hotel, they got his keys and they all went up the the president suite. The Prince took the Suite while his men took the one opposite.

Once they were safe in the suite he place a call to Arjun ..... what is going on? sir all is in order now only their leader Tariq is dead all the others has been captured and we have handed them to the police we are just finishing the formalities, then we will come pick you up and go home sir.

Ok come, all these while he paced up and down nearly driving Ayanna that was trying to meditate mad, she was about to tell him that all was well but was worried he will be scared of her but luckily he called Arjun and got the information. His shoulders visibly relaxed showing that he was tensed all this while.

Turning around he picked Ayanna up and gave her a very tight hug, then whirling her around some more he dropped her then gave her a tighter hug, then he started apologizing am so sorry for all this mess Ayanna I had to drag you into dangerous situation, please I will be more careful I promise. ....Hey! am ok, am not complaining am I? so there is no need of apologising please, you are embarrassing me Ade.

Not my intention beautiful, then he gave her such a beautiful smile.

Ayannas phone started ringing just then, hello! it was Ijey, Ayanna where are you I just got home and you are not yet back? wow! are you not coming home today? I have gist for you babez.

Meanwhile, there was someone else who had tailed and captured all these on camera.