The mother-in-law

While Chen Jun was with Ji Owen, Anna was walking in the silent hall. She was looking around just like a child discovering a secret room. She sighed and slowly went back to her room when she realized that she was alone on this floor. She wished to be discharged soon, the hospital was too boring.

Anna grabbed her phone and was about to call her husband when someone coughed near the door. Surprised, Anna turned around to see the mean face of Chen Anran. Anna had completely forgot about her since she had been so busy.

"Greetings Madam Chen. What honor do I have today?"

It may have sound polite but Anna said it in a sarcastic tone. She never had any respect towards her. Not after she learned the truth.

"You have changed my son. He used to love me but now.... now..."

Anna laughed as she heard Chen Anran's comment. "Madam Chen, you never had any son. You've never been pregnant in your life so how could you considerate yourself as a mother?"

"Chen Yu is my son. I gave birth to him!"

"Oh did you? Are you sure you didn't wait for Chen Jun's mother to gave birth and stole her baby? Because there was someone that clearly saw that scene."

Chen Anran's face was as paled as snow. She seemed devasted. In a whisper, she found the answer. "Chen Jun... He was there..."

Anna nodded and sat down. "Madam Chen, the truth will always come out even though you hid it. You should know what you did to get that title. But it won't be in your hand for long."

Chen Anran was petrified. She destroyed a life to get this title but like Anna said, it won't last long. Her darkest secret is going to be exposed and she will perish. That was her fate.


Meixi had already book a flight to China. She had someone to meet there. Let's say not a nice person. Xia Yui was going to see her dear sister again but this time Meixi was going to fight back. She was sitting on that blue and uncomfortable seat on a plane for now thirty minutes. She looked at the window and started to daze off.

All her memories came back in a flash. She saw all her miserable life pass under her own eyes. Meixi felt like a whole different person now.

She stayed awake during the whole flight. She couldn't close her eyes since there was a baby crying and freaking dog barking.

When she got out, she was so tired. She took her luggages and called a taxi. She could feel the looks on her, Meixi was maybe in her fifty but she looked younger. She still had her light brown hair and her lively green eyes that was given to her daughter.

"The Grandest Hotel, please."

The driver nodded and started to drive. Meixi was in deep thought,looking by the window. The buildings passed quickly under eyes. Meixi couldn't reconized China anymore which is pretty normal since she hasn't come here for twenty-one years.