On their way back to the condominium Prince Ade Ade held Ayanna to his body she was sad and trembling from on shed tears and he tried to console her, as he used his left hand to pat her back in a comforting gesture.

This action of his made Ayanna to look up to his face with her tears filled eyes, and he felt his heartbreak, and pulling her to his body causing her head to lie on his shoulders as he circled her in his big arms, baby, why are you crying this much? he used one of his fingers to wipe away her tears, I think this should be a happy moment for us, so calm down love and stop crying, please!

Ayanna knew that the Prince was worried about her and might not have understood the reason for the tears and his next words were proof of that.

I really think this is a cause of happiness and joy, not tears I want to see a smile on your face instead please, tell me is this tears of joy then?

Ayanna nodded her head and tried to calm down she didn't want to keep scaring him like this, so she took long breaths and calmed her raging tears.

That's my girl! the Prince piped up, seeing her finally make an effort to stop crying, though he still held her in his arms.

Actually, it's a combination of both joy and sorrow, you know, Ayanna started explaining, the joy that my mother is now free from that hell hole her father put her in, her attempt to be the filial daughter was still not rewarded with anything good, her father instead allowed his other wife and her daughter to maltreat his biological daughter and for what? Those two were ruining the family name and father seem to turn blind eyes to it all and then, they maltreated his daughter still he said nothing. I will revenge my mother and taking the company back was the first step.

Now she will go to find her happiness after such a long time of almost eighteen years still their love held strong my father never remarried and you know he always believed that my grandfather will one day allow his daughter to follow her heart and find her happiness, but grandfather had no such intention at all.

I am sad though that I won't be there to witness my parents reuniting, I won't get to see her grand and monumental entrance into the royal home at all.

Then tell someone to make you a video, and remember you will get to see them soon enough since we can now prepare for our wedding, the implication of which we have to go join them for our wedding preparations.

Yes! am going to be marrying my prince charming shortly, she said as her eyes shone up at him and the Prince couldn't help himself but bend his head and claim her lips.


Elenna was still in a bit of shock, was she really on board a flight headed to her husband?

Was this some kind of hallucination?

This freedom was not an illusion she created just to escape her hellish pain, she was free!

She pinched her arms hard and felt the pain, wow! God is wonderful, he has finally heard her prayer and sent her to her freedom and happiness.

She smiled to herself, placing her hands on her chest to feel it's fast-paced beating. Calm down she said to herself in all her musing she is yet to notice the two women waiting for her orders.

After Segun saw that the flight was crew we're on course he decides to seat that was when he noticed the woman that was chosen as Elenna's personal maid and the hairdresser standing with their heads bowed but Elenna was lost in her own world and yet to notice them.

Why is the madam so lost? is she not happy?

He peered at her an saw that it was nothing like that just maybe she was still in disbelief, so it was his duty to remind her to use the helpers if she needed anything, the flight is about thirteen hours so she can even catch some beauty sleep.

Segun walked up to the women and greeted Elenna whose eyes then snapped back to reality and her mouth rounded to the shape of ooh!

Sorry! did you say anything? I am so sorry I am still trying to get used to the feeling of being free, I have even pinched myself severally to be sure. Who would have taught that after so many years I will regain my freedom hmmm!

Madam, thanks to my boss and Princess Ayanna this was possible just relax from now on you are the wife of the King's son and the mother to the crown Prince.

This here is the palace maid appointed by your husband for you for this journey you can ask her anything you want to know before we land also you can change your maids and choose the ones you like in the palace.

This woman is your hairstylist and the seamstress is still on the clothes but she will be out to greet you in a minute.

The Prince asked that you are properly looking at the picture before you step off this aircraft as the Iya Oba in waiting that you are.

Thank you Segun, I hope I am able to meet everyone's expectations.

Turning to the beautiful ladies standing in front of her that is to be her personal maid and hairstylist, Elenna asked her; young ladies what are your names?

My lady, am called Efemena, but Efe for short ma, and she made a little bow.

Then too, the hairstylist said my lady my own name is Grace.

The woman that has been designing the beads on an exquisitely beautiful material made of lace pattern also stood up and bowed, saying my name is Mrs. Iyamu and I will be taking care of your dresses madam.

Elenna returned the bow and said, Mrs. Iyamu, Efe and Grace I hope to enjoy working with you all, please tell me what am i to do first?

My lady why don't you freshen up while we serve your food, Efe responded.

Elenna agreed and stood up I will do just that and moved to leave.

Madam, there is a change of clothes in the wardrobe there.

Okay, but please I would like to eat the food, my daughter sent it's in that flask, she pointed it to them and then left to freshen up and change.

***Iya Oba means = mother of the King.

Iya means = mother while Oba means King.