
Anna left the hotel, exhausted from her day. She never liked to fight with people and since she married Chen Jun, she couldn't even count on her hands the number of rivals, she had. The man wasn't wrong, every woman would love to be at her place.

She lyed on the bed only hearing th sound of the water coming from the shower. She sighed and look blankly to the ceiling.

Soon, Chen Jun got out the shower only wearing a towel. Anna blushed, looking at his exposed chest. On his white skin was six abs . Even though Anna has seen more than his chest, she always blushed when she see him shirtless. She hid her face in her hands.

"Why are you so handsome?"

Chen Jun lyed on the bed. He smiled and passed his hand in his hair. "Because the beauty like me better than you."

Anna let out a gasp and hit Chen Jun with the pillow "Are you saying that I am ugly?! Let me remind you that I am your wife."

Chen Jun laughed and grabbed the pillow but he receive a pillow right in the face. He grabbed it and found his wife laughing.

Anna stopped laughing when she received a pillow on the back of her head. She turned and glared at him. She didn't hit him back, she just lyed besides him.

"Tomorrow is my first day as a Ceo. We might close the deal with you."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Please, don't go easy on me because I'm your wife. I want to achieve it myself."

Chen Jun caressed her hair and kissed her forehead "Okay,you got this. Please be careful around those old businessmen, they don't like new perception."

Anna nodded and hugged his waist. She leaned her head on her back. She quickly fell asleep, cuddling her lovely husband.


Anna woke up smelling fhe good scent of bacon. She quickly showered and dressed then joined Chen Jun who was cooking.

"You're not only handsome but you are also a great cook."

Chen Jun smiled "I made you fall for me with food. Nothing exceptional."

"True but I love your cooking. It reminds my mother's one. She always cooked everything at perfection."

Chen Jun nodded and served her eggs and bacon. The couple ate in silent unknowing what to say.

Chen Jun kissed Anna on the cheek "I hired a driver for you, he'll be here at 7 okay?"

Anna nodded and started to clean the table. She quickly did the dishes and waited for the driver. By the time he arrived, Chen Jun was gone.

"Hi, Miss Chen. I'm Heng Juan, your driver."

Anna waved at him "No need for formalities. Just call me Anna that'll be fine."

Heng Juan nodded and started to drive in direction of the Moonlight Company. Soon, Anna arrived at the company, she thanked Heng Juan and entered the company.

There the people greeted Anna like they greeted the old CEO. At the reception was waiting, Feng Sheng fuming. When he saw her, he walked angrily towards her. He was about to say something harsh to her when Anna made a 'shoo shoo' sign.

Yet, Feng Sheng didn't leave. He stood there right in front of her, glaring at her with anger.

"God, can you just leave? I don't want to have more trouble than I do."

Feng Sheng sneered. "Having trouble going up?"

"No, having trouble ignoring annoying people like you. I made my self clear, leave!"

"You can't fire me, you just can't. You'll gi bankrupt in a week."

"And you're gonna be homeless in a week. Now before I lose all my patient, leave this freaking building."

Feng Shen left under the moking loiks of the employees. To them, Anna may be young be she sure knows hoe to deal with arrogant people like him.