Good! Mr. Mike said I like your spirit, pick your weapon we are going to the Factory road for a raid, we traced the buses and found out they were loading from there definitely have their headquarters somewhere there, using a factory as a cover.

I have spoken with the superintendent and the backup team is preparing too once we are positive of their exact location we will call them in.

Ayanna had a feeling that the whole thing might be rounding up within two days once the get the break they needed and she was hoping it would be the factory road they were about to head out to.

They soon set out once everyone had picked their gear. The van was locked up and Mr. Chen Zhu and Mr. Mike boarded one of the vehicles while Ayanna and Mr. Shuo joined Hillary in the other vehicle.

The journey to the factory road wasn't eventful so, they were able to get there on time then they had to find the proper place where the buses were hidden without drawing attention to themselves, by now they have already left the vehicles and was stealthily checking out each suspected hiding place.

Mr. Mike spoke into their mic informing them that the back up was close by awaiting their signals to move in. For the sake of their not making a huge mistake Ayanna and ghost, Li Feng had to use their abilities to check each building for any suspicious movement or any sign of the suspected buses.

There wasn't much activity on the factory road as most of the workers were inside their factory busy with work.

The phone on Mr. Li Ming that was seized when he was arrested kept ringing, the people he collected money from wanted to get information as usual but no one was picking up, they wondered what happened, usually they don't call the deputy Superintendent that was also in their payroll, however, since they couldn't reach Mr. Li Ming they had to start calling him, he too never picked up, so the men taught that it must be something official that held them up and decided to wait for them to call back but it was late afternoon already and they had a delivery to make so they became impatient and rang their lines again.

When no one picked up, a member of theirs was called to go check if there was something happening at the police division, when he got there he didn't see any strange activity everyone was going the way the usually did the ambiance was still the same, therefore, he turned and came back to give his colleagues the news.

It was not long that he returned that all seemed normal that Ayanna and her team got there.

Ghost Li Feng went in and came back to tell Ayanna that it was the place there were children, already loaded on to the bus and sacks and cartoons in another bus, but there were many armed men and factory workers that were also armed.

Ayanna radio Mr. Mike who was not too far from where they were and told him she has found the proper place and that they would be needing the backup to go in with them as even the factory workers we're also armed.

Mr. Mike radioed the back up to come they have located the place and so the went in and incapacitated the guards at the gate everyone took a team and went to different directions.

Soon there were several gun shots fired off, the suspects tried to run but found out that all their escape routes have been blocked off by the police, there were nowhere to run at all, they were surrounded on every side.

What? .... why are the police here?

Are you the one in charge of this place Mr. Mike asked the one who spoke up, he seems to be the manager of the factory.

You can say that.... why don't you hurry and leave this place does your boss know you are here?

What's your name again? Mr. Mike asked.

I am called Burntface you see, as he tilted his face sideways showing off a burnt scar at his lower jawline towards his neck.

Yeah! I get it, Mr. Mike answered turning around he said open the buses.

As the closes cops opened up the buses the girls were gone, they were not on the bus, even the sacks we're gone. There is nothing here boss! the cop called out.

Everyone was stunned, not there but they confirmed that they were there before they came in, where did they send them?

Who are you people looking for? can you tell me, hmm Burntface asked looking at them mockingly.

Ayanna walked to the bus and asked the cops to move away a bit then she pointed at the foot mats on the floor of the bus and pulled them out, there was a hatch with a lock on it. She then asked a cop to move the bus once it was moved away they say what looked like another floor hatch, you more like a hidden entrance.

She called one of the factory workers to come and pull the hatch open. The guy was shocked if she had done it herself without the code the guard down there would have shot at her.

The guy went to the hatch and knocked it three times each with a pause before the hatch was opened from inside and they could see the two guards and several children huddled in there. Seeing that the people peering at them was not their colleagues the guards raised their weapons and fired but were already shot down before they could fire and they fell causing the children to scream.

Once the pit was cleared paramedic and the police went in to get them out, while the whole of the suspects was rounded up loaded them for the station.

The children were of varying ages and some were already so sick and weak it was a sight for sorry eyes and paramedics called in more ambulances to help convey the sickly ones to the hospital while the others were sent to the division.

It was going to be a very busy night as interrogations needed to be done and shelters arranged for the children twenty six of them.