Lied from the start

Tang Jin asked to have an meeting with Anna outside the Moonlight Company building. Fortunately, Anna accepted with pleasure knowing who he was. Well, not her father, but she knew that he had one of the biggest company in Korea.

Tang Jin put an normal outfit since he didn't want to scare her. This will be the first meeting with his new founded daughter. He looked at himself once last in the mirror before leaving his room.

When he was in the hall, he was brutally stopped by Xia Mi. She was holding him by the shoulders.

"You can't go meet her. You won't believe you in any case. Father, please, don't go see that useless girl."

Tang Jin pushed her hands away with a simple movement. "Watch your words, Xia Mi. Let me remind you that she is a Ceo. But what are you? A spoiled girl."

"I am intelligent. I graduated first in every single class. You can't say that I am dumb."

Tang Jin laughed. "You are dumb to think that I don't know that you paid the director to be the top student. And let me remind you that you almost killed your opponent."

Xia Mi's turned white as a ghost. Tang Jin's cold gaze made her shiver, there was one thing that Xia Mi was afraid of was his look. She can't take somebody's comment but she was scared whenever her father would talk to her.

"If you have nothing to say, I'll take my leave. You better watch out Xia Mi, you won't always be protected by your grandfather. As for your grandmother, you can put a red cross on her. She hate you enough like that, no need to search for her."

Tang Jin waved his hand as a goodbye to Xia Mi and took a cab. He had reserved a table in a little cafe.


Anna had told Chen Jun that she was meeting Tang Jin in the afternoon. She was on her way to the little cafe. Though, she found it weird that such a big company like Tang Jin's one would want to meet her. But she found it interesting.

When Anna entered the cafe, she found an middle-age man who was handsome. He seemed to remain handsome through the time. But what shocked her the most was the resemblance between Tang Jin and her.

Anna saw herself in that man. Not only her but her mother also. Somehow, this man seemed familiar as if she had saw him somewhere.

"Ms. Su, it's an honor to see you. You were impressive at the Charity Event."

Anna sat in front of him and smiled. "You're flattering me, Mr Tang. It's only payback nothing else."

Tang Jin took a sip of coffee. "You really are the total opposite of your mother. Not physically but you have character that she never had."

Anna froze. Her hands were shaking as she tried to remember her mother. "You knew my mother?"

Tang Jin laughed. " I didn't only knew her, Ms Su, I loved her. If she wasn't chase, I would have married her."

Anna hid her trembling hand under table. She wasn't able to calm down. "Chased? What do you mean by that?"

"I'll make it simple. Your mother had a twin sister that she loved more than anything. She was like a ghost in her family since she wanted her sister to be the star."

"Why would she do that?"

Tang Jin shrugged. "She was blinded by her love. We met in university, I fall in love in her and asked her out. She happily accepted and we live happily. But her sister also fell in love with me and threatened her. She chased her away when she was pregnant."

Anna dropped her coffee on the table. She was paled and terrified. Her whole body was shaking and now her hand were burned by the hot coffee.

"You are telling lies Mr Tang. My father is Su Yifan. He was horrible but he is still my father."

Tang Jin shook his head. He felt terribly bad, he shouldn't be the one telling this. He should have been the onee raising her, loving her.

Anna's ringtone bring him back to reality. Still shaking, she answered the phone call. "Jun, what's happening?"

The name Jun froze Tang Jin. Chen Jun?! How the hell were the two related?!

"What?! Are you sure?!" Anna turned to Tang Jin. "Thanks, honey... Love you!"

Anna sat down and hid her face in her hand. "Do you know what it's like to discover that your whole life id just a big lie?"

Tang Jin shook his head.

"Let me tell you that it doesn't feel well at all. It's like the whole world collasp under your feet and you fall into darkness."