The Hidden Company

"How did they meet?"

"Well, it was twenty years ago at a charity event. Your mother's story are pretty similar so they quickly became friends. They were both at state of their marriage where they knew it would end soon."

Anna frowned while she listen. "But there was no love in my mother's marriage, how did... how could it possibly affect her?"

It wasn't Lu Wenya who answered the question. Chen Jun knew the answer. "I guess, she needed Su Yifan protection. I am sure, she somehow knew that it would end that way."

"That make sense... Couldn't you have told us before?"

Lu Wenya shrugged. "I could but I had orders... wait... more like requests. Your mothers didn't want you to have such a burden. You were both 6 when it was created. You are both genius but we cannot let kids rule a company."

Chen Jun nodded but still had so many questions. " Wait, who even are you to our mothers?"

" I am an old friend of Meixi. I met Yao two years after the company creation. They entrusted me their skills and secrets."

Anna smiled. It was great to know that her mother had someone that she could trust. Yet, her smile slowly faded away as she think how much work they had to bring this company up.

" Mrs. Lu, we could have help our mothers! Chen Jun is a genius and I am a quick worker, the job could have been half more easier."

Lu Wenya sighed. " After your mothers death, both of you were unreachable." She pointed Chen Jun. "Chen Jun, for many years, you refused to hear anything about her mother because you were still shocked. As for you, Anna, well..."

"I was kept hidden... I get it."

Lu Wenya stood up and went near a board. It was full of photos but mostly evidence. Proof that Chen Anran never was pregnant or that Xia Yue definitely bullied and mistreated Meixi.

Chen Jun crossed his arms and squirted his eyes. "Where did you get all of these? I don't believe that Chen Anran or Xia Yue just let some pictures on their desk."

Lu Wenya smirked. "You both suffered, and you seek a way to avenge your mothers. They were my best friends, and I been sitting on this chair for too long."

Anna shook her head. "If we decide to take action, we are declaring a war. We can't show up unprepared and throw pictures and reports in the sky."

Chen Jun stood up and crossed his arm. "And why not?"