Hi, I'm over You

"Of course, she over you. We engaged after all." Chen Jun said it loudly and clearly because he wanted everyone to know about this. Of course, he knew that everyone would be shocked or angry. He was right, he saw Lang Yi and Arianne's face twisted.

"Anna, he's kidding right? How can you be engaged?"

Anna laughed bitterly "No, I'm

engaged with him and I'm happy about it."

Every single words that Anna said was like a knife stabbing Lang Yi. He knew he had messed up but Anna was always the forgiving type. Just looking at her, he could tell she had changed. He wouldn't give up on her. Lang Yi knew that Arianne wouldn't give up on him but seeing her look he could tell she was hell jealous.

"Anna, I know I messed up but our love can be destroyed like that right?"

Anna snapped "Love? You dare talk about love when you've been f*cking a wh*re for two years! That's not love or affection! You've never been in love with me, you've just loved the idea of a foolish girl that love you! He isn't like you, he care and love me in his own way. He make me feel happy and you couldn't! Admit the truth and let me go. You're better with Arianne."

Lang Yi clenched his fists "I don't care about Arianne. I only love you!" He grabbed Anna wrist but a look froze him.

"But she doesn't. You heard her clearly so don't climb on her because I won't let it happen."

After looking at him, Chen Jun's gaze fell on Arianne who was now on her knees. Anna was also looking at her and couldn't help but smile. She waved again her hand. "Both of you can get out now. I don't want a sl*t or a jerk in my apartment."

Arianne lifted her head. Everyone could see the hatred in her eyes. She rose her hand quickly but Chen Jun was faster than her and grabbed her wrists tightly and twisted it. Arianne let out a scream and fell on the ground. Lang Yi rushed to her.

"Anna, how could you do that?"

Anna sneered "You're the one to talk Lang Yi. Take your pitiful girlfriend to the hospital and never come back. Arianne don't you try to do anything to me or I'll make sure to pay you back twice."

These words made Arianne's face paled. She now knew that Anna was more dangerous that what she thought and she had now back up. No matter what she would try, now Anna will escape it or making Arianne the source of her trouble. She didn't even want to think about it so she only nodded and walked out followed by Lang Yi.

After making sure they left, Anna let herself fall on the bed. She was tired from all this drama and flight. She turned around to see Chen Jun also lying on the bed. Anna could see the tiredness on his face so she lifted the blanket on him. Carefully, she found a way in his arms letting the warm feeling spread in her body. She closed her eyes without seeing the smile of her loving fiancé.


When Anna woke up, Chen Jun was showering. He was always feeling more relaxed and cool after that. He knew he had to go to the company but he hand to go to the Civil Affair department for their marriage certificate.

"Jun, we should go take our marriage certificate."

Chen Jun kissed her forehead "Mmm, you're right. Do you want to go to the company after?"

Anna's eye twinkled as she nodded. She was excited to marry Chen Jun and to visit his company. Although, she hated gossip, she really wanted to support him no matter what.

Chen Jun smiled "Come on, even though I'm the boss I hate to be late"

Anna chuckled and took her coat. Although she didn't eat, she never felt so well since a long time. Both of them jumped in car a smile on their faces.


After filling up the papers, Anna and Chen Jun finally received their marriage certificates. Both of them look happy and when the receptionist saw this couple she couldn't stop thinking they made such a great match.

They got out within an hour and went to the company. Everybody was surprised to see the cold boss with a woman and many jealous women can be seen. Chen Jun ,happy with their reaction, was holding Anna's hand and had a charming smile, for the first time it wasn't his devil smile. Anna ignore the look and let herself be lead by Chen Jun in his company. Even though it was one of the biggest company in the country, it didn't have much employees.

They arrived to Chen Jun's office in a short time. The spacious room was well decorated and had two sofas. Chen Jun bureau was long and large. Perfectly clean and the papers were well organized on his desk.

"Anna, I gotta go to reunion so you can chill here"

Anna nodded and watched Chen Jun leave the room. After that, she went sit on his chair. She made the chair spin until she heard a knock. An elegant beautiful woman walking in. Her dress fit her curves but it was a bit to slutty.

Anna frowned "Can I help you Miss?"

The woman turned to Anna. Her features were simple and made her look really young. "I should be asking this question. What are you doing with my Chen Jun?"

Anna laughed "Your Chen Jun? May I ask who are you to him?"

The woman crossed her arms "I'm his personal assistant."

Anna could only laughed innerly. If only she knew that he was already married "I never knew that Jun had such poor taste in woman."

True, this was a personal attack so the woman let out a scream of anger "Who do you think you are to call him Jun?"

Anna lifted her shoulders "I don't know you tell me?"

The woman clenched her fists "You're a nobody and a sl*t who slept with the president for..."

The woman didn't finished her sentence as a cold aura fell on the office. A cold voice was heard

" Miss Sun, you have the guts to insult my wife."