What A Couple

Chen Jun came back to Anna's room after fifteen minutes of deep research for an acceptable meal. He found his wife quiet and an old man with his arm crossed staring at her. He entered the room and immediately Anna's face showed a smile. As if the sun came back in her life.

Chen Jun ignored Xia Yu and sat next to Anna. "How are you feeling? Fever anything?"

Anna shook her head. "Nah, everything is better when you are around, Jun." Anna turned to Xia Yu. "Mr Xia, this is, as you might know, my husband..."

Chen Jun stayed cold as an iceberg. It was because of people like him that is mother died. People that protect jealousy over love because Anna's mother and his mother died from the hand of jealousy. Not love...

Chen Jun sighed. "Look, Mr Xia, I really suggest you to go back to your hotel..."

Xia Yu raised one of his bushy eyebrow. "What are you trying to say, young man?"

Anna shook her head and sighed. "Don't play dumb, that was a polite way to say get your ass out of here because we can't stand your face."

An heavy silent fell in the room. Chen Jun never expected her to react that way especially in front of her grandfather. Then, Xia Yu took his cane and left the room. They could still hear his footsteps fading away.

Anna let out a sigh and laughed, her eyes closed. "That was really the worst first meeting with my grandfather... What a j..."

Chen Jun suddenly grabbed Anna by the chin and pressed his lips against hers. Anna let out a little smiled before putting her hands on his cheeks and put him closer. Anna smelled his familiar perfume that she enjoyed. That kiss last minutes and when the both separated, they were out of breath.

Chen Jun caressed Anna's hair gently and put his forehead against hers. "Su Anna, I don't care what we face in the future, you will always be mine..."

Anna kissed him once more. She had that desirw to have more, he was like drug, you can't get enough of him. Chen Jun felt the same for Anna. He loved how she looked at him with her green eyes full of honesty and love. She was perfect....


A young man sat down in his sofa and lit up a cigarette. He knew it was a bad habit but it was relaxing. He opened his phone and stared at the pictures of a woman. She had short brown hair and green eyes.

"Young Master, your father has set a date for you. He wanted to inform you that you need to get married soon."

The man shook his head. His black hair flipped and when he faced the butler, you could see his beautiful jawline.

"Tell him that I don't need that date. There's a woman a want and I'm sure that he won't disagree with my choice."

The butler was surprised. Never the Young Master had shown any interest to a woman. He once thought that his master was gay but it seemed that someone had reached his heart.

"That is great Young Master, but I am still afraid. Master is a difficult person and he has a specific taste for a potential wife for you."

The young man laughed. "He sure is difficult. He won't make a fuss if it's great for the company. A little project with the Moonlight Company won't harm us."

The butler was stunned. He sat on the chair in front of his master and took a sip of his bottle of water. " This company's shares are only increasing day to day. People can find anything to bring them down. Plus, they already have a deal with the Chen."

The young man smiled. "She's just amazing. She was able to bring hee company up with only a small fight with her family. She's just amazing..."

"Young Master, are you interested in Su Anna?"