Hold those brothers for me while I will prepare and send the Prince home then we can decide what to do with the brothers together also get someone to pick your stubborn student up. Ayanna instructed.

Thank you, my Queen! The Head Seer beamed! She taught that went well, she has always prided herself of always being cautious no matter the urgency of any matter, It would have been a disaster, had it been she had gone straight to attack once she sensed the powerful aura.

The Queen of Queens had a signature and that was the "bead of Idia" and the head Seers' ability to recognize it on time stopped her from making a fatal flaw, attack the Queen of Queens prodigy? that will definitely draw her the antagonism of other factions and there was no guarantee even of her succeeding with her attack, luckily she instead went to divine the relationship of the Queen of Queens to the man called Adeboye.

In her divination, she was flabbergasted and shocked by the revelation she got, everything was made very clear to her and she immediately hated the guts of the brothers who almost landed them in trouble.

Princess Ayanna closed the portal on the mirror and went back to join Prince Ade Ade in the room.

It's everything fine? Prince Ade Ade asked.

Well yes! nothing to worry about, don't worry in the next three days should be home to prepare your people for our wedding.

I can't wait! Prince Ade Ade said out loud and he looked at Ayanna with a certain gentleness all the coldness he usually portrayed all gone.

He understood her so well that he knew that when she had excused herself a moment ago he knew she went off to take care of some spiritual matter or speak to some spirit or something similar, she probably didn't want to scare the people around like the blackguards who were on guard.

These guys were already scared of their boss's wife and Princess Ayanna knew it, it won't be good to scare them more than they already were.


The Head Seer came out, looking a little flustered, and elder Ogogo noticed it.

Head Seer is everything alright? he asked.

The Head Seer said nothing as she approached her seat and then sat down.

Elder Ogogo who was wearing a worried expression starred at her.

Those men that brought this kill order where are they presently? The Head Seer asked.

They are still at the waiting room to get what payment they shall be making, I left student Ifajimi to take care of them, what amount will we be charging them? elder Ogogo inquired.

Arrest them! The Head Seer suddenly declared.

"...." Ar.... arrest th... them? Elder Ogogo was shocked, where was this coming? what was happening, he taught to himself?

Yes, get some of our men to do that immediately they almost got us into massive trouble. Go and do it now! The Head Seer said very seriously.

Elder Ogogo stood up nodded and disappeared from the spot, with the precision of an elder he got a couple of their strong students headed to the waiting room where Olure and Ogbon were been entertained and asked them to follow the disciples.

When they wanted to know where they were headed they got no reply whatsoever.

Something began to gnaw at the pit of Ogbon's stomach, he had a bad feeling that was confirmed once he saw the bars to the cell.

What is the meaning of these? he asked.

That is where you and your brother will be staying until all these are cleared up, that is the orders of our Head Seer.

Ha! Olure exclaimed I think they found out the identity of the Prince.

This is bad, let's think of how to get out of here as soon as possible Ogbon said.

Make sure they do not escape, Elder Ogogo told the dungeon security, no matter what they do or say they must remain locked up until the Head Seer says otherwise.

This was not the first time that a potential client was being locked up, therefore, the disciples were not overly surprised by what was happening, most times when clients come in with false information this is what happens to them depending on the level of their crimes it could end or get worse for them.

Elder Ogogo went back to the Peak and was led back into the palace, right in the meeting room the Head Seer was still seated on her seat but now, however, some of the elite Seers and most of the Elders were also present.

This is serious he taught to himself, almost anyone who was something in the Abija clan was present in this Oju Agbara palace.

He went to his seat and sat down, as he turned to the Head Seer and said, I have done as you have said Head Seer.

The Head Seer nodded in acknowledgment.

There was an expectant expression on everyone's presents face, none of them knew what has transpired that made them be summoned to the Oju Agbara Palace at all.

When they looked over at elder Ogogo, he too was looking blank it was obvious he knew nothing about these too and even if he knew he was still not clear about the details.

The Head Seer cleared her throat, and in the entire hall if a pin dropped the sound would have been heard. We are all aware that in our line of work we have different factions, and in every territory there are those who hold sway there.

We have so many great men and women, who have toured the path of power and righteousness and our foundation is founded on one of such people. May Eledumare be praised! for our great! great founding father Oduduwa himself.

May Eledumare be praised!! they all chorused.

We know of our own history and we are proud of it, shortly I will tell you the story of a powerful personality that existed in the past too but from another kingdom, known for her strength, benevolence, and ability.

Before I go on, however, does anyone know of the present king of Ife?

I mean that does anyone know the happenings in the palace of the present king of Ife? if anyone knows, let them speak up for these questions answers is regarding and linked to what I have to say here today.