It was easy for Cantana to kill my grandmother because grandma already caught her husband pants down with Cantana they say the scream she let out that day snapped her mind and she was never the same again the shock was just too much for her.

After many attempts mum was defeated and locked up, then it was my turn. My father the Prince usually sent me letters but they never got to me, in my year one in the university, I went home for the Chinese new year if not I stay in school. while at home I noticed that Cantana my grandfather's new wife and her daughter Ruth were overly too friendly so I was on guard yet I was poisoned.

These drug though in a little dosage was still harmful to me as it left me unwell in the head it was during one of the times I had a breakdown and was taken to the hospital that it was discovered that the drug was Narcotics it was placed in my juice, I have a particular brand I liked so much, since I was the only one who liked that one it was easy, if they had put more than one tablet perhaps I would be dead by now.

That was the deciding factor for me living in school with my bestie Ijey. so I left home even during holidays I don't come. I think I was left on my own for a while, then when i got close to graduation a car accident was staged for me I never saw that one coming, on high way 9 the driver jumped out after telling me that my grandfathers wife had paid him to kill me, he ran the vehicle under a truck I was in a coma for almost a year I graduated from the hospital bed with the support of my sister and friend Ijey.

Wait! wasn't the driver caught at all? the Prince cut in.

Not till date, but I intend for him to pay I will work hard and make sure all who had laid a finger on me pay the price, hence am setting up my own computer room am sure he was paid therefore, I shall follow the money trail, anyway, let me continue.

Ijey is more than a friend she stayed close to me all the while I was in the hospital. My grandfather and his wife never visited me they never taught I would get better they even tried to unplug the machine but my friend refused.

You know in that my comatose state, I could hear everything but i couldn't react or say anything, and she had the habit of narrating all that happened throughout her day to me it helped me to stay connected and wishing to free myself of that place.

My father somehow learnt what had happened and came to take me to Nigeria, he came with some experts who also reassured my doctors and friend that I will be taken care of. We later left in a jet that looked like a mini hospital.

In Nigeria, there was no time wasted, I was placed in a healing pod after some beads, my royal staff as Princess, and two white smooth stones were placed one in each palm the pod was closed.

Prince do you have knowledge of such pods in your place? I mean healing pods.

Ah! yes! but it was mainly used by our warriors and soldiers to heal their body from war injuries, we have been trying to get more to no available.

Aww! okay, I will let father know so they can make some arrangements for your kingdom to have more, it's amazing, but since its a futuristic appliance its not common at all only those who are extremely wealthy can afford it.

Once I was placed into these pod and it was closed I felt like my bones were broken and crushed into a million pieces the pain was massive, I screamed out in my mind, I don't know if the sound escaped the pod or not but it was so unbearable that I couldn't bear it, then, just when I taught I have felt it all, an excruciating pain came and then I imploded and I died.

I didn't feel anything again, no pain, nothing. Still my eyes were closed I tried to move my fingers and it moved, is it that I am not dead then? I opened my eyes and behold something amazing, I was standing, on my two feet and when I checked I was healed no broken bones. Then I took a look around me I saw some red huts and people wearing white lion clothes and very beautiful beads on their necks, waists, legs, arms wrists it was amazing pure and simple there were no modern amenities of any kind, as I stood there not knowing what to do, I heard a voice behind me My Queen do you want to sit under your favorite mango tree?

Turning around i saw a cute girl of about fifteen years of age standing behind me with a beautifully locally made hand fan looking at me expectantly, I was stunned then I looked at myself again I saw I that I was not in my actual body but in another very shapely bodied woman of about twenty-two or tops twenty-four years old woman she was very beautiful and graceful oh! how do I tell you? she was fair skinned too.

Turning fully to the girl who seemed to be my personal maid I asked her if I could get anything I could use to see my face she answered yes and asked if she should go get it? I nodded to her and she ran off and disappeared into one of the huts then she brought a silver tray that was shinning so much you could see yourself clearly in it, it wasn't as good as a mirror but it served.

I told her to take me to the mango tree and so we walked forward as we got to the mango tree there was already a bench set out for resting and taking the cool evening breeze, sitting she started fanning me with the hand fan which I asked her to stop since there was enough air from the gently blowing mango tree. As the people passed they generally said good evening my Queen I just nodded at them.

While I was still checking out this new me hair plait on the silver mirror, I noticed something weird I could hear their taught as they passed and moved on some were nice while some were hostile this helped me to know who I could relax with and those I was on guard against.

That was one of the abilities I acquired while I was there and it has followed me till date. My Prince that was how I could sense your sincerity. I will try my best to tell you everything about me and that place. . wait! please wait first....did you just say you can..... hear peoples taught????? Prince Ade Ade asked.

Yes and a bunch of other things like right now I have a ghost waiting for my assistance she will soon be here, I encountered her during our stay at your hotel. Ayanna answered with a smile.