Weird Lu Xia

Chen Jun left the meeting room with a smile on his face. Yet, it soon faded away when he saw Ji Owen's face. He didn't seemed heart broken or anything which surprised Chen Jun.

"Is she your mistress?"

Chen Jun hated that word. He cherished Anna so much that he will never qualified her as a mistress. "She's my wife."

That sentence was short but so powerful. Ji Owen smiled sadly. "You love to play with people, am I right?"

"No. You ask for my help to get my own wife, I can't just let you steal my love."

That's when Anna appeared behind her husband, wondering what was going on. She sighed and stood in front of Ji Owen.

"Now that you know the truth, I am really sorry." Anna was bowing and meant her words. "I will teach my husband a good lesson. Right Chen Jun?"

Chen Jun felt a little chill when Anna looked at him fiercely. Yet, his expressionless face didn't showed his small fear. He only lift his lips for his answer.

As Ji Owen opened his mouth to say something, Lu Xia bumped hard into him. It was on purpose because Anna had saw her running for her life half a second ago.

"Mr Ji, I am so sorry but I need to borrow Anna and Chen Jun from you."

Nobody knew what she had in her mind but Lu Xia was didn't seem to be relax. Anna knew when her best friend was nervous. She would always look everywhere as if she was searching for a thing.

"Okay." Anna grabbed Chen Jun by his arm and carried him away from Ji Owen. Him, he watched the couple dissapeared in the endless hallway.

After a couples of minutes, Chen Jun, Anna and Lu Xia were in Anna's office. Anna was out of breath and looked at her friend with confusion.

"What the hell is going on?"

Lu Xia didn't respond. She only grabbed Anna computer and made a hand sign in order to tell Anna and Chen Jun to follow her. Both of them didn't say anything and followed her. They walked quickly like if they were late or if something was super urgent.

They didn't even took the elevator. They were running in the hall and they better not miss a step or their heads were the price. Anna didn't know what was going on but she knew that Lu Xia knew what she Whatsapp doing.

Arrived at the entrance, Lu Xia dragged them in her car. Chen Jun and Anna were in the back seat still troubled by Lu Xia's weird actions. They were propulsed backward when Lu Xia started to drive really fast. She was far beyond the speed limit which scared Anna.

"Lu Xia, tell me what the f**k is going on?"

"I got a call from my mother."

Chen Jun and Anna couldn't believe their ears. What the hell does that have to do with both of them?

"How are we related to that?" Even though Chen Jun wanted to sound nice, his voice was as could as the Antarctic.

"It concerned both of your mothers. So, yes, it concern you more than me."