While Ayanna and Karti were out they had ordered some food and drinks and the table was filled will all kinds of treats so the ladies joined in and had some fun.

The night was getting late before they all left there.

Did I tell you how beautiful you are today? Prince Ade Ade asked. He was standing so close to her and he could see her beautiful brown eyes.

I know I would remember a compliment like that from you my Prince, Ayanna answered showing a little smirk.

You must have stunned me dumb and deaf accordingly, you are so beautiful my love you stole my breath away, I will make more of these outfits for you, my queen is so beautiful that I have a feeling people will travel far and near to get a glimpse of your beauty, Prince Ade Ade praised.

Thank you, my Prince, Ayanna replied a blush creeping up her neck and cheek.

They were presently standing in Ayanna's room since their arrival from the resort they have been chits chatting about this and that and it was obvious the Prince was dragging his feet to be on his way home and Ayanna didn't want to shoo him off either, so they both stood there and talked and enjoyed the silent chemistry around them.

Prince Ade Ade knew that he had to leave but so he suddenly pulled her into his embrace and inhaled her scent which further steered his feelings up. Ayanna unconsciously snuggled more into the embrace and as the Prince stared at her he bent his head and claimed her lips in a hungry and fierce kiss.

They couldn't get enough of each other, and soon they were on the bed Prince Ade Ade sitting while Ayanna was straddling him their mouth was still fused together and none of them was thinking rationally anymore.

Prince Ade Ade's burning hands were finding it's way under her blouse and unclasped her bra hook then one fully, and firmly rounded breast was in his palm and it caused Ayanna to moan in pleasure. The moan seemed to activate the Prince's senses as he stopped and both panted as their breaths mixed together, he helped her to arrange her dress.

I will be leaving now, Prince Ade Ade said as he placed her on her feet and stood up, sleep well. Not waiting for her reply he turned away.

Then he left in fast paces. You see the little man down there was already acting and responding to the ancient dance, however, he couldn't just take the Princess he had to wait.

The fact that he was a Prince was the sole reason, he has always been taught to get a grip on his emotions and feelings for any man who was not able to successfully do this is most likely going to run into trouble. They are a people of customs and traditions and to ascend his father's throne he has to follow all the rules, it has been pretty much easy but for some reason, he is totally smitten with the Princess and it always took a lot of his will power and inner strength for him to stop himself from going all the way. He hopes though, that he has not offended the Princess by his behavior

Actually, the Princess was thankful to the Prince for his self control, left to her she didn't think she would have been able to make him stop for she badly wanted him to go all the way, she wanted to explore and experience all the unrestrained passion that was hitting her anytime she was with him.

Already her hair was messed up from their frenzied make out session. She had to force herself to get up from the bed and freshen up and start the assignment given to her by her father.

She then headed to the bathroom and by the time she came out she was in her teddy bear pajamas. The cold bath she just took has helped to calm the needy pull in her body and her mind was clear again.

She was fully alert so she taught she could just search for the person that her father wanted her to find for his friend, it would have been a walk in the park if she could get any of the personal belongings but it will cost more since she will depend solely on her telepathic inner eyes but luckily she has been cultivating none stop and has not been using any of it recently.

What she was about to do was a bit dangerous as it involves her poking around in a lot of places. This Edet Paul Edet does not know what he is playing with, the spirits that he made a deal with have no intention of sparing him and he is blindly dancing to their tune.

Hauwa! Ayanna called in the voice of her mind of which Hillary answered.

I need you in my room are you busy? Ayanna inquired.

Negative! am coming right away Hillary answered. (Note that Hauwa is Hillary native name).

Am here, boss! what assignment do you have for me tonight? Hillary asked.

Your assignment is to watch over me while I travel, father gave me a rather sensitive assignment and I have to be extra careful, once you sense something is off, make sure you put on you connecting bead and find me, understand?

Yes, I understand.

I really hope this won't take too long, anyway once am out for more than two and the half hours start sending me the sign so I will know and return.

Ok boss! Hillary got ready.

Ayanna sat crossed leg on the floor as Hillary drew a seat and sat beside her, this job may look easy but it wasn't as she set her timer for two hours and waited, what this means was that as her boss traveled to unknown realms her job was to monitor to make sure her body condition was as sharp and comfortable as should be and if need be, step in and snatch her out if for some reason the Princess could not make it out.

Ayanna knew that she should not go searching from house to house what she needed to do was search for the spiritual energy of the foreign spirit that must have remote attachment to Edet Paul Edet.

She went to their home first then she started looking for the faintest signature then she will start tracing it.

She will follow the energy to see if she could find the couple. She looked keenly and sure enough, she found a vibrant energy thread and started following it she hoped to God that it's the correct one for the woman's sake, she followed it down, one thing was certain this energy is that of a deity not of human.