Style and threats

Ming Huo just couldn't picture Anna nice or mercyful. He had met her one time, but it was enough for him to make his opinion about her. Yet, he remembered that Anna was actually worried about his sister when she was completly drunk.

" Come to think of it, she's actually kind hearted. She was worried about Lucie before she left with that man. Oh and by the way, Ming Lucie is coming, I don't think she will go close to you since the incident."

Chen Jun nodded. "The only plan for tonight is me going with Su Mia which a total toture. I just can't stand her, she's more annoying than your sister. Just make sure that Ming Lucie isn't gonna ruin it. I don't want Anna to be hurt in any case."

"That's understandable. I saw Anna once but that was enough to tell me that she wasn't the dress type. I know you don't her to be hurt but a beautiful dress wouldn't kill her."

Chen Jun laughed quietly. " Did you know that you sounded like a personal fashion designer? Don't worry she'll arange herself with Marianne. I gave her her number."

"That crazy french chick! God, she might be good but her mental heathl is bad."

Chen Jun sighed. "You really dislike everyone just by looking at them. I wonder why you didn't hate me."

Ming Huo shrugged. "Well, how can I iceberg hurt me anyway?"

"I can kill you in a blink and no one will know. We both know that you are vulnerable against me."

Ming Huo shivered. Chen Jun could really do that and that's what scared Ming Huo the most. But Chen Jun wouldn't hurt his loyal friend.


Anna went to the adress send by the unknown number. Chen Jun had told her that it was a fashion stylist's number. Yet, she didn't execpt him to have the number of the most reputed stylist.

She took a deep breath before entering the building. She looked quickly around nervously. Anna reconized the famous face of Marianne, she wasn't what she expected. She was only wearing a jean with a sweater.

"You must be Chen Anna!"

Anna laughed nervously. "Um, Su Anna. I may be married to Chen Jun but I don't have his last name."

Marianne grabbed her shoulders and looked straight in her eyes. "I didn't execpt you to deny this. You are interesting, no wonder Chenny married you."

Anna raised an eyebrows. "You call him Chenny? I bet he doesn't like that."

"He dislike everything anyway. He told be to give you a dress for you to look fabulous! I never execpted you to be like that."

"How did you see me?"

Marianne pointed Anna's breasts. "I expected bigger than that. If we look just at your face, we can qualified you as pretty."

"I don't know if it was a compliment. But if it was you're really not a sweet talker."

"It wasn't a compliment but anyway, we got a dress to chose. Any ideas?"

Anna stayed quiet. She had ni stupid idea what she was gonna wear. "Something simple, please?"

"Simple?! I don't do simple, girl." She turned back amd snapped her fingers dramatically. "I do fabulous. Style is all matter on a big party."

"Then do it black. Extravagant, I don't care but please a black gown."

Marianne looked straight in her eyes. "I like you. You have a scence of style unique, black like your childhood."

Su Anna grabbed her by her wrists, she had a dark gaze. "Tell one person about this and I'll make sure to rip your head off. Better watch your tongue or this will be the last time you see sunlight. Girl."

For the first time in her life, Marianne had never feared and admire someone so much. Anna was the perfect image of a strong woman. Ready to do anything to be alive and be happy.