This attitude of his completely left the staffs at Help Foundation stunned.

Those that already knew the identity of the Prince also knew his relationship to the CEO so they suffered, the dog food, and quietly wondered when the cupid arrow will also hit them.

Being swept off your feet by another's love is something many are yet to grasps.

Those that didn't quickly, ran to the Secretary to know what was happening, should they call the police? the madam is squealing, put me down! put me down!! but that brut of a man refused to, even though he is so handsome, what does he want with our boss?

Their none stop questions began to give her a headache and she snapped at them to go back to their positions, the so-called yells you hear are they out of fear? can't you see it's a playful yell? don't you see the adoring eye he had on her? did our CEO really wanted to be dropped? two totally in love 💕 couple simply feed us dog food see?

True to Li Shi Ying's words, they could not hear her playful screams of put me down anymore just her pure laughter which got cut off to be replaced with quietness.

Hmm! I guess they must be sharing a kiss now, gosh! I want my own sweet man, she said it aloud without knowing, making the gang of curious staffs stare at her, with magnifying imaginations.

Boss has got herself a beautiful lollypop and the rest of us have no choice but to eat dog food, Miss Jun Hua said heading back to her high seat at the reception desk. She was one of the newly hired HF receptionist.

Miss Jun Hua, was a very beautiful girl, from and aristocrats family that has fallen on bad times, luckily for Miss Jun her father prided education so much so that he made sure all his children received education as much as they wanted and in whatever, field they wanted, now that the family was struggling because of their father being unceremoniously relieved of his office most of his children had to go look for jobs to sustain the family needs.

Once the Prince set Ayanna down on her two feet his excitement has already gotten to her, and she laughed happily, then she was startled when he groaned and the next minute covered her mouth in a kiss, initially she just stood there unmoving, but as he deepened the kiss she could feel his mouth sweet and sure on her she didn't know when she opened up for him and his tongue swiftly entered and undid her resolve to teach him a lesson by not responding as she threw her arms around his neck to draw him closer for a deeper and more comfortable kiss.

They kiss became so intense and the pleasures filled her causing her to go weak in the knee's, but the Prince quickly caught her and supported her weight with his body, his left arm went under her bum and pulled her to his body and keeping her in place, he knew he wanted more like getting rid of the clothes that were impeding their heated skins from connecting as she groaned like something was annoying her he knew they should stop before they lost all sanity and did it here in her office space.

She deserves better than that, so he stopped their kissing but still held her in his arms as she was holding tight to him as both of them tried to catch their breaths.

Once their breathing was steady, Ayanna said to him, this good tiding you bring better be very good, since you could not even wait for us to get home to collect the promised kiss.

The Prince chuckled and led her to her office where both of them sat down on the long sofa there and he then held her hands and told her straight up I have collected the shares from Mr. Yang now we can get married right?

Hold your horses right there! first, Ayanna said with an incredulous expression on her face, please tell me again what you just said, I mean can you repeat your last?

I said we can get married now! the Prince answered.

No! not that part, I mean the part about Mr. Yang!

I said I have made a deal with Mr. Yang and now I have collected the shares from him.

He then put his hands into his breast pockets and retrieved the signed document.

Take this, it's all yours now.

He handed the document to her, come on read it, he cajoled.

Ayanna collected the cold document that still had his body heat on it and gradually unfolded it, he really let go of those shares? she asked again in great astonishment. Do you have any idea how long we have been trying to get him to sell those shares to us to no avail yet, just once you asked it of him and he did? Please tell me how did you do it, I mean how did you get him to sign the shares over? she stared at him expectantly.

I will tell you how I was able to manage it, but first, tell me one thing, are you happy? the Prince asked.

I am very happy, why do you ask? she was taken aback by the sudden question.

Well, I did this for your happiness and if you are happy then everything is worth it, Prince Ade Ade explained to her.

To answer your question, I had asked my men to get me all the information they could get on Mr. Yang, ongoing through what was gathered I found out that Mr. Yang was having financial issues.

So I gave him an offer he could never resist.

He then proceeded to tell her all that transpired at the Mega Royal Group, how Mr. Yang was taken over by the feeling of being treated special whereas it's our signature treatment to all our intending investors, also the amazing offer of being a partner in one of their hottest contracts if it was not what was on ground he should be pulling in around fifteen to twenty million dollars but I just exchange it for the shares and he was wise enough to leap on the offer.

That's it! it's all done, we can get mother in law out now.

Thank you, love, she said to him.

By the way, has your father sent the jet yet? he asked.

It will touch down around 6 pm this evening. she replied.