Survivor's Corpse

For three days, Shen Cong met three "survivors", but it was the three mutants of digger, wolf, and fang, and the living creatures that seem to have survived have changed.

    Shen Cong can only change the world with the "activity" brought by the meteor shower, explaining all this.

    Including himself, he has been changed by activity.

    "Is this the doomsday world or the new world?"Shen Cong can't help but ask.

    No one answered him, he could only adapt slowly.

    The fangs can open the head of the big tooth, giving Shen Cong a lot of inspiration. He found that the use of activity is far more than the three functions of extension, alloy and replacement that he had previously speculated.

    Take the fangs dagger, this is a relatively hard accessory when it is not injected with active guidance, but once injected, it will produce a qualitative change immediately. Shen Cong tried to inject the activity into it and cut off a normal tool directly.

    This ability was named by Shen Cong as the fourth ability to sharpen and activate.

    Shen Cong also found that only the pair of cavities can permeate the activity of the cavities. It seems that this pair of cavities is the essence of the activity of the wolf, or the core.

    The larvae of the digger and the large incisors of the fangs are also the active core of them.

    "So where is the active core of the King Kong?"

    Shen Cong meditation, using the willpower to guide the activity of King Kong, trying to find the most active place, but found it, did not find such a place.

    "Where is it wrong? Isn't the non-living body without an active core?"

    Thinking of this, Shen Cong returned his willpower to himself, and he was also strengthened by his activity. According to the truth, it is also a case of variation. If other mutants have an active core, they may also have it. However, Shen Cong shook his head again after ten minutes.

    He also did not find himself having an active core.

    "Is my inference wrong?"

    There is not enough information, and in the end, the inference can only be put down temporarily.

    Because the arm was going to be injured, Shen Cong did not leave Carrefour supermarket in the next few days. He welded a mousetrap with one hand, and then put on the ground worm, and quietly placed it in the Carrefour supermarket. Prepare to put the big rat in the supermarket, if there is a big tooth mouse.

    As for why the meat of the digger is used as a bait, because of the meat quality of the three variants of the wolf, the big tooth, and the digger, the active content is high to low, and the taste is also high.

    Therefore, Shen Cong does not eat junk food such as worms.

    Used to seduce the big rat.

    However, the seduce process was not smooth, and on the first day, there was no movement.

    There was still no movement the next day.

    On the third day, Shen Cong cooked the ground worm meat and placed it on the mousetrap. There was still no movement. In addition, Shen Cong once again took a batch of drinks and tobacco and alcohol, still did not encounter the big tooth rat, it seems that there is really only one variation.

    But on the fourth day, the mousetrap had a movement.

    The ground worm has disappeared, and the mousetrap has disappeared by half. It seems to be something that bites off the thick steel bars of the mousetrap, and there are obvious scratches on the broken parts.

    This discovery shocked Shen Cong with a cold sweat.

    He thought that steel was the most direct barrier against monsters, but at this moment it was suddenly discovered that there was a certain creature, even the steel was broken.

    The King Kong's greatest confidence in Shen Cong is the thick steel plate armor.

    It is terrible.

    Shen Cong dropped half of the mousetrap and returned directly to the King Kong. He then proceeded without hesitation and headed for the waterworks.



    It is difficult to link a pile of stoning stones to the original waterworks. There was a reservoir next to the waterworks. I dare not say that the waves are magnificent, but also light smoke. Today, only the rock and sand are in the target, and the factory is not seen.

    "It's almost like this place, dig a digging and look for the location of the warehouse."

    The mineral water that came out of Carrefour was too little. It was estimated that it was not the weight of two barrels of water, and a small bottle and a small bottle also occupied the place.

    The bulldozer worked hard to shovel a layer of yellow sand and rock on the surface, but it also cost a lot of diesel, which made Shen Cong very distressed. Diesel is a bit less, and in the absence of finding new energy sources, this is a strategic resource that is more precious than gold.

    "After replenishing the water resources, I will go to the provincial city to see if I can find a gas station. If I can keep some diesel or gasoline, the King Kong can continue to move forward. If I can't find it, I can only enjoy the sun and slowly wander. ."

    The cleaning work lasted for an hour and a half.

    Finally found the entrance to the underground warehouse.

    After clearing the entrance to a passage that can be passed, Shen Cong did not go in again, and the Carrefour supermarket had left him a shadow.

    So Shen Cong took out his own high-tech equipment – a remote-controlled toy car with a camera installed.

    The toy car rushed into the underground warehouse, and the camera screen began to be transmitted. The warehouse was a bit large and divided into one compartment. The toy car found nothing in the first compartment, only some gravel and a piece of black lacquer.

    Going to the second compartment, there was a door closed, and the remote control car was blocked from the outside.

    Shen Cong can only drive the remote control car back, and then prepare to go down in person. Ordinary stab-resistant clothing has not played much defense, in order to increase the sense of security, he is ready to give himself a set of armor – active armor.

    This inspiration was also inspired by the skull of the tooth.

