Hold on! Prince Martinz suddenly called out.

Yes, father?

This your date is it with the one that your mother has been telling me about?

Yes, Dad, we will soon come home to see you.

Okay then enjoy your date. The call was dropped.

Ayanna pushed the missing man's matter out of her mind, for now, to prepare herself for her date with the Prince.

For some reason, she was greatly excited to go on a date with the Prince for it has been a while with her being immersed in sending her mother back to her father in country N. Now she has all the time to concentrate on her relationship with the Prince amongst other things. She kind of missed their alone time, she remembered that the first time he kissed her was at his mansion under the fireworks.

She called in Hillary to inform her to get ready as her shadow guard, she was going out on a date with the Prince and Hillary nodded and went to her room to go get ready.

Soon Ijey came in from work to find out what Ayanna needed her for and was thrilled when her eyes landed on the beautiful apparel and other enchanting accessories laying on the bed.

My God Ayanna, are you going on a pageant or something? look at this attire? It's so stunning! and this must have cost a fortune.

The Prince sent them to me, we are going out on a date and I was going to meet some of his friends tonight for dinner Ayanna explained like it's natural for him to do this.

Go and wash and freshen up already let's get you ready, when is he coming to pick you up? Ijey asked.

He said he will come to pick me up by 7 p.m.

You don't have much time and we don't want to rush your make up hurry it's already 6 p.m. Ijey practically pushed Ayanna into the restroom then she started bringing out the pin and combs she was going to use in styling Ayanna's hair.

Ayanna came out and got prepared, then Ijey urged her to have a sit while she placed a towel on her shoulders, and proceeded to weave her thick hair into beautiful side park it was really beautiful seeing as it greatly accentuated her face.

The pins held firmly in place then the diamond hair broach was stylishly placed in the hair reflecting off the lights each time she moved.

Finally, the finishing touches were done by wearing the earrings, bracelets and her shoes, picking up a white clutch bag she placed her phone in and a few minutes to seven she was ready.

The doorbell rang and it was the Prince in white trousers and a blue shirt he looked very breathtakingly handsome.

After saying hi to everyone, he turned to Ayanna and said, shall we?

Ayanna nodded, so he lifted his arms for which she slipped her hand in and they left.

The man smelled nice and she breathed in his scent and unconsciously pressed herself closer to him. The Prince's heart race increased and galloped away does this woman not know the effect she had on him like this?

Ayanna heard his heartbeat beating steadily and it sounded comforting to her ears like a beautiful blues, she couldn't see his well chiseled face for it was dark now and the wind was a little cold once in the car the Prince turned to ask her if they should turn up the heater or let it as it was but their eyes clashed.

They kissed, yes the prince who has been distracted by her lips just wanted to place a light kiss on her lips but like as if she has been waiting she raised her hands and cupped the back of his head and drew him in, he groaned as he intensified the kiss, they kept pressing into each other soon there was no space left so much so that even a paper can't pass through them.

The need for oxygen finally caused them to break apart. Their fast breathing soon brought them back to earth.

She raised her hands and wiped off the lipstick on his mouth and he smiled at her.

We have to go, any more delay we won't make it to the gets together and we will be extremely late we don't want that do we?

Ayanna nodded her head and turned to fix her make up.

The prince turned and drove into the night.

The Shining Star Resort was a place where he always met with his clique of friends, they have paid for a place there annually in advance, it was their special spot.

The Star Resort is a place patronized only by the very filthy rich because it's not only by being rich but you have to be outstanding and super rich to gain entrance, the paparazzi always hanged around to catch the breaking scoop and Star Resort always makes news even when they can't gain entrance just being outside the entrance is enough.

Today has yielded great results, they had seen Tycoon Qin Mo drive-in with another of his business colleague Kang they were impressive, seems like they had so met for earlier on the tallest woman in the fashion industry Miss Mendez had also arrived looking like the Queen of fashion that she was.

The Prince drove through the resort gates as the paparazzi followed with their zoom lenses and waited with bated breaths to see who steps out from the vehicle.

Ayanna waited for him to open the door for as he turned around the car to do just that the cameras saw him holding onto the hands of an exceptionally gorgeous woman as they snapped away the asked who knew her? is she a model or an actress? but no one could readily answer the question wow! she could give and model a run for their money.

Once both her legs dropped the ground, the Prince locked the car then raised his hand to push one of her fringes off her eyes and to the back of her ears causing her to blush and look down.

Linking their hands together he proceeded to lead her inside the resort for their get together.

Kang Jun was into information management and he was the CEO of Swift media house, he became friends with Prince Ade Ade during his early day in country B, they met through Qin Mo and have stayed friends since then.

They were waiting for Prince Ade Ade he had called them that he had a surprise for all of them and they should meet for dinner at the Shining Star Resort.

Qin do you perhaps, know the news Prince has for us? he asked.

I have not the slightest idea, Qin Mo answered.

I guess we have to wait for it, you know it's rare for him to be like this Qin Mo explained.