The Piano Key (Do)

A lot of people have gathered around the Great Tree. The town center was buzzing with fairies going to and fro, making preparations and decorating because in less than a month they will be celebrating the Season of Talents. Every first SUN day of the year, the Kingdom of Forest Sound holds a celebration to honor the gifts given to every 'little bug' (children who turned five the previous year) by allowing them to perform and showcase their gifts on stage. This will also determine the career they will be taking when they grow into adult fairies. Fairies from other fairy kingdoms would also visit and gather to watch. Especially that Forest Sound is widely known for music talents.

Little bugs are still wingless until they turn twelve. The Season of Talents is celebrated on the first SUN day to make sure that every little bug have turned five from the previous year and that everyone of age gets to declare their gifts. There's not much preparation needed for little bugs since all they have to do is to declare the kind of gift they possess. But to some whose gift or gifts were discovered earlier, they may choose to perform. Some would even do so by groups.

Beyond the Great Tree was a little clearing surrounded by trees. The noise of fairies from the town center were reduced to the sounds of crickets and flies. Behind an apple tree, down by its roots, was a flat stone were a little bug was sitting. She was concentrating real hard on the open palm of her left hand. She was closing her eyes with brows knitted together and beads of sweat trickling down her forehead. She slowly opened her eyes.


She tried once more with her other hand, but to her disappointment nothing appeared as well.

She was panicking inside because only a week was left before the year ends. She has turned five three months ago, but the key to her gift didn't appear. She furrowed her brows and wiped her sweat with the back of her hand. For months, she has been trying to get the key to appear everyday from morning until afternoon, but still with no success. Her heart felt heavy with frustration and hopelessness as her eyes started to water. Another failed attempt. But she refused to give up and wiped her eyes. Instead of crying she bowed her head and put her hands together to pray to the GREAT FAIRY GOD to help her find the key. "Please, please, please, dear Fairy God... " she whispered under her breath.

Then she was startled when she heard a rustling sound and voices. She was suddenly alerted and fear crept over her. The voices grew louder and the bushes on her left side started moving. She froze on her spot.