Once she finished greeting everyone they made her sit down.

Ijey brings the two dresses to let her choose one Mrs. Mixi Jun said.

Then two boxes we're carried forward and in the first box was a beautiful white dress, vee neck with diamond lining the vee on the neck, short sleeves, knees length with puff lace material just on the knees it was simply exquisite.

The second dress hand a long white dress with a long tail and it was off shoulders this will be paired with a diamond necklace.

Ayanna chooses the knees length dress at once she has always wanted to choose short a white dress for her wedding and the Prince she chose the perfect one for her.

There was a light murmur amongst the ladies as they starred at her choice.

What? what happened? why the murmur? Ayanna asked them.

Well, we were a bit shocked you know, Ijey piped up, your hubby had already told us that you would definitely prefer the short dress, however, we all argued with him that all females like the normal white and long wedding gown.

Yeah! right? Mixi Jun concurred.

You and your Prince Charming think alike ah! Ijey finished, but I won't lie the dress is stunning and it will fit perfectly on you.

Soon they dressed her up, her make up was done so was her hair by Rebecca and her expert group, as Ijey was her maid of honor she too wore a beautiful pink dress and everyone that wanted getting their make up done by Rebecca and her group.

Then Mrs. Ira Lutra asked if she was ready, she breathed in and nodded her head, so Mrs. Ira then went to inform the Prince that she was ready.

Great I will inform the Vicar that we are ready everyone has been waiting since her father isn't here to walk her down the aisle, she can just walk with the piano alone, everything will be captured quietly by the crew that Arjun arranged.

This occasion was strictly for families and friends, therefore, there were no paparazzi and those that usually snooped around the resort have been cleared away by his men.

He went to the altar and waited for his bride with his best man Qin Mo, looking dashing in his three pieces hand made a suit.

Ayanna was taken to the beginning of the aisle as the piano started the bridal March and she gracefully took one step at a time towards her dream man, her life partner, her Prince Charming there were tears of joy shimmering in her eyes but she held them from falling and ruining her beautiful makeover.

She got to her Prince and he mouthed "I love you"

She smiled up at him and the Vicar began their vows and exchange of rings, as they said their "I do's " nearly everyone was touched by the love radiating from the couple, the normally cold faced Prince had a mesmerizing smile on his face continually as he smiled down at his bride.

Then the vicar announced that he could kiss his bride.

They kissed!

Everyone clapped standing on their feet as the vows finished.

The couple came forward as they received hugs and congratulating kisses from their friends.

Then they gradually headed to the reception that was prepared, as Prince Ade Ade gave a questioning look to Arjun and he nodded.

Ken and Arjun have arranged everything to the last detail as was instructed by the Prince. A hall with several tables joined together to form a single table and chairs circling it.

The massive table was covered with a laced like white material and on it was several grilling turkeys, Mountain up the mountain of different assortment of foods and drinks.

The hall was beautifully decorated and a line of servers in apron stood to one side waiting for the guests to come in and take their seats.

As soon as everyone got to the hall there were sudden gasps from them, for the hall looked like something from an ancient king banquet, it was simply too eye-catching in a nice way.

When Ayanna saw it she turned to look at the Prince and back at the setting, he actually outdid her expectation and she simply loved it. She then turned to him and gave him a tight hug you did all this for me, now I understand why you asked me all those questions, my love, you gave me my fairy tale, it's beautiful.

Am happy you like it, my love.

I love it! she stated.

Let's go and take our seats, people must be very hungry by now, but there is enough food I hope.

The food here can feed more than a hundred people and we are not even up to that, where will you get the people that will finish this Mountain of food?

I am sure my men have enough appetites to finish this a server with pack their food for them since they are on duty, anyway the idea is for everyone to eat and still have more.

Soon, everyone was seated and a toast was proposed by Qin Mo for the newly married long life, and everyone raised their glasses, soon several other toasts followed.

Then Arjun motioned for the servers to start taking people's orders and serve them what they would like.

Ayanna whispered something in Prince Ade Ade's ears and he nodded, then she stood up and dragged Ijey away from CEO Shen Yi's side.

Mrs. Adeboye where are you dragging me to? Ijey asked.

To change from this beautiful white dress so I don't spoil it for I intend to dig into that sumptuous and grand delicacies laid out on that table.

Your Prince actually knows how to impress, the effect was massive but beautifully so, I love the concept it's from the ancient royal banquets and it's just wow! I loved it, Ijey announced.

I loved it too, Ayanna concurred. All the surprise he gave me today, is exactly the fairy tale I always wanted my wedding to be like, I love him.