Shocked by her action, Zhou Qu! Zhou Zuan screamed, rushing to his brother's side.

What is wrong with you? he was panicky why was everything going south for them today? he wasn't really expecting a reply yet, Ayanna gave one.

Come did you all expect me to be gracious to you for kidnapping me? and then releasing me just like that? without giving you a beating? nah! I don't think so and you are not leaving this building without getting a beating from me as she was speaking her fingers were holding unto her upper arms, just where the invisible arm beads were she silently activated her protection shield, she was still in the jeans and top she left home in which were very comfortable.

Musa gave Zhou Zuan a signal, he didn't care right now about her, he wanted to go and take a flight home to arrange for Yulno's death, for blood for blood.

The next thing that startled them was a loud slap on someone's face which twisted his head the other way and before they could even react it was followed by another, with Ayanna glaring at Zhou Qu, that is for laying your dirty fingers on me Ayanna said. Hauwa had already returned by now and was standing close to Ayanna.

Just as Musa was taking large steps towards them, the next thing they saw was so many men in black rushing into the warehouse, with Ken and the Prince who made the place to suddenly feel like North pole, making the temperature dropping to several minus zero degree.

He walked in like a king with his men creating a path for him once he got to where Ayanna was, he stared at her and she stared back at him for several seconds before she went to him and hugged him, using her arms to circle his waist, then she breathed out as she cried out, you came.....

The Prince hugged her back, then he bent a little and asked are you okay? do you hurt anywhere? as he looked her over checking for any injuries but saw none except for her fingers that were reddish from slapping Zhou Qu, is your palm hurting? he asked her taking her palm and rubbing it and placing soft kisses on it.

No am not hurt, I just had to slap him for the slap he gave me earlier she explained.

Musa and his cohorts were already held immobile by Ken and the shadow army that came with the Prince soon the police also came and they were handed over to them.

Come let's go home he said to Ayanna, leading her outside the warehouse where some reports have already gathered waiting to get the juicy details as soon as they stepped out of the warehouse they were surrounded by the flashing camera's but the Prince told them that Ken will answer all their questions. Ken then waited to give them the story of how Ayanna was kidnapped by the men of Ahmed Musuyani, the man who has recently broken the net by his scary blood bath.

They asked him why the man will send men to China to kidnap her what's her relationship with him?

They were sent here to kidnap her because of Prince Ade Ade they wanted to get to him through his Fiancee so he could release the contract to the oil well that was given to him by the Cameroonian government. They asked him various other questions which he answered and those that wanted to know some of the personal details of the couple he declined. After he taught he had given them the main jist of the matter he finally excused himself and got into his car and left the place.

Prince Ade Ade placed a call to Mrs Ira Lutra, I am bringing her home get a hot bath ready and some healthy lunch for her, he instructed her.

How is she? is she injured? should I call the doctor? she asked.

No need for that, just make sure all I asked are ready and we will take it from there, he replied.

OK then it will be ready before you get here Mrs Ira reassured.

Ayannas head was resting on his chest and she could hear his steady heartbeat she liked the warmth that she was getting from his body and she liked his manly smell, his hands was wrapped around her shoulders holding her close to him like a fragile flower pot, occasionally he will bend his head and place a kiss on the top of her hair asking 'are you alright', are you feeling well"? to which she nodded to, she was really thankful that all went well and to know that all her friends got her back.

Have they arrested Ahmed Musuyani yet? Ayanna asked.

Yes! they have, and I don't think he can come out of all the accusations leveled at him, you did a great job but i cant let them know you were the one who got all those his bloody dirt's out in the open, some government agency had tried for years to uncover his dirty deals to no avail, yet you were able to do it, thereby getting him in serious trouble he might even get the death penalty for his crimes, but that's not what worries me if people learn you were the one that pulled this stunt on him they might want to get you for themselves, and am talking about the good, the bad, and the ugly, your consent might not even be sort for it, Prince Ade Ade now understands that her knowledge in computer programming was scary, and rather frightening and was obviously worried for her as she can deduce from his explanation.

That IP address can't be traced, it will always bounce off to some strange place so relax my Prince, I can even get rid of that system and get another if that will reassure you.

I trust your abilities baby, you don't have to do that, even his people had already tried to trace it, but they couldn't pin it, she was that good, he was a witness to it all, she is amazing and he will protect her with all his might.

They soon arrived at the condominium, of which the Prince carried her bridal style into the house and straight into her bathroom, as he said get a bath I will prepare your clothes okay, then he kissed her on the fore head and turned to leave as Mrs Ira Lutra bounced in to the bathroom and grab Ayanna.

My girl! how are you? I saw most of it on the computer why will you go and put yourself in harms way like that do you want to give my old heart a heart attack? as she spoke she spurn her around checking her for any injuries you look OK to me apart from your dirty hair and clothes now get a bath, I have put in some lavender essential oil in it to sooth your pain and help you relax.

She then left to go dish the food and serve it on the dinning. She was happy for the horror has ended.