The Dead Mother

The Xia Family was once reputed for their amazing relationships with each other. Their company was like heaven until Xia Kim gave birth to two twin sisters. They looked completely different but the two sisters loved each other. Of course,that's in the perfect past because nothing ever last forever.

Everyone knew that one was ruthless and the other one so calm that it was scary. The ruthlessness of one used to be loved by others and the calm sister only worried her parents. She didn't mean it, she just wanted the best for her sister. So, she gradually became lonely and soon like a ghost in the family.

This little girl loved her sister so much that she was willing to change her name with hers during exams. She had great grades but gave them to her sister. Her sister was thankful to her but never really showed it.

Her teacher found it weird though.She always had the right answer during class but during exams it was like she never listen. The teacher questionned the girl but she just told him that it was because of the stress and nothing else.

Yet, the teacher didn't believe her. He called her parents and the truth was discovered. Her parents were horrified when they learned it. Her sister just started to hate her that day even though she took her side.

"Don't stop loving her please. It was my idea, just cherish and love her like before. Please."

She was sobbing but not her sister. Her sister actually had a smile on her face like if she was enjoying it. Even though, she took her side and mostly became even more a ghost, her sister wasn't satisfied.

Her sister asked her to do many things in her favor. She accepted it blindly and accomplished them with all her heart. She was awake mostly all of her nights doing projects.

She became skinny quickly since she barely ate anything. She gave her lunch to her sister at school and half of her supper. She always did it with a smile that was given back to her by her sister. But it wasn't the same smile though, one was coming from the heart and the other one was full of hatred.

When she turned 18, she made sure that her sister had the perfect birthday party and that her parents would be back from America. She wanted them to see how her sister was the best. She never thought of herself when she lived there.

When her parents came back they were proud of their daughter but wonder where was the second one. Her sister was pretty but grew rude through the year unlike her sister. Besides her skeletal body, she was nice to everybody but stayed most of the time quiet.

When they found her working her ass off and how skinny she was, they immediately turned to their healthy daughter.

"What happened to. her the three months we were gone?"

Her sister crossed her arms. "You never cared about me! You only see her as the perfect daughter,Meixi here and Meixi there."

Her parents couldn't believe their ears. Xia Yui was the child who had everything she ever wanted. Xia Meixi had what? Old Ripped clothes from her sister.

"Plus, she has a boyfriend and I like him. He doesn't suit you and should totally be mine."

For the first time in her life, Xia Meixi had rose the voice. "No, I won't give up Tang Jin like I gave up my childhood."

"Dare to respond, loser. Can't you see that I am more beautiful than you? I'll chase you out and you'll live a miserable life with no love."