As early as Ayanna left her bed it was still too early just the guards on duty and the maids carrying out their early morning chores were up and about, she called for her personal guard Hauwa, who came into her room.

Morning Princess! you are up way early today, is everything all right?

Morning Hauwa! everything is fine except for the night market that disturbs my sleep, Ayanna responded.

Hauwa looked confused night market? how do you mean princess? what night market?

I mean the spirit market by the village square under the big tree. Hauwa don't you know anything about it?

My Princess I have heard things about such a place but I don't understand how the spirit market disturbs your sleep? it's pretty far from here.

It might be far to you but to me, in the middle of the night it might just be a market held in this palace ground.

At the incredulous expression Hauwa was wearing. Ayanna continued.

Am serious, their marketing wakes me up most nights, initially I blanked it out and went back to sleep but recently I want to know exactly what's happening, you follow?

Princess do you know how far off the market square is? and you hear the spirits market from all that way? are you sure nothing else woke you up? Hauwa asked.

You know me well don't you Hauwa? she asked.

Hauwa nodded.

Do you then think I won't know what am talking about? OK leave it, I will go and see grandfather, he might have a better knowledge of what's going on, but prepare yourself you will be coming with me to that tree at the market square today understand?

OK Princess, Hauwa answered.

Immediately after breakfast, Ayanna told her grandfather she would like to have a word with him.

Princess you can always come to me anytime you know that right? come let's go talk.

Prince Martin's stared at his daughter and father questioningly, what can she have to discuss with father and not me? where is Hauwa?

Hauwa what is the problem? what does the princess want to discuss with the king?

Sir, she told me that her sleep was disturbed by the marketing of the spirits at the village square, I mean a tree at the market square. My Prince I know of the existence of such beings but hearing them all the way here, I don't know, I even asked her if she was sure it wasn't something else but she insisted that it was the tree market, since I couldn't give her much more details she decided to go to grandfather...

Okay thank you, Prince Martin's said, he then started to leave.

Sir?..... Hauwa called out.

Yes? Prince Martin's turned back to stare at Hauwa inquiring the reason for the call.

The Princess said after she sees the King I will follow her to the tree sir.

Then inform her I will be coming along understand?

Yes my Prince, Hauwa nodded.


This should not border you at all Princess, you are gifted with these abilities for a reason and I think that there is a reason you hear this spirits, perhaps it's because they need your help, you are not supposed to hear them from such a distance, my advice is that you go there and investigate it, find out what is wrong, if you can't get anything during the day then go at night once the market starts selling.

My daughter don't be scared for you to hear them from here, then they need your help, or they have some message to pass dear, you have no problem. Let me tell you a secret, yet not much of a secret.

What is that grandfather? Princess Ayanna asked.

In our culture the king is known to be the head of all the witches, spirits and all kinds of dark forces, those king who keep a cordial relationship with this powers have a relatively smooth reign but if you don't then they, I mean this dark powers will cause such a havoc for you till you come and pay homage to them.

I think I have a good rapport with them, when you finish seeing them let me know, especially if it has to do with a message.

okay grandfather, I will be on my way then your highness.

The king only nodded at her.

stepping out she saw her father and Hauwa waiting for her.

Oops! I didn't tell father anything about all this looks like he is upset, Ayanna taught to herself.

Hello daddy! she greeted.

Ayanna what is the problem that you couldn't come to me, what did dad tell you?

He advised I go there to investigate and if its not clear go during the night.

Then let's go, Prince Martin's said to his daughter.

Father are you coming with me? she asked.

Yes I am coming with you, do you perhaps have a problem with that? he asked looking sternly at his daughter.

Actually not at all, I think if you come along I will have the confidence to face this spirits.

So let's go then, Prince Martin's said.

They all turned and left the palace and went into the street, it was a cool morning, the sun was just peeking out of the clouds.