Once they returned to the Eharuyi's compound Ehijiator was not yet back from school, checking she saw that it will soon be time for school to close for the day no need to go I already promised to take him to the palace today, so she decided to wait for a little while for him to return back from school.

It wasn't even long before they starting hearing chatting from returning students the quiet compound all this while became suddenly noisy soon Ehijiator dashed into his father sitting room and saw the Princess.

Hey! you are still here? he asked?

Princess Ayanna called Ehijiator and joyfully told him that, do you remember that thing that you were worried about? when he nodded his understanding, she told him we have taken care of it, that is where your parents and I have been all morning and its not long we returned from there.

Thank you princess so I can grow and be an engineer now right?

Yes dear, you can and you will, she responded.

As his parents stood and watch the two of them converse, they wondered what good they must have done in their previous lives to deserve them meeting such a great Princess now.

You promised to take me to the palace right? Ehijiator asked.

Yes I promised.

Can we go today then? he asked again.

why not we go now and eat lunch? then my guards will return you before dinner. is that okay with you Mr Eharuyi?

Yes its okay Princess.

As if remembering something Ehijiator turned to his parents and said thank you mummy, thank you daddy.

That was how that day passed too.


Now am feeling tired and sleepy Ayanna announced, I have been on this story for a while now I totally lost track of time, only Hillary was asleep out of all of them.

My God its past 2a.m exclaimed ceo Shen Yi, looking up with a confused expression like who knows what happened to the time?

That's true wow! its so late already Mrs Ira Lutra said, come I don't think you young men should go home tonight leave in the morning, let's play safe, what do you say Ayanna?

Ayanna was in a kind of meditative state so immediately didn't say anything.

I think we should go you know, there is nothing I and my bodyguards can't take care of, Prince Ade Ade said, we can drop ceo Shen Yi on the way since his own place is about twenty minutes from here unlike ours that is more than an hour.

I support Ma Ira, I don't accept that you should go on the road this late please stay here and leave in the morning Ayanna finally spoke up.

As much as I would love to crash here, we will definitely cramp this place remember my guards and my driver are all here, where will they all stay? as it is let's just head home sweetheart please.

No! Ayanna answered.

Apart from it being too late is there any other reason you don't want us to leave? Prince Ade Ade asked since he got to know Ayanna he knew in his guts something is making her stop them.

Actually Ken! hey Ken! stop yawning and put on the TV set right now. Ayanna said.

Ken took the TV remote and turned it on as if on cue the news station was running a breaking news, a fatal accident involving several vehicle just took place and the paramedics, fire fighters were having a hard day as the whole express is blocked off thereby causing a huge hold up, many have abandoned their vehicles and crossed over to the other side and found their way home.

That is the reason I don't want you to go home tonight, you have to go through that high way and if you insists on leaving you will only get stuck there too, but if you stay here and get some shut eye then by morning all the craziness should have been cleared up, you can then go home freshen up and head to the office, Ayanna explained.

Okay, I see your point but what will be the sleeping arrangements? I really need to sleep, Ceo Shen Yi asked.

As best as we could you are Ijey's boyfriend, Ijey take him with you to your room, Ayanna said.

Hey! no funny dealings you hear? Mrs Ira said, seeing as the two stared at each other. Making Ijey red in the face as she said please this way, after throwing Ma Ira an ' if I catch you glare'

You my Prince will be sleeping in my room Ayanna said.

That sounds romantic, Prince Ade Ade responded.

And same goes for you no shady dealings and that includes romance, Ma Ira stated, glaring at Prince Ade Ade.

Yeah! yeah I hear you, she is my wife you know, Prince Ade Ade announced.

Ayanna gasped.

Go and find out what is done before someone is called husband and wife, I will be watching you, Ma Ira warned.

Your personal assistant can stay with Ken tonight while the remaining people share the last guest room over there, I know they will still share them selves to guard the house and their master. Will that suffix? Ayanna asked the Prince.

You have taught of everything my love, the Prince answered.

Arjun I will leave the other arrangements for you to make then make sure you catch some sleep as well. Prince Ade Ade addressed his personal assistant before following his woman into her bedroom.