A call

Su Mia called for the hundred times Chen Jun. For the first time this morning, he picked up.

"Chen Jun, darling! Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Su Mia froze when she heard a woman's voice. Well, Anna's voice.

"Hey, there! Hope you don't mind but I already borrowed Chen Jun. " Anna paused. "Borrowed is the wrong word, sorry."

"Who are you?"

"Umm, let me think. I'm someone really close to your fiancee. Well, fiancee is also a big word, I mean, he doesn't love you at all!"

"We are in love, you little sl*t. Don't try to steal my man. I'll tell my grandmother that you tried to make a move on my fiancee."

Anna laughed "How about you tell her that Su Anna says hello to her?"

"You know my grandmother?"

Chen Jun took the phone "Of course she does. Your grandmother likes her more than you. If you call me again, Su Mia, I'll make sure that your father's company will go bankrupt."

Su Mia laughed "What will be the point of doing that? What will you gain of doing that?"


Chen Jun then hung up and sighed. He grabbed Anna's chin and smiled evily "So, we like to answer someone's else phone?"

Anna crossed her hand and pouted "She woke me up. It's just a little revenge, I could..."

Anna couldn't talk anymore. Her lips were pressed against his. Her eyes were wide open but gradually closed them, enjoying the moment.

Chen Jun grabbed her by her waist and intensified his kiss. His hands went down which surprised Anna but lost in his love,she let him place his hand on her butt.

Their lovely moment was brutally interrupted by Chen Jun's ringtone. On the phone screen, the surname Bro could be read. Chen Jun sighed and picked up the phone.

"Bro Jun, I organized a meeting with the other bros. You gotta come, it's gonna be amesome."

Anna grabbed the phone "God, how old are you exactly?! We are not in high school anymore!"

"Sister-in law?!"

"No,this is Patrick." Anna sighed "He'll go, I can see joy in his eyes."

"Great, I actually hoped you could come too."

Chen Jun nodded "We'll go. I don't Ming Lucie following me every.." He brutally stopped when he felt Anna's gaze on him. He smiled and hung up.

Anna crossed her arms "Who's Ming Lucie?"

"No need to get jelly,Anna. She's Ming Huo's sister. "

"Well, I trust you. I guess she ran after like many girls." Anna remarked the look on his face. "No one will steal my man."


Anna and Chen Jun arrived hand to hand in the club. Anna was a bit nervous since she was going to meet Chen Jun's best friends, Ming Huo, Zhen Yu. Her brother-in -law would also be here.

The first thing that Anna saw was the beautiful girl who was probably Ming Lucie. She gulped and hugged Chen Jun's arm tightly. She saw the angry glare on her.

"Sister, you really came. I'm so happy to see you. Thank you to bring Chen Jun, I believe that without you he wouldn't have come."

Ming Lucie clenched her fist discreetly. Since she knew Chen Jun, his younger brother never called her 'sister'.

"So, you're who anyway?"

Zhen Yu laughed quietly. He saw that Ming Lucie was trying to humiliate but he believed it wasn't gonna be easy. He had felt an imposing aura coming from this girl.

Anna smiled sweetly "I"m Su Anna, nice to meet you all."

Ming Huo shook her hand "Wow, we have the CEO of the Moonlight Company with us. It's an honor for us."

Ming Lucie scoffed "You slept with the old Ceo to get this position right? What wouldn't you do to get this position."

Chen Jun raised an eyebrow "What make you think that Ming Lucie? Do you have any proof?"

Anna didn't want to get in a fight tonight. She didn't have the energy to do so. "It's okay. No,Miss Ming, I didn't sleep with anyone to get this position. Just please next time, don't say anything of the sort."

Ming Huo and Zhen Yu were impressed by Anna. Any normal girl would be offended by her comment but Anna was calm.

"Who do you think you are? I'm Chen Jun's childhood sweetheart. We grew up together and we love each other."

Ming Huo choked with his drink. He knew perfectly that Chen Jun was just annoyed by her sister.

Anna sighed "Why every girls claim that my husband love them because they assume that they are special?"

This time, it was Zhen Yu and Ming Huo that choked. Chen Jun was actually married.

"Chen Jun aren't you already engaged?"

Ming Lucie took this opportunity to humiliate Anna "What a sl*t! You seduced a engaged man. Aren't you ashemed?"

"No, for the only reason, that we decided to marry when he wasn't engaged. So please, take that back."

Ming Huo sighed. He knew that his sister would only insult more than she did.

"I won't apologize to an arrogant b*tch that seduce an engaged man and a man who's loved."

Anna turned to Ming Huo. "May I slap your sister?"

The boy nodded with a wide smile. He never wanted his sister to come. She was always annoying everyone.  

With the approval of Ming Huo,Anna slapped hard Ming Lucie who looked terrible.