    Since the tooth decay dagger can infuse activity, it is reasonable to say that it is possible to create an active armor with an active core such as cavities. At present, subject to conditions, there are not as many active cores that can be used, so Shen Cong thinks of the King Kong, and the King Kong is active overall.

    With active steel plate armor, the protective force is greatly improved compared to the simple steel plate.

    Then can you use the active steel plate of King Kong to create an active armor?

    Although the component will soon lose its activity once it has been cut from the diamond, but for half an hour during this period, the activity will not disappear for the time being. Shen Cong can use this inactive process to create an active armor that is only enough for half an hour.

    When the half-hour period expires, the armor loses its activity.

    You can hand over the armor to the King Kong to use the alloy ability to assimilate, then infuse the activity, then use it, then cut the connection, and you can have half an hour of active armor time.

    Genius idea!

    Shen Cong can't help but be proud.

    In the production of active armor, he is whimsical. If the active core is embedded in the active armor, and guided by his own activity, can it improve the duration of the armor activity?

    At present, Shen Cong has the teeth of fourteen wolves, the chewing limbs of a pair of worms, and the large incisors of a pair of big teeth.

    Enough to verify his thoughts.

    As a folk master of the DIY ability burst table, Shen Cong wants to make a battle armor very simple, and he is now as strong as a cow, and does not need to take into account the weight of the armor, and can afford it.


    Two days later, a pair of rough, Optimus Prime 1.0 active armor, which was assembled from a piece of steel plate and inlaid with two fangs, was born.

    It looks ugly, even more ugly than the most primitive Iron Man suit.

    But Shen Cong wears on himself and feels safe.

    Even if you encounter a monster that can break the steel bar, you can't beat it, at least there is the ability to escape.

    Interestingly, the activity of the armor seems to have a wonderful reaction with the caries, and the organic combination makes Shen Cong feel that the loss of armor activity is greatly slowed down. Active armor, which is expected to be used for half an hour, can be used for at least three hours at this rate of loss.

    Dangdang, Dangdang.

    Shen Cong wore an active armor and held a high imitation six that was assimilated by the activity.Four pistols, two fangs and daggers at the waist, and a handcuffs hanging behind them, armed with teeth to the warehouse.

    The warehouse is empty, only Shen Cong's own footsteps.

    The thermal imaging camera in the left eye area did not scan any objects with high thermal energy.

    Shen Cong first came to the first compartment. Before the toy car found a piece of black spot, Shen Cong was very curious. When he walked in, he discovered that the black lacquered black spot was like blood. trace.


    This discovery made Shen Cong suddenly nervous, but Shen Cong could not tell, this is the blood of two months ago, or the blood after the end.

    Only be more careful.

    Push the door of the second compartment apart.

    The door opened, and suddenly a smell of rancid smell came out. I saw the warehouse where the bottled water was supposed to be stored. There were dozens of human bodies and a few unknown monsters. wreckage.


    Shen Cong had never seen such a disgusting scene with his own eyes, and almost vomited.

    After vomiting for a while, I felt much better. He accepted it all sensibly and did not leave. Although the dead body is disgusting but safe, Shen Cong instinctively does not fear the body.

    What else can be more harmless than the dead…Of course, the zombie world is another.

    "This seems to be caused by survivors and monsters. Look at this degree of decay, at least for a month, is it happening before the storm stops?"

    After observing the body for a while, Shen Cong turned his nose and left, and proceeded to the third compartment.

    Sure enough, in the third compartment, the traces of survivors' lives, the residue of some food, and the living utensils such as bedding and commode were found. Because of the water, avoiding the underground warehouse, these survivors were able to survive the storm, but it was a pity that they encountered a mutant monster.

    "So, in big cities, or military quarters, there will be many survivors!"Shen Cong thinks.

    There are many basements in big cities, many supermarkets are in the basement, and there are plenty of materials, as well as some air-raid shelters, which can avoid the end of the storm. The military area will naturally have such a refuge. Shen Cong hides in the King Kong and survives. It is conceivable that people who hide in the ground can survive without squandering.

    The Survivor

    In the eyes, a slight dignity flashed. Shen Cong walked silently through the third compartment and went to the fourth compartment. This compartment was filled with bottled water. Shen Cong was ready to transport it back to ten barrels and then two barrels. Take a shower. For nearly two months, he just wiped his body with a wet towel and didn't take a shower at all.

    However, in the shower, Shen Cong's mood is very complicated, and his thoughts are very messy, because he does not know how to deal with survivors.

    It's always impossible to wander around the world for a lifetime, but I don't like to be in contact with others until the end of the day…Or the survivors and the mutant monsters, the weight in Shen Cong's eyes is not much different, at most there is an option to "can exchange materials"…People's heart is the most unpredictable, getting along with others is more fearful than getting along with monsters.

    In novels and movies, this kind of "human beings" is endless.

    As a persecuted delusional patient, always a person against the world, Shen Cong only believes in himself